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David George reduction in sanction

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If that was the case, then we can expect some more busts?

And some interesting implications....If this makes the sport cleaner and it harder for others to dope or as a major deterrent for future doping then all is well. How will we ever know?


If I was one particular athlete that has recently dealt with SAIDS, I would be fairly upset with what seems to be varying standards. (Not a defense)


SAIDS seems to work in a very cloak and dagger way and is not accountable to any higher body.

I agree 100% with you.
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Ooi I went go read.. Powell and Gay are back competing again. So all means f-ll in any case


Its really f'ct up that cycling is always on the radar re doping. 


USADA, what a joke. giving those other chaps 6months, all telling the same story, thats BS.

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How about just let everyone DOPE AND THATS THAT. Would be quite fun to see who the Dopers actually are. Atleast it wont be a surprise. Get the Doping companies to sponsor events and teams. (FLAME SUIT ON) :nuke:  :eek:

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How about just let everyone DOPE AND THATS THAT. Would be quite fun to see who the Dopers actually are. Atleast it wont be a surprise. Get the Doping companies to sponsor events and teams. (FLAME SUIT ON) :nuke:  :eek:



yep, then only the dead ones will be "caught out"

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So did he race over the weekend?


since kev ev is free again too, maybe they'll race cape pioneer together. or even the munga.


oh look, pigs floating in the sky

Pigs can float, they just can't fly

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Sorry Milky....but I don't care if DG kicks my butt 10/10, what I do care about is the young talented cyclist who is now sitting in an office running admin because of some doper who stole his future. There are limited funds with regards to sponsoring athletes, when you have a doper who fills one of those positions at the detriment of another, I have a problem.

We cannot turn back time and rectify this, so the minimum sentence should be take what he stole - a cycling future. 




But my name won't have dirt all over it. And that is what I care about.

All I'm trying to say is the physiological alterations has been made, it will be easy for him to reach that level clean again.

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wonder if he will start in the back again now, since he climbed the ladder in the seeding field due to using performance enhancing drugs...which fun ride is next? Durbanville Durbie bash?

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A nutritionist will not be able to help you beyond looking at the ingredients as stated.


Chemical compounds are never 100% pure and buying them from a reputable pharmacy will make no difference. Generics sometimes even more so.


Pros obviously have a burden of proof to bear since there is a financial implication associated with their performance, but expecting recreational riders to check the fineprint on everything they put in their bodies and not to use certain medicine when they for example have a sinus infection I find stupid.


Bit then again I find it totally acceptable to race with water in my bottles, so if I ever test positive it will be from all the other crap that I ingest unknowingly- ignorance is bliss

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I see in the local knock 'n drop that Russel Lund was 5th in the Silverstar MTB race.  Is this the same guy who was caught a few years back?

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I see in the local knock 'n drop that Russel Lund was 5th in the Silverstar MTB race.  Is this the same guy who was caught a few years back?


Yes. Same guy.

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Still no response to my email from Fahmy Galant of SAIDS.

Tick Tock..... I might be waiting as long as the french have for a Frenchmen to win the Tour.

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The response from SAIDS and my response below.


Excuse the typos, it is done on phone.



Dear Stuart


Please see our statement regarding tis matter at the link below:






Fahmy Galant
General Manager


Hello Fahmy,


I appreciate your response, and have looked at the statement. 


This statement falls far short of explaining anything. There is no detail or even explanation as to how Mr George has assisted SAIDS as per the regulation originally cited. 


As an active participant in cycling and in sport in general, it is in my interest to understand how Mr George has had a positive influence to rid sport of the scurge of doping. I view it as fraud and as such when a individual is give early parole, the interested public deserve to know why. 


Your statement is a weak attempt to hide behind red tape and as such makes the public view it with suspicion. 


As the institution that is entrusted to conduct testing, monitor compliance and ensure the playing field is level I fail to see how being clandestine assists this endeavor. 


By allowing the public to know what sophisticated new techniques SAIDS is using to monitor and ensure a level playing field does not jeopardize your position. In my view it strengthens your position. It sends out a stern warning that if athletes transgress that SAIDS is equipped to deal with it. 


As you are unable and it is not viable to conduct tests on every athlete, surely a warning system that discourages use of prohibited substances is as effective of not more effective. 


I look forward to a more substantive response to my original question. 





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