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Tokai Trails

jimmy hardtail

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Well good luck to whoever does it.


The Sanparks employees on the ground at Tokai have very little motivation to keep mountain bikers entertained. They aren't measured on how many people use the mountain so we are little more than an inconvenience to them.


I hope all the grootbekke on here are prepared to step up and get involved. I'm fairly certain that chirping on an internet forum doesn't maintain trail and pay for security.


I'm out now. @Eddy, Meezo and DND. You three have been very quick on the keyboard. Are you prepared to be quick to drive your own car up a k@k dirt road to help an injured rider on a Sunday afternoon? Or take lunch to the security guys when your wife wants you to fix something at home? It's easy to tap away on a keyboard. Not so easy to do things in the real world.

Naa, I have never helped out physically, how would that change? Some people work mon to sat even sundays.

However I have as stated before donated.

I asked why was I allowed at a previous agm where I did not have to be a paid member of a committee which is a non profit volunteer organisation operating on publc land, but for this years agm I must be a member. I am no was a donor to tokai trails until I had to pay an exclusive membership.

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Seems a couple of Tokai forums have disappeared. I hope the Tokai guys all know that the majority of riders are hugely appreciative for the effort that goes into all the meetings, red tape, management, financials and all that stuff even before they get onto the ground to build the trails. I for one am thankful for everything they do, unreservedly. I have a family and a business and hardly have time to ride a couple of times a week let alone devote weekends driving about looking after the riders on the mountain, organising security and week nights sorting the admin obligations that mean they can carry on. 


Honestly, there would be fook all action with out good, dedicated (and slightly deranged) people who do a shed load for what looks like a pretty ungrateful mob. If you can do it better, can commit more, do better fundraising, deal better with SANPARKs, fight a corner with a diplomatic manner then god damn stand up and do it but I'm pretty sure most of the empty cans here aren't going to. For the access I'm happy to pay the tiny amount for an activity card (which also allows me to walk dogs, ride horses, all the rest) and the equally small amount for MTB membership (plus donations when I can) if it helps out. Rather TokaiMTB get my money than the snooze fest of other clubs / areas for more money. I know I don't contribute in any way for the trails in person. I wish I could as I know it's not a prerequisite in their mandate for SANPARKS to do anything at all so we can go play at ride bikes around a national park.


I think the idea of a closed AGM is was a bit of a mistake but the pile in after was flat out dumb. I personally don't have an issue with the AGM being a members only, if you want to get involved then throw out the R300 odd and then you can get involved and find out everything. They are a NPO (i'm guessing) so everything should be available on request or posted for everyone after.

To be honest I'm pretty sure that if the AGM had been an open affair that the turn out on the day would have been pretty sparse. People are full of noise and will swear blind they'll be there, they'll right the wrongs, build the rails and then something always will turn up. That's not what's needed to keep our privileges growing up there. 

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everyone saying eddy and co were unappreciative of the work TokaiMTB reps do, is misguided in my view, and distracting from the actual source of concern: price of admission to the AGM.

It's also terrible argument to also say just because they are disagreeing with the arrangements around the AGM, that they are unappreciative of the trail work.


So can get back on track please?

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everyone saying eddy and co were unappreciative of the work TokaiMTB reps do, is misguided in my view, and distracting from the actual source of concern: price of admission to the AGM.

It's also terrible argument to also say just because they are disagreeing with the arrangements around the AGM, that they are unappreciative of the trail work.


So can get back on track please?


As far as my thinking is if it's an AGM for the TokaiMTB Organisation and the members of that organisation then they don't exactly have to open that up to everyone do they? I've been involved with wildlife NPOs and their AGMs aren't open to everyone. Their documentation and reports are but that is a different matter. It's not a sanparks AGM after all. 


So, what time is the meeting tonight as I'm a newly paid up member and want to attend. 

Edited by Dirt Tracker
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7pm at tokai library. I too am not a member as far as I can remember but I have been involved in a fair few build days etc. So I want to come and hear what is going to be said. Even if I cant vote on anything. I understand the whole membership thing but I was caught a bit off guard when I saw that the meeting was for paid members only. If I had a spare 300 bucks I would join but payday is only next week

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Sho, sounds like some MTB'ers just need a flat white and B Bread at Booties Tokai and relax. 


Maybe as a starting point before everyone's feathers get more ruffled is someone post the Tokai MTB constitution. Otherwise any debate around the AGM is pointless.

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7pm at tokai library. I too am not a member as far as I can remember but I have been involved in a fair few build days etc. So I want to come and hear what is going to be said. Even if I cant vote on anything. I understand the whole membership thing but I was caught a bit off guard when I saw that the meeting was for paid members only. If I had a spare 300 bucks I would join but payday is only next week


Will there be beers or do I need to bring a slab?  

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7pm at tokai library. I too am not a member as far as I can remember but I have been involved in a fair few build days etc. So I want to come and hear what is going to be said. Even if I cant vote on anything. I understand the whole membership thing but I was caught a bit off guard when I saw that the meeting was for paid members only. If I had a spare 300 bucks I would join but payday is only next week

Volunteer builders should get free membership!

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Volunteer builders should get free membership!


I am a volunteer builder and I paid for my membership too.  


Building helps out, but there are plenty of other costs involved.  

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If thats what the members want, pay the membership then get on the committee and change the constitution to state such. 


Am a member already and pretty familiar with board and constitutional requirements of NPOs and corporates through a fair big of experience. Hoping to discuss a range of things at the AGM tonight to see what's viable. Could have been a throw away comment about free membership  but also could be a good way of bringing those who have put a lot of effort in over the years back in and not to suddenly feel excluded now there is a membership structure and requirement. Who knows what is on the cards but I'm sure we'll find out a lot more tonight. 

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I dunno... I have missed all the commotion due to the miracles of life.


I paid for a membership a couple of years ago or last year or whenever they were offered. I remember there being prizes on offer and some other benefits.


I got an awesome email from TokaiMTB while in the hospital with an up date, some new things to look forward to etc.


From what I gather, people have been pretty assmunch towards the current guys. My only issue with the brains trust is that they greenlit and funded the building of DH0. That trail is dumb and doesn't benefit the trail network for 99% of it's users.


Other than that, I think the community is pretty darn amazing. Giving up so much work/family/weekend time for other people? yoh.... I reckon Princess Di and Mother Teresa are about the only 2 people who can claim to be so selfless.


IMHO we shouldn't replace anyone, BUT maybe add a businessman with a viable business brain, experience and plan to the mix.


I sometimes think projects of passion become too close to the heart over time and are dealt with emotionally. Having another side to the coin will enhance that and hopefully create a better return on the investments, be it time, money, resource etc... It all counts and is all as important as each other.

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