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The official Riding with Kids thread


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With the 2 year old today to give the Mrs a break. We average about 7km/h, when I ride with him he doesn't stop or take breaks, think wants to keep going!


When I walk he plays on swings etc. I have started strava'ing it, today we did 4km.


Bit cross, I came across a mother consoling her per toddler, Kittel's age, a dog had run into him full tilt into him while he was on path on balance bike, cut up his face. Dog owner just pushed off.





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kids and distances .....


Maritz is now 5 years 10 months and doing just over 12km on a day. BUT he gets tired after about 6km, and needs regular stops. At 8km he "hit the wall", and we walked for about 500m. After this he caught his second wind and cycled the rest of the 11,9km, and continued to ride around the parking lot - BUT, by then he is too tired for hills.



There were at least two kids younger than him doing the same route !!


One is some 4 years and a few months !!


In contrast there was kid older than 10 years that stopped after about 7km ......




I DONT push Maritz. We do it because we both enjoy the outdoors. Even after 9km he gets off the bike, runs into a field and takes photos of pumpkins .... Between all the photo sessions, stopping for sweets and drinks, etc. we took about 1 hour 40 minutes for the 11,9km.


Willow Creek-54.jpg




All things considered :

- I would rather NOT exceed 10km with him at this stage, not as a single ride. (Hermanus trails has a proper break half way)

- doubt he would have done this ride in hot weather ...

- a 4 year old completes it, while a 10 year old quits ..... kids are INDIVIDUALS, take it slowly, and build up the kilometers and figure out what YOUR kid can handle

- Maritz is fine with the "distance", but steep hills is still walked .... and probably may be done so for some time still.

The most important thing is for him to enjoy it and have fun which he certainly seems to do.


All kids are really different, my just 6 year old did his first 10km race recently and was flying up hills that adults were walking and strangers were even commenting on him. He loves riding . His older brother takes a lot longer, chats and looks at the view and has lots of breaks. They both really enjoy it in their different ways and that's what's most important.

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The most important thing is for him to enjoy it and have fun which he certainly seems to do.


All kids are really different, my just 6 year old did his first 10km race recently and was flying up hills that adults were walking and strangers were even commenting on him. He loves riding . His older brother takes a lot longer, chats and looks at the view and has lots of breaks. They both really enjoy it in their different ways and that's what's most important.


Last night, late afternoon, Maritz had a friend over.  Year OLDER than him ,,,,, but cant ride a bike without side wheels .....  



Few minutes on the driveway and it is clear as day the kid CAN, and did, ride a few meters without assistance.  But absolutely no self confidence, and will need a lot of help and support to get going on two wheels.



What IS clear as daylight : these 2-wheeled balance bikes are golden to get the kids the confidence to get rid of the side wheels.

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Last night, late afternoon, Maritz had a friend over. Year OLDER than him ,,,,, but cant ride a bike without side wheels .....



Few minutes on the driveway and it is clear as day the kid CAN, and did, ride a few meters without assistance. But absolutely no self confidence, and will need a lot of help and support to get going on two wheels.



What IS clear as daylight : these 2-wheeled balance bikes are golden to get the kids the confidence to get rid of the side wheels.

I second that, regarding balance bike

My son could ride from 4 yrs old already


Started on balance bike for a good few months .... Then one Monday started on bike with training wheels, just to teach him how to pedal... Tuesday he wanted the training wheels off, by Friday he could ride

Edited by Twaatie
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Last night, late afternoon, Maritz had a friend over.  Year OLDER than him ,,,,, but cant ride a bike without side wheels .....  



Few minutes on the driveway and it is clear as day the kid CAN, and did, ride a few meters without assistance.  But absolutely no self confidence, and will need a lot of help and support to get going on two wheels.



What IS clear as daylight : these 2-wheeled balance bikes are golden to get the kids the confidence to get rid of the side wheels.

Agreed, took advice from the Hub and Kittel never had side wheels or those black bikes or those silly walker things, has had his superminisix from 18 months and is now lekker chilled on it. No rush to add pedals, the wife needs to get fitter first so she can keep up with him, before we add pedals and make it impossible for her!

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Sadly we did not know any better .... Maritz had the little bike with side wheel way too early, and never had a balance bike.  Then one day we removed the chain, pedals and side wheels turning it into a balance bike.  Two weeks later he was riding his 20'' bike.


He has been "driving" since 18 months old.  First an electric car, with a remote over-ride.  From 2 years he had his first pedal car.  At 4 we built a pedal "bakkie" ....  Both had LOW ratios.  Partly so he could handle inclines, mostly so he would be slow enough so we could walk with him.


Net result is that he CAN spin !!


He reaches 17km/h on a level road in the LOW gear of his 20'' bike.  










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Sadly we did not know any better .... Maritz had the little bike with side wheel way too early, and never had a balance bike. Then one day we removed the chain, pedals and side wheels turning it into a balance bike. Two weeks later he was riding his 20'' bike.


He has been "driving" since 18 months old. First an electric car, with a remote over-ride. From 2 years he had his first pedal car. At 4 we built a pedal "bakkie" .... Both had LOW ratios. Partly so he could handle inclines, mostly so he would be slow enough so we could walk with him.


Net result is that he CAN spin !!


He reaches 17km/h on a level road in the LOW gear of his 20'' bike.





A froome then!!! Will be good with junior gears!!



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With the 2 year old today to give the Mrs a break. We average about 7km/h, when I ride with him he doesn't stop or take breaks, think wants to keep going!


When I walk he plays on swings etc. I have started strava'ing it, today we did 4km.


Bit cross, I came across a mother consoling her per toddler, Kittel's age, a dog had run into him full tilt into him while he was on path on balance bike, cut up his face. Dog owner just pushed off.



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How do you separate your rides from the Kid's on strava (different accounts?) using the same garmin?


I started Stravaing my daugthers rides too but then just end up deleting it after we both had a look at it.

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How do you separate your rides from the Kid's on strava (different accounts?) using the same garmin?


I started Stravaing my daugthers rides too but then just end up deleting it after we both had a look at it.

I categorize it as a run or a ride under my wife's account. Using the phone as a tracker. 

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Few minutes on the driveway and it is clear as day the kid CAN, and did, ride a few meters without assistance.  But absolutely no self confidence, and will need a lot of help and support to get going on two wheels.


Had a similar situation with my daughter(4) and her cousin (6). as per the invaluable advice on le hub, I took her training wheels off immediately and she took to it like a duck to water. Her cousin didn't. His parents where always adamant that, no he can't ride without training wheels. Tbh I just don't think the parents paid enough attention. So I played a game with them, lets swap bikes and guess what happens - he rides without the wheels. Got so be@#$@#$ at his parents told them to take it off and stick around when he rides. 

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Agreed, took advice from the Hub and Kittel never had side wheels or those black bikes or those silly walker things, has had his superminisix from 18 months and is now lekker chilled on it. No rush to add pedals, the wife needs to get fitter first so she can keep up with him, before we add pedals and make it impossible for her!

Training wheels are the devil. 




Left my lightie's ones at the shop. Just told a mate of mine to take them off for his 4yo before he even took the bike home. 


"won't he struggle?" 


No - he's been on a balance bike for 2 years, he knows how to balance. Just let him get used to pedalling, which will take a couple hours max. 


Done. Biggest thing now is telling him to look where he's going. Now to get him to start off by himself. Mine is now learning to stand and pedal, and to stand when going over bumps and roots. 

Edited by Myles Mayhew
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Training wheels are the devil. 




Left my lightie's ones at the shop. Just told a mate of mine to take them off for his 4yo before he even took the bike home. 


"won't he struggle?" 


No - he's been on a balance bike for 2 years, he knows how to balance. Just let him get used to pedalling, which will take a couple hours max. 


Done. Biggest thing now is telling him to look where he's going. Now to get him to start off by himself. Mine is now learning to stand and pedal, and to stand when going over bumps and roots. 

Just trying to teach my one to pull the brake and stop on command

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Maritz likes standing on the pedals for bumps in the road ....


BUT, he cant stand and pedal, not yet ....



So he stands ... and stands ... and then has to put in the effort again to get momentum :) :)

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Had a nice chat with Maritz last night.



He enjoys the ride and the scenery.  BUT, he does not like the large crowd of a fun-ride.




He is that kid that plays with his 3 or 4 buddies, but stands aside when a group gets too big or roudy ....




seems we will be doing our rides for the next few months .... Meerendal hier kom ons weer  :thumbup:

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