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Posts posted by TheoG

  1. I'm not a betting man at all - in fact I never do.  But I probably would have spent R500 by now on Booze so I'm going to put that R500 on Vettel being 2021 WC......


    A R500 bet could net close to R40000 if he manages to pull it off.


    I'm with you on the sentiment, but realistically speaking, very unlikely.  They are virtually a new team and I can not recall that a new team in their first season won the WC ever.


    I'm just hoping Seb is competitive again and in a year or two would then be in a position to challenge for the title.


    It would be a very welcome miracle if he can pull it off in 2021.

  2. All media hype, the signing was never in danger.


    Meanwhile Seb is looking super focused in his seat fitting, really hope the Merc power goes some way to showing talent does not just disappear.


    That make 2 of us, I really hope Seb get his mojo back very early in the season.

  3. Sprint start as well...


    Also a convenient way to lock the front wheel and fork when running with the bike on your shoulder, by hooking the drop with your arm 


    Should be an epic race on the weekend.  Hoping your young Pidcock to give a shock upset !!


    Unfortunately with MvP en WvA there best Pidcock can hope for is a podium.  The two of them is simply head & shoulders above the rest.


    Going to be a great race!  Wout for Goud all the way ...  :D

  4. I watched the Cyclo-cross World Cup this afternoon, well done Wout!


    Just a question to the experts, I hardly ever see them using the drop bars, why would cycloc-cross bikes have drop bars then?

  5. Definitely a market for frame protection using PPF, I got a new MTB in December and refused to ride the bike until the frame was protected. I ended up using a company https://armour-ride.com/ 


    In total I spent R3K to fully protect my frame. I did not want a DIY option and wanted to have the work done professionally.


    I also bought this but not on my bike yet because I'm hesitant to do it myself and stuff it up.


    Did you do it yourself or got someone to do it, anyone you can recommend?

  6. Agree 100% with @martinza, hence it boils down to chain-angle which is influenced by:


      1.)  Size of rear cog (effective diameter/radius)


      2.)  Size of chain ring (effective diameter/radius)


      3.)  Chain stay length (fixed for a given bike and can do stuff-all about it)


      4.)  Location of the chain-ring in relation to the center of the cassette. (Chain line)


    Other factors that might play a role


      A.)  Cassette brand, one might be better than the other to retain the chain


      B.)  Chain brand, one might be better than the other to stay on the cog


      c.)  Lubrication



    And that is it, with 4. playing the dominant role imho.

  7. I am not sure how true that is... 


    I understand it to be negotiations around royalties, profit share and so on. 


    "Former F1 driver Arturo Merzario has pitched the idea that Hamilton doesn’t want George Russell to be his partner at Mercedes."




    Well, lets see, the truth will show itself eventually.

  8. In a similar vein we had some fallout at Klapperkop when council decided to exercise access control into the reserve. COVID regulations state that all reserves and parks must have these in place otherwise they should be closed to the public. So the guards were asking for masks to be worn and hands to be sanitised before allowing anyone access and the outrage that followed was something to behold. I tried to explain to the cyclists that it's actually in our interest to comply so that we can keep the reserve open regardless about how silly the regulations are. Man did I cop some abuse and I decided to walk away before I belted some loud mouth, I don't get paid to take this sort of crap. My guess is that the reserve will soon be closed thanks to some idiots that can't think beyond their own entitlement.


    As if its not enough that we have to contend with criminals that want to take our belongings, bikes and possibly also our lives, now we have to deal with exercising people that behave like fn brats also.



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