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Posts posted by I FLY

  1. 50 minutes ago, letsride said:

    I suspect you are thinking of Maverick, it had the Maverick DUC 32 Upside down fork on it

    Definitely a Marin with an upside down fork setup

    I rode next to my Epic partner who was  on this bike for a week

    the suspension had an annoying squeak the whole week so I did look at the name on the frame numerous times

  2. 3 hours ago, Marin South Africa said:

    Marin Bikes are Made For Fun 🔥

    Since the first mountain bikes bearing the Marin Bikes name debuted in 1986, the brand has been dedicated to enriching the lives of our riders by making fun, high calibre bicycles, which provide years of riding enjoyment. We operate a business based on hard work, fueled by passion, and fulfilled by the satisfaction of bringing the joy of cycling to riders across the world………and now to SOUTH AFRCA!

    Whether your idea of fun involves riding rugged trails up in the Drakensberg, pinning on a race number and entering your first race, taking the long way home, bikepacking to that remote campsite, or just exploring the neighbourhood bike paths, Marin brings the fun to your ride. It’s the principle that guides us when developing new bikes, from long-travel, trail-devouring machines that are at home in some of the world’s most challenging race circuits to the multi-surface capable pavement collection. Each model is designed to be playful and to maximize the opportunities for two-wheeled fun.

    We plan our offering around being able to supply excellent quality bikes at the best prices!
    Hello South Africa, welcome to the fun, welcome to MARIN BIKES!  

    Our range is available at leading bike retailers! 🚴

    Get in touch with us for more information on the range available and find your nearest retailer👌
    076 970 7708

    Screenshot 2022-10-05 103128.jpg

    I remember having one for an extended trial in 2006. Got many comments on the upside down fork setup. Made me look like a downhiller ( but without the necessary courage or skills)


  3. 2 minutes ago, ouzo said:

    a) people are not replacing with similar, but rather downgrading (although some expect to have the same levels of luxury at a fraction of the price they paid for their current car)

    b) those replacing with something similar but more fuel efficient are indeed kidding themselves. 

    I do so little private kms nowdays that I don't mind paying the fuel penalty for driving two Subaru performance Suvs. The big smile on my face when I hear the exhausts talking and feel the surge of those turbos wipes out the cost of a couple of hundred rands extra I pay in petrol a month. Plus they are paid for.

  4. 18 hours ago, DieselnDust said:

    Yip employers don’t give a shot either. Come back to work even if you have to walk or stay home unemployed.

    it’s in times like these when he value and sincerity of the “we value our employees “ jargon show it’s true worth ….0000

    I have to give my company kudos for their handling of the COVID lockdown WFH and the future of WFH. 

    In March 2020 the entire head office staff complement started WFH with 2 days notice.( more than 100 people). IT and managers ensured everyone had LTE cards or own home WIFI. Managers allowed staff to take whatever they needed from the offices to work comfortably at home. 

    In November 2021 all Head Office staff were surveyed to see what their work environment preference going forward was. Overwhelming majority opted for continued WFH. So company downsized offices by 90 % and we have the occasional face to face meeting. ( There are some significant financial savings that go with this downsizing - but this decision was supported by the maturity of our employees whose productivity/ meeting deadlines remained high)

    This has allowed me to work in Somerset West for two weeks a month and in Johannesburg the rest of the month.

    At the moment I am in Europe visiting my daughters for 5 weeks. I work during the day and visit/sightsee in evenings and weekends. My WIFI connectivity and obviously electricity are  much better than that of my colleagues in South Africa.

    Next year my role changes which means less need for face to face meeting so I plan on spending 3 months in Europe during their summer.


  5. 1 hour ago, stevieg8 said:

    Rode this morning. Did the yellow route, supposed to be 30km, but I was short , only did 26.5km. Maybe I took a wrong turn somewhere 🙂 

    The trails were the best I've seen them in a while. Very little mud around although that will change after tomorrow's weather sadly. 

    Just beware, seems that hawk is back on the river section. It buzzed me 3 times, twice on the way out and once on the way back. Awesome to see but scary when you're not expecting it, flew low over my head from behind each time.

    Never leaves the area. We live about 5 kms away and we often see them harvesting the pigeons we feed in our garden. It’s now breeding season so they are territorial and will be so for a few months

  6. 13 minutes ago, ChrisF said:


    "that gent" across the pond deserves a "spoon trofee" for his shop front ......



    What bike did you get for your wife ?

    Levo Turbo SL COMP - not sure whether the carbon or aluminum . Will only know what's available when the shipment arrives. 

  7. 13 minutes ago, ChrisF said:


    Dont worry too much about the posters in these threads .....  Thankfully I have not encountered this level of keyboard warrior hatred out on the trails.....








    Thanks but I know that:-

    1. most of these comments are tongue in cheek  anyway

    2. The proper keyboard warriors won't be on the trails so I will not meet them

    3. I grew up in a sport where sledging was a thing before the Australians started playing cricket. I was the team's designated sledger as I was closer to the batters than the rest of the team.

    4. I love the sledging/banter.

  8. 1 minute ago, YaseenEnos said:

    Specialized wants your number, they want to put you in contact with Anika and Christoph and explain the benefits of an ebike.

    Remember, its not the bike, its you, only faster

    I have ordered a Specialized 😃

  9. 28 minutes ago, DuncanDoughnuts said:

    You will eventually get your dream ... but right now the market is to small to have separate events ... eventually there will be and you and ebikers will both be happy. 


    My wife was always the stronger rider but due to health issues she is struggling to do longer rides with me. ( technical skills gained from 25 years of mtbing have not disappeared) .So I have ordered her an ebike so we can continue to ride together. I would be unhappy if we were forced to ride separate events. Maybe this will cause us to stop entering events 

  10. On 4/11/2022 at 7:36 PM, SwissVan said:

    Sadly these are the reasons XCO race entries are so low, people on average don’t like to suffer the way you do in xco., and then the technical stuff also puts them off.

    I did my first xco race at rockhoppers honeydew quarry and I was absolutely broken, even tho I was triathlon fit (age group Transvaal provincial colors fit)., could not believe that a race could be so hard…. and I’ve done all sorts of racing.

    We were mostly riding fully rigid bikes (no suspension front or back) and rim brakes in those days, making it even harder…. But it was the most fun I have ever had racing / riding a bicycle, I’m not exactly a skilled technical rider and have carried my bike on many technical sections, but overcoming those challenges adds to the fun…

    Was my 1st taste of XCO racing and I decided Mtb was going to be my new sport

  11. Once again I was humbled by the exploits of other riders this morning. We were going up the Polkadraai hill and I saw two heavily loaded bike tourers.

    I stopped and asked them where they were going - Cape Town ( overland from Germany)

    They have been on the road for 9 months and today they will reach their destination 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

    They did say that they were going to fly home and not pedal back.


  12. On 3/5/2022 at 8:31 PM, wolver said:

    Probably one of the easiest features to enable on a phone but the manufacturer, but that will never happen. 

    I feel like an impact could be made by the insurance companies. Whenever claiming for a vehicle accident, affected parties phone usage data/metrics should be part of the routine claim process to determine if the phone was being used during/moments before the incident. If it was.... no payout for your R1m SUV. Then watch how quickly people start using their hands free and stop texting! There really isn't any excuse, most cars these days have bluetooth hands free built in.

    Once we have that right we can get more people to select other luxury extras when buying a new car.... like indicators!😤


    Would this be much of a deterrent? I don't believe that the majority of cars are insured . I know that one has to prove insurance when a vehicle is financed but I have never being asked to provide proof of insurance thereafter. 

  13. 21 minutes ago, Trashy said:

    I thought my old V8 Range Rover was expensive per km...😳


    Even if you complete the entire event it's R73.53/km.

    And that's just the entry fee. My mate kept an detailed record of everything he spent on his Epic and it was double the entry fee.

  14. On 2/16/2022 at 12:29 PM, Eldron said:

    Imagine other careers were like cycling.... 

    I get caught defrauding my company - no worries they say - depending on how much you stole you can't work for us for 6 months to 2 years then we'll have a chat to one our mates and get you a job over there....or take a slightly longer vacation and come back as our Director of Sport/Head of Accounting.

    It's laughable.


    “Funny “ story.

    I caught my creditors manager defrauding the company. As the amount was greater than R100k I was also obliged to report this to the Hawks

    she was fired and court found her guilty. My md asked for a suspended sentence instead of 5 years in jail.

    3 months later I got a call from another company asking me for a reference on her


  15. 1 hour ago, Jbr said:

    okay, I did long rides after the 1st two shots without major issues but it wasn't anywhere near max efforts... but I'm looking now at getting it friday morning and tour du cap starts the thursday. Probably not the best idea especially since I still need to recover from today+tomorrow's intensity by then...

    I heard many of my friends had a bit of a hard time for a couple of days after each shots, I had nothing, barely a little discomfort in the shoulder after the 1st shot, but it would suck being knocked out for 2/3 days guess I'll just wait to see if the new omicron one eventually comes out in march like they announced... 

    Both my wife and I had zero side affects from our first two jabs and rode the next day at normal tempo.

    Just had our 3rd jabs today. Be interesting to see if we have side affects this time.

  16. On 2/8/2022 at 9:04 AM, Robbie Stewart said:

    What makes these stats even worse is that the amount of Bicycle related fatalities year on year exceeds the amount of Motorcycle fatalities by a substantial margin. Consider this in the light of how motorcyclists drive, weaving in and out of traffic and the odd case of hooliganism which results in self inflicted injury or worse. (relax people, I am not dissing motorcyclists, ek sê maar net). 

    I have come across many motorcycle fatalities in my 10 years in Cape Town, but even then, according to the trend in these stats, all that is being highlighted albeit not explicitly so, is the blatant disregard for anyone on a bicycle. I suppose it could have something to do with motorcyclists being able to accelerate away at sufficient speed to not be an annoyance to other road users.


    In my opinion the fact the motor bikers  do have a hardcore image and can actually catch up to errant motorists makes motorists think twice about doing stupid stuff around /to them.

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