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Posts posted by I FLY

  1. Interesting concept re longevity of cycling shorts. In 2008 Anatomic sponsored 9 pairs of bib shorts for the Epic. - one for each day and a spare.


    After the race I kept two pairs to wear and put the balance away.

    When the 1st two pairs wore out I took another two out to use. 

    Today I took the 9th and last pair out of storage. 

    I ride approx 5000kms per year - not all rides are in lycra.


    Another achievement is that my weight and body measurements have stayed the same as the shorts still fit.

  2. I  recently bought another road bike and therefore have a spare /unused old Bianchi Luna carbon road bike .


    The amount of money that I have been offered made me decide that there was much more value in finding someone who has some promise as a road rider but who does not have the means to get the equipment.


    Bike is in good condition for its age.


    Size is 55cm


    Has a compact crankset and new conti tyres.


    So if you know of someone who will made us feel good about sponsoring them this bike please let me know.

  3. I commuted on the Gautrain with my bike for 18 months 2011-2012

    I had to pack my bike into an enclosed bag - front wheel off and handlebars turned. Once on the train I had to stand in the doorway as there was no room anywhere else . Luckily I travelled counterflow and I was the only one with a bike

    The places where one can “park” a bike at the stations offer little or no security. The one at Sandton was the most vulnerable in my view

  4. Red Barn comes to mind. I know many here love those trails, but I felt like I had just spent an hour in a tumble dryer after riding there. 

    Solution is to act like its a single speed "race". Have a few beers beforehand and then 5 tequila shots during the loop. As a non drinker I experienced Red Barn this way during the 2019 Singlespeed "Champs".

  5. I made the same comment to my wife yesterday. The period of most rain and growth coincides with the annual leave period of the workers.

    A couple of places that were tricky (a little blind riding) but a couple days with bush cutters and it will be fine again.

    I avoided the 1st section of reeds before the little dam as it was quite muddy and then there was one other muddy section along a fence

  6. covid fatigue... same with me... i need a mtb trip to Europe again!!!


    but... more i need sometime off from work... MEH!

     I have had to cancel two trips to Europe this year to visit my daughter.


    At least I only have 4 more days of work until my leave starts. And I am in my Somerset West apartment for two weeks and our road bikes arrive tomorrow. :clap: . MTB bikes are already here.

  7. While he was unconscious on the ground?

    Thieves have no scruples.


    One of my relatives committed suicide. He went to a secluded spot in his car and shot himself. When his body was eventually discovered thieves had stripped him and taken wallet, gun and phone.


    Another friend and his son were killed in a single vehicle accident. When their bodies were found o thieves had stripped the bodies and stolen everything they could out of the wrecked car. 

  8. As a longtime member I am always amazed at the wide range of interests and knowledge that the hubbers have outside of cycling.


    I doubt that I can ask for information on any subject that one or more hubbers will not have expert knowledge of . This is one of the attractions for me.


    Another aspect that I enjoy is the sense of community goodwill where we will help others in need (even complete internet strangers) when asked to.


    I just did a quick count and have bought 11 bikes and other goodies  and  sold 6 bikes via the classifieds.over the years. So this particular forum works for me.


    While my post count suggests I am not an active poster I do spend at least an hour a day reading topics that interest me and checking the classifieds for interesting sales items. ( n+1 is a real itch)

  9. Was also charged 10 ronds to get a coffee - the guys at entrance said they have nothing to do with the park as the market is a separate business and the entrance fee is 10 ronds. 


    Now we will park at Flamingo shopping center and ride in, i'm sure the coffee shops there will appreciate the business

    We live near Flamingo Shopping center and so all our rides into Modderfontein Nature Reserve bypass the Food Market and go straight to a Flamingo coffee shop. There is a choice of 3. Four if you count the one inside the Shell garage

  10. Yesterday it was the other around for our bikes. We packed them into boxes in Johannesburg because they are “emigrating” to our part time home in Somerset West. Should here later this week

    Looking at Dale’s photos made us decide that riding road bikes in the Cape is much more enjoyable than in Johannesburg

  11. 8mm rain during the morning .... driving to the shops I was amazed at how many cyclists were out riding.... many got drenched in the repeated showers ....



    Some truly earned their "Rule 5" badges this morning.

    We tried to squeeze in a ride between the rain in Somerset West yesterday morning. Just got to the turn around point in Sir Louwry's village when we got hit by a downpour.

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