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Posts posted by popcorn_skollie

  1. I also think its a trivial thing to be moan about. But I've been annoyed by things far less petty so no judgement here. As a buyer I 'try' to avoid asking it. But if an ad has been up for 11 weeks availability is often my go to request.  Most times I tend to paraphrase the availability small talk with an offer or enquire about viewing arrangements instead. It serves the same purpose. Remember that not everyone is courteous enough to remove ads when its sold. And some of those who enquire about availability may genuinely be interested. So the next time they ask you. Take a deep breath, assume the lotus position, and for the umpteenth time reply kindly. 'Yes for ****s sake yes its still available'

  2. Capture.JPG.f4c2b00ff71cd699bf15c845a23e64a2.JPG1631922150_RidersRepublicBeta2021-8-25-22-30-4.jpg.882933f28193cec9e1c6cb3d0fbb7473.jpg1805777150_RidersRepublicBeta2021-8-25-22-29-53.jpg.f32b361ab108f3a512ae18623bd30a6c.jpg412833551_RidersRepublicBeta2021-8-25-22-27-51.jpg.152444602390aeb8349784d8467adf29.jpg526737789_RidersRepublicBeta2021-8-25-21-0-36.jpg.0144e2ece571517f8b3f7f9ab9db91e8.jpg1806601525_RidersRepublicBeta2021-8-24-13-40-0.jpg.ec6e2045087670f5c4da9a4f3a34766d.jpg1603704843_RidersRepublicBeta2021-8-24-13-39-51.jpg.8be8e412dac3e9ea31fb2bc013fc78eb.jpg97549335_RidersRepublicBeta2021-8-24-13-28-39.jpg.bc018f70be149eccb8ceee75b89587b9.jpg697194654_RidersRepublicBeta2021-8-24-13-28-31.jpg.732048b9cdcad645b3897589d0280282.jpg

    It releases October 28th. I was lucky enough to play a closed beta last month. I'm not sure if posting screenshots here is me violating the nda I signed. But this game deserves more exposure. Especially here. It is to my knowledge. The only bike game I've played with official brand licensing. From actual events and sponsors to bike and component brands. 

    Courses from around the world have been digitally re-imagined. You can ride anything from crankworx to rampage. And that's just scratching the surface. What they've attempted here is open world exploration game where different locations define different activities. All online. The entire map seems to be the lobby with some people goofing around randomly trying to find fun things to do while others seem hell bent on rank and racing. Playing this felt like a social experience which I feel is a good recipe for a bike game.

    Its not the best out there with regards to eye candy but it looks good and performs well. Bike models seem accurate and some of the detail in effects is quite welcome. Like how dirty a bike gets from excessive use. Basic controls are quite intuitive and forgiving as you learn the ropes. With options to move to advanced control schemes later on. These offer more experienced players a greater degree of control to pull of risky maneuvers and tricks with greater rewards. A learning curve and with a hook on character development to keep you playing. 

    It might not something I would sink my teeth into. But its definitely something I will buy and play occasionally.

    Age of Empires 4 releases the same day. A beta I played recently too. And that game... is crack cocaine.


  3. Cemetery. Pretty sure I've seen that van before. Who is your friend?


    Thanx krans. I must know at least 4 guys with that name. Its been a while since I surfed that spot. Its actually my home break. About 10 minutes from my house. The problem is they keep breaking into everyone's car there. Great photo.

  4. Both my kids have their own computers. Ages 6 and 8. They also have their own google accounts. Both of which are child accounts with my wife and I as parent account holders. Windows 10 also has some great tools built in for managing kids use. Windows Family Safety takes a few minutes to setup but is pretty handy once done. Screen time and content is easily managed. For added security I also use OpenDNS Family Shield to block any thing online from filtering through. All of these are free services. They have worked well for me. When my kids do play its mostly Roblox. Which also comes with its own parental controls. I receive notifications about their activity on my own devices. 


    As for home rules and screen time we've conveniently tied it to their homework.

    The Department of Education gives them several of these homework books to work through at home.

    There's a schedule per term so they have to chip away at a certain amount of work daily. 

    If the school hasn't sent any homework or projects to go through.

    This is what they have to do. 





    And some very basic rules.


    Did you brush your teeth? Are you dressed? 

    I don't mind if your toys are laying about but if I ask you to clean it up...

    Bikes are parked in the garage, not outside and not in the house.

    No wet clothes or towels inside either. 

    Any experiments with paint, gloop, putty, slime or anything else is on the plastic table only. 


    Its been a bit tough managing screen time and school work during lock down. 

    Especially with my wife and I both working from home. But we take turns supervising workbook activities and have a tutor come in for 2 hours a day 4 times a week. 


    Beyond that I'd say computers have been a great help for the kids here at home.

    Its not just a play thing for games and youtube. There is a wealth of information at your fingertips. 

    She had a school project where she had to research and make a poster about a famous South African. She then had to memorize a few facts about them and present it in an oral before the class.

    Through her own google discovery she asked me if she could do her project on Charlize Theron. She learned about voice acting and her roles in animated films. She learned about philanthropy and how many children in South Africa aren't as lucky as her. 


    I remember my son taught himself the basics of reading and counting too. Those alphabet train videos will be stuck in my head forever. At around age 4 He discovered that if he used google voice search then google would spell out what he says in the search bar. 'Show me a blue rabbit'  Now at age 6 he is able to google search by typing. He starts grade 1 next year. 


    With supervision computers can be incredible tools for your kids.

    They're curious by nature and are stimulated by discovery. 

    But when they're funneled into associating computers and phones with games they become lazy. Teach them to use it as a tool and it wont be long before they show you something you didn't know. 

  5. In previous years I was far more active in the cycling related topics. But after a while it just seems like its the same content being recycled over and over with new thread names. I still like lurking in the Bikes for Enduro or Dreamy Hardtail threads because of the eye candy. But do I feel motivated enough to engage in discussion on them? Not really. At some point you start wondering whether any new bike or bike related tech is really new at all. Another sled that's slacker and lower than the last one? Didn't see that coming. What's this? A 14 speed 7-62 cassette? Sigh. I do like the Boast about your purchases thread though. I guess I like to see just how diverse our choices are. 


    A few weeks ago I dusted my bike off and got back into it after a hiatus that lasted for far too long. It took a couple rides but this friday past I really got that passion back. Putting the old girl through some pace down Tokai's DH3 felt amazing. But that wasn't the best part. It was seeing people I haven't seen in ages. I missed the people and the *** praat more than I missed the trails. I guess that's why I come back here too. I find myself spending far more time in the off topics section. Where the discussions around current affairs just seemed more stimulating because of just how diverse the opinions are. There is a level of social chemistry and engagement here you don't really find on other local forums. And while the statistics may elude otherwise. And I'm probably expressing some sort of emotional attachment here. I feel like its a pivotal part of what makes this place special. 


    Bikehub. Come for the bikes...stay for the banter.

  6. https://youtu.be/NBmm_QlKTgw


    For some perspective on just how powerful the 3080 is. Battlefield 3. Circa 2011. On a 9900k and a 3080 running at around 80fps in 8k. You can sort of pick up occasional subtleties where it shows. But for the most part it. This game aged really well. Hard to believe its nearly a decade old. 


    Which older titles would you like to see run on a new machine? 

  7. Skollie


    I am stuck though since I have a G-Sync monitor, so I basically am locked into NVidia. And the prices for video cards in SA is ridiculous at the moment.


    If he can wait, wait. Or just get an old 9 or 10 series card just to get the PC working while he wait for the madness to settle. Even the 1060Ti was not a bad card just to get along. You should be able to get those second hand for around R1000 - R1500.


    Same boat. I will need a new monitor either way. Nearly pulled the trigger on a 3070.

    Then went digging through used market for 2080s. I was confident I could get something decent for my Vega to help with the cost. But I was mostly just impatient. Common sense however prevailed.

    I'm not saying I wouldn't buy a 3070. Just not yet. Not until I see the rest. This ram thing got me thinking too. Why did nvidia opt for 8 and 10gb on the 3070 and 3080? Are they releasing super or TI variants with more ram later? Will AMD make trimmed down non xt variants with less ram or gated bios? And the answers are probably yes. It just makes far more sense for me to just wait and keep an eye on basically everything. I'd love a 3070 or a 2080ti. But even there my aspirations are stretching beyond my budget. Your 1080ti comfortably mops the floor with my Vega. You could even run software based ray tracing supported titles comfortably without breaking a sweat. But I'm falling behind the curve quicker than you are. And its probably why I'm so hell bent on all this new stuff.


    Thanks guys... have considered all of the above, power supply delivered yesterday so almost done, we also Follow Linus, Jay and Gamers nexus (LOL) ... 


    we will probably try to find a good enough for GPU to carry him over as he hasn't gotten a monitor to fully support next gen Cards anyway 


    But i keep bragging you guys will drop something when you upgrade (LOL)


    If you really don't have anything at all to use in the meantime. Buy used. Spend some time scavenging on carb for something decent you could resell (or keep as spare later) If you were considering a 2060, the 1660ti Moridin mentioned is cheaper and not far off in terms of performance. No RT cores though. But that's a moot point right now. Its worth noting that Nvidia cards generally seem to hold a higher resale value than AMD cards. At least right now anyways. My daughter has a 1660ti. She plays everything pretty much maxed out without any problems. 




    A 1660ti and 9400f running warzone maxed out at 1080p at over 100fps easy. You'll do even better with your platform.

  8. There's another thing worth considering here. Its too early to tell if its a gimmick or not. Or whether the minor performance gains could be negated by an overall raw performance benefit when going with Nvidia.


    Its called 'smart access memory' and AMD claims to improve performance in games by up to 11% if you pair a Ryzen 5000 series chip (on an x570 or b550 platform) with a Radeon 6000 series gpu. 

    This is definitely a first. 




    Bare in mind that all we have right now is what they told us to expect. I'm willing to bet that these results are from cherry picked titles that favour them and that the cpu and gpu samples tested are probably the best binned versions the product stack. They probably also tested this several times till they got results they were happy enough to show off. Still. If any of this is even remotely true. The 6800xt is still $50 cheaper that Nvidia's 3080. It also has double the ram. Its really hard to decide right now. And these top tier cards are way out of my budget. I'll wait until both teams drop the rest of their lineups. Check reviews. Look at benches. Weigh the price to performance. And take it from there.

  9. hey guys, project moving slowly... son's PC 


    got the 5600 cpu, 570 board, M.2 drive... budget blown (lol) , new versus 2nd hand pricing is drastic 


    Any 2060 cards or similar available please?


    Here's my advice. Wait.


    The first thing to keep in mind is that we're at a very interesting time in tech. As Myles pointed out AMD really has come along and dished out a 'grade A ass-woopin'. They really, really have. Ryzen spent the last 5 years maturing from an excellent value alternative from its first generation. To hands down being the best in both price and performance with their latest 5000 series lineup. 


    To add even more feathers to AMD's hat. They announced a new lineup of GPU's that compete with Nvidia's latest offering's tier for tier, AND at better prices. I can't remember the last time this happened. Now bare in mind that at this point and time, all we have is what AMD claims. And we will have to wait to see how true their claims really are. But they haven't claimed anything this outrageous before. And what ever degree of disappointment may ensue as a result of an Nvidia win in terms of overall performance. I can pretty much guarantee that they will still present better value. AMD didn't claim to beat Nvidia in performance. They claimed they can compete. Even with Nvidia's flagship. And they intend doing so at 2 thirds of the price. Even if they achieve 80% of Nvidia's performance on average. To do so at 66% of the price makes it a winner. But I have a feeling that they will be within spitting distance of Nvidia's card performance figures and probably beat them in some AMD optimized games too.


    There are reasons to consider gpu options from both sides. But you really want to wait until both Nvidia and AMD release the rest of their offerings. Here's why. 


    Both Nvidia and AMD's latest gpu's will offer decent ray tracing performance (and support it at a hardware level) Nvidia's cards will probably deliver better ray tracing performance in most games. They didn't invent ray tracing. But they're certainly ahead of the curve here. And this isn't something that's a fad like physx. Ray tracing is here to stay and it will be a big part of future gpu and game development moving forward.


    AMD's latest gpu's (6000 series) are the first generation of cards from team red to support it. Where as Nvidia's latest gpu's (3000 series) are the second generation of cards to support it. Although the previous gen cards didn't do it nearly as well as the new ones. Its part of why what Moridin said is so true. Nvidia's Turing cards were the first to push RT. It was brand new tech at the time. That's why they were so expensive. And when you compare the performance to price ratio of the new generation vs the old. Nvidia's 2000 series cards don't seem like the best value for money.


    However. They're still ray tracing cards. And if you want that (which you really should) you only have 3 options. Either a new 6000 series AMD card. A new 3000 series Nvidia card. Or an older 2000 series Nvidia card. But skollie. Why is ray tracing so important?




    What you have to understand is the functional reason as to why ray tracing matters. It changes how we are able to play games quite significantly. Its not exactly new. And games have done some pretty astounding things with regards to lights, shadows and reflections without it. The difference is ray tracings ability to 'trace' light sources outside of that which is being rendered on your screen in real time. So lets say there's a puddle of water in a shooter game you're playing. If an enemy is in a position in game where you can't see him (or not rendered on your screen) A light sources outside of your field of view could allow ray tracing to cast his reflection in said puddle of water. Giving you better intel on his position. Without having to physically see said enemy actually being rendered in on your screen. If that makes sense. This is quite a significant advantage to have. Some games still look pretty amazing even without ray tracing. But once you see side by side comparisons you start understanding why its a big deal. Its not just eye candy. Its delivering way more onscreen visual information about what's going on around you in a game. Which is more consistent with how we view things with our naked eye.


    Remember. The cards announced so far are all top tier offerings. 4k cards. Both sides have the rest of their lineups waiting to be released. Once that happens. And we're at a point where shelves are stocked with all the shiny new cards to choose from. (the next couple of weeks are gonna be interesting. We can compare prices and performance based on reviewers and not just what manufacturers claim. We'll be in a much better position to make a decision as consumers. The knock on effect these new offerings also means that older cards still left on retailer shelves will drop in price. It also means the used market will be more competitive. Wait. Just wait. 

  10. I'm not a fan the bolt on wide body kits.My kids love the styling of them though.Guess they appeal to the younger generation. :w00t:  :w00t:


    I've seen a few at car shows and they don't have the power to match the extravagant styling.




    In my heart of hearts I agree. As a bit of a purist myself I'd rather see a car restored than modified. But I'd make exceptions for those done tastefully. And while his cars are certainly over the top there's no debating that Akira Nakai is seriously talented. And some of what he's done really appeals to the kid in me.


    Here's an example of American muscle inspired Japanese cars. The Camaro SS is probably on everyone's shortlist. But I look at these japanese copies and wonder if they're not a more imaginitive choice. If I were a collector I'd probably have a tough time choosing.



    Mazda RX4 Original




    Mazda RX4 Custom




    Mazda RX3 original




    Mazda RX3 Custom

  11. You have good taste.


    I'm going to tell the wife you said this. 


    I think everyone likes coups and roadsters though. I also have a soft spot for 70s Italian looking Japanese cars. What's weird is Japan also took some heavy influence from american muscle cars a bit later. I'll get some pics to show you what I mean. I love those too. Especially the short wheel base types. 


    There was a merc I wanted to include but couldn't remember the name. Try googling 'orange merc'. Anyways I found it and learned a thing or 2.


    The C111 has a few versions. But never made it to production. It was a concept car they used back then to experiment with rotary engines. So as you can imagine. Besides the replicas. This thing is extremely rare. I first saw it in a magazine when I was a laaitie. Still as beautiful as ever. Now that I see it again it kinda reminds me of the Mclaren F1.







  12. Some of the cars I consider timelessly beautiful.



    1968 Lamborghini Miura




    early 70s Datsun 240z. There were several versions of these. I think this was a series 1




    The 68 Toyota 2000GT is like a woman with features that are unusual and striking when you first see her. But the more you look at her. The more you realize how breathtaking she really is.




    1982 Lancia 037 Stradale. The real question is. Would you take one with or without the rear spoiler.

  13. I'm assuming this happened in your absence? Even if you weren't physically there while it happened don't shrug off the need for therapy yourself. You could end up torturing yourself over this for quite some time. And there's a strong possibility it could affect your health as well. Remember you can't be there for them if you don't take care of yourself too. All the best my bru. 

  14. Guessing it didn’t make you happy [emoji2]


    The toy made up for it. I do remember go pro prices being much cheaper there and then though. Amongst other things.


    The cost of things around the world is a tricky subject. And we're all pointing fingers. But the irony that 1st world products are likely to cost so much more in 3rd world countries is just such a terrible thing to make peace with. Kurzgesagt recently pointed out that while poorer countries progress and uplift those living beneath the poverty line at an ever increasing rate. Affluent countries are simultaneously improving their existing standard of living with greater efficiency. A phenomena which seems like its likely to see this global price disparity become worse with time. If I compare prices on tech stuff from only a few short years ago. Even when you account for inflation. It really seems like its getting worse.

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