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Posts posted by Cois

  1. Was informed today that I face being retrenched or medically boarded because I can’t perform at 100% due to my health.

    But like before this gets dropped on me at 16h30 in the afternoon on a Friday. Just to fudge my weekend. And this was the MO the previous time I work at the company. I was told that things will be made unbearable for me till I quit as they did with an employee that received the same treatment last year.

    So I do not know what to do anymore.

    This morning I thought of driving of a bridge. This illness and the things at the company are driving me to unsavory thoughts.

  2. Problem Solved thanks to PC Link Midrand ... waited for me to get there before they closed . Board could only take a Zen 3 CPU which they used to flash the bios... Owner had exact problem ...


    Everything up and running finally .


    OS loaded on M.2 , 3070 Card , Ryzen 5600 cpu ... damn is all I Can SAY !!! 1440 at 144hz is brilliant


    Thanks for assisting guys

    i have to thank you for this post you made. We had the exact problem at the office yesterday. So I knew where the problem was and how to fix it.

    You saved me a crapload of time having to draw pictures to the system builder that did not know what to do.

    I just refused to collect my CPU from home to fix their problem

  3. [emoji22] got a phone call... Mr Marais, why did you miss your appointment?


    So we had a mixup over the phone. I thought I had an appointment with the Oncologist for Monday. Sounds like the tannie said I had to see the Oncologist at 11h30 today and not Monday. That is why I live e-mails... You can trace what was said.


    So had to reschedule for Monday morning at 10h15.


    Had a bit of inspiration today. I saw a client with breast cancer last year. Delivered her notebook and did the setups etc.


    Saw her again today... I did not recognize her. She looked healthy and as a normal person would.

    I started tearing up. It was a little boost of hope and moral for me. I felt so embarrassed it wasn’t funny.

  4. I can just imagine, the instruction to take it easy balanced with still needing to make a living.

    Cannot be easy.

    My thoughts are with you, keep plugging away. The new treatment could be the break you have been working towards.

    It bloody sucks.  And some people I am working for do not understand that I am unable to still do some things.  But we will see what happens when I puke all over a client.  The juggling game is starting to become more and more difficult.  And I hope that the new treatment will help.  It will either kill me or heal me.  

    And when people start making stupid remarks I have to bite my cheek not to lash out at them.

  5. My wound started opening up. There was a fluid buildup and it found the route of the least resistance. And that was the scar tissue of my navel. And it did not help much that I was crawling on the ground looking for a bloody network cable and power outlets at a clients office.


    Doctor said no heavy lifting and now crawling around.


    Not much fun if you see blood on your shirt out of a scar.

  6. I might have someone that can help to repaint my bike. I am thinking of a creative turn to get the message out against cancer.

    I know in the cancer circles F””” cancer is the norm, but I would like something more family-friendly...


    But my creativity is lacking, and I need some help.

    Anyone with an idea on a creative way to get the message out? Anyone with creativity that can help?

  7. I love those Denny patties, its been over a year since I ate meat though so they dont cause my wife or I any issues.

    Mushrooms work well in those patties because they dont dry out and they are quite filling.

    I think we just got a very bad batch then.  But then as I said I have a very fine line to walk in what I eat.  Last night we had Quinoa with some fetta cheese, green pepper and King Oyster mushrooms.  Was a very filling meal for me.  The mushrooms did not effect me at all.  And it did not rush out of me in less than two hours.   

  8. We started looking at eating less animal products and then going vegetarian this year.  I can't just stop eating animal products but have to phase it out due to a few health problems.


    We did a meatless Friday last week and made the epic mistake to try Denny Patties (https://www.denny.co.za/single-post/2020/09/28/beef-style-mushroom-burger) for our Friday Burgers.  What a big mistake.  Remember where I said I have to take it slow...  Well my body decided to reject the burger and the patty.  Most of Friday night and Saturday was spent being sick.


    Going vegetarian again will not be such a huge problem for me.  But not sure how my shortened gut will like the change.

  9. Hi there


    We are still waiting on Momentum to stop taking me for a ride. My wife contacted them again today, no reply. The head of Oncology is on leave.


    Started noticing that I have a dull pain on my abdominal area. So hope Momentum will stock mucking about. I have a feeling it is starting to be a battle that I do not have the energy to fight.


    I had a contact lens fitment this afternoon. I started tearing up when I could read text on the screen. It has been a very long time since I could see even though it is only 80%.


    I apologize if I post things that I have posted. I noticed that I can’t remember things anymore. Even some of our budgies are a challenge attempting to remember their names. So it is a challenge at work. They expect me to remember what clients' systems I worked on from last month. Just glad that I was at the doctor as they are attempting to pin things on me. So things at work are a bit tough and starting to put a huge amount of stress on me. It sucks if you are accused of things left right and center every bloody day.

  10. I purchased a used Bryton Rider 330 from a fellow hubber a few weeks back.


    I attached it to my bike but there is a little play on the computer and it will irritate me.  So I started the search for a F Mount for the Rider 330.  The only place I can find is on Amazon.  And with Covid still in our midst shipping became very expensive.


    Has anyone seen a mount in South Africa for close to the same price as Amazon?  Or will Amazon be the better bet?  Amazon is about R320 for the mount and R280 for shipping (now that I type it, I remember that my weed dealer asks more for shipping from Johannesburg)


    The one issue I do have with Amazon is sending the bracket back if the item had the wrong descriptions and that it might not fit as I saw two adverts that had the wrong config for the Rider 330.

  11. Depends upon the lens and the user I think. With normal lenses, if I get any dust in them, the grit gets between the eye and the lens and the very smallest piece of dust causes the most incredible degree of irritation. I am effectively blind in the eye concerned. However, if I use scleral lenses, no problem. I can surf with them and survive a desert dust storm with them.

    Can't wait to get my Scleral lenses.  Only 6 weeks to wait if I am lucky.


    The problem I have with inserts is the size of the lenses.  My one eye is at -6.75 so the lens will poke me in the eye.  I tried inserts in a few glasses and it never worked for me.  I was on hard lenses and that was pure hell.  Even a little dust and tears would be streaming down my face.  That is if I am not on all fours looking for a lens that fell out of my eyes.


    The biggest hate I had with inserts (I was on -2.75 at that stage) was the weight on my nose.  The optometrist tried getting the lenses thinned, but it was still heavy.  So I can only imagine a -6.75 weight added to ones glasses.


    There was a question raised on the lenses shattering.  I know my Rudy Project lenses had ImpactX lenses (https://www.rudyproject.com/ww/en/technology/impactx.html).  The lenses will not shatter but they do crack.  Thinking of it.  I have a frame somewhere that lost a lens and cracked other lens..  Think I must find it and get new lenses for it.

    I had Evil Eyes from Adidas.  The lenses was prone to cracking.  Replaced the lenses twice and gave the glasses away after the 2nd replacement.  My Oakley's always had a frame weakness and I broke two frames in a years span.  I then started wearing Rudy Projects.  Purchased a KWay non photochromatic two years ago, but hated the thing as it had lens distortion and made me fall

  12. Morning all.

    Not much has happened the last few weeks.  Still waiting for Momentum to give the go ahead on my chemo treatment.  Have 4 stitches left in my stoma that has to be removed as it seems that they are not going to dissolve on their own so have to schedule with the stoma clinic to have it removed.


    Went to the optometrist this past weekend.  I have been struggling to see from my last hospital visit, and had to get a optometrist that can make scleral lenses or hard lenses.  The Keratoconus is still a huge problem, but now have discoloration of my lenses in my eyes do to chemo.  My lenses are no longer clear, but they have dulled to a grey color due to the chemo treatments that I received.


    My butt is itching to get onto a bicycle again. I cleaned out the tires (all the stuck on sealant) and got my bike ready.  Will have to do the same to the SO bike as well.  And just get the 4 stitches removed. and get the new contact lenses as I can't cycle with my old glasses at the moment.  So looking up and up at the moment. 

  13. Yup, its always the case with new data transmission standards. The data allowances and services they are used to consume dont take advantage of the speed.


    The only benefit to the extra speed for now will be in terms of stability. I expect it will help a lot with rollout of fast broadband services to the home in future, not having to lay cables will increase deployment speed substantially.

    think that was the premise Rain took. Quick and wireless, use what infrastructure there is.

    Just sad that their bandwidth and client services could not keep up with growth.

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