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Posts posted by Cois

  1. So we started the next round of Chemo last week.  5FU chemo pump, and a derivative of 5FU per IV.  Friday was not to bad.  The steroids they gave me still worked.  Saturday morning felt a bit weak and Saturday morning was hit by the biggest wave of tiredness.  But in floored.  Had to make a few stops at the shops for water (I can't drink the tap water in Pretoria anymore) and bought a Gluten free bread, just to have something else to eat than Ensure and smoothies.  Felt lethargic in the shops and decided that I did not want to pass out in the shops so I told the wife that it was time to return to home as I was not going to make it.

    Was locked on the couch most of yesterday, got into bed at 21H20 and fell asleep till 05H00.  The one positive of the chemo is that it causes diarrhea, but the downside is dehydration.  But at least I wont have a blockage.  Another problem with the 5FU is hiccups.  I hope I still have some medication for that at home.  Or it might be hell for the next few hours.

    And just realized that everyone knows better about how to treat hiccups.  Even though I tell them home remedies will not help, they still insist that it will work.  So tired of people thinking they know better.  This is not my first rodeo with 5FU and the dreaded hiccups

  2. We postponed the chemo session until later this week. I went for my Covid Vaccine on Friday, and the chemo would kill the effects of the vaccine.

    The past weekend I could not keep any food down. So I am very weak, and it is very difficult at the moment to walk.

    I was without my pain meds the past weekend, and that was the worst idea ever. So last night I had the pain patch on again. I could not get my morphine prescription filled at Dischem Menlyn as the do not have morphine powder to mix my morphine (have to back on morphine as that is the only medication that will work and not cause anymore damage, even though I am allergic to morphine)

    The worst thing at this stage is knowing that I am going to be sick if I drink something. Even eating something just can’t stay in.  And weight loss is my biggest enemy right now!



  3. Went to see the oncologist last week. Bloodwork seems normal for what is taking over my body. 
    i could not start chemo due to the weight loss I experienced. The oncologist recommended that we might have to wait a week to see how my body reacts to the liquid diet.

    The biggest problem is that I vomit out 90% of the foods I take in. Last night was the worst. I did not eat anything yesterday only took in liquids (decade coffee, and Rooibos tea and some water) just before bedtime I ran for the bathroom. Everything came out.

    Drank a bit of water and headed back to bed (we fall under the part of Pretoria with no electricity since Saturday night) attempting to fall asleep. Woke up at 01h00 and ran for the bathroom again. Had to run back to get a flashlight, and vomited out some water.

    Went back to bed and was woken at 03h30 and had to do the run, run back, get a flashlight and vomit out the last bit of liquid my body could expel. Was awake till 04h30 when Reinet woke up to start the shower in cold water to get ready for work. 

    At work today just after 13h00 I had to dash to the bathroom (at this stage I am doing Tech, reception and client liaison due to people having Covid exposures) again, making it just in time.

    Dinner was Sago in drinking form that Reinet prepared on Saturday. So I really hope it stays in.

    Weight this morning was 70,2 kg’s

    I have to see the oncologist on Thursday for assessment and to see if I should start or rather can start treatment. That and the booking for my Covid vaccination on Friday morning is two goals for this week for me.



  4. 18 hours ago, ChrisF said:

    Cois hoe gaan dit ?


    Dink aan julle ????

    Thanks for asking ChrisF

    eating is huge problem (rather drinking) at the moment. Keeping things down is a huge challenge. Last night I had some Jelly and came out about an hour later with the cup of Rooibos tea. This morning drank half a cup of tea for my meds, and it took the RTS (Return to Sender) path as well with all my pills including my anti nausea medication.

    the pain sticker works well, just have the same reaction to it as with morphine. We consulted with a dietician yesterday to find 2hat will work for me. I am on a liquid diet with no lactose, gluten or acid forming foods. The scary part of all this is the weight loss. 

  5. Was sent home this morning. The surgeon did not do much at all. Prescribed me an antacid and that is about it.

    feeling much better to be home. 
    just a bit irritated. I am suppose to be on a liquid diet. No consult with a dietician, not a clue what I can eat and drink, and no idea what to do except keep my pee a champagne colour, due to the failing kidney.

    So I feel that the surgeon just wanted to get me out and on my way. He thought I was joking when I questioned the radiologist for seeing a gallbladder and that the gallbladder did not have any stones… just weird, because my gallbladder was removed a long time ago, because t was in the way of my liver ablation.


  6. I have been contemplating the thought tonight of selling my Scott to get something non boost for the trainer, so that I can switch our bike over and that Reinet can swap the bikes as well (yes I am thinking of the day that I pass)

    If anyone has a contact that can help to swap my Scott for a non boost bike it will help a lot. When I bought the bike I did not do the homework and purchased a boost bike. Reinet has a non boost bike, so to swap bikes on the trainer entails removing the QR setup to switch the bikes. For me it is not a problem, but it might become a huge issue soon.

  7. Thanks for all the posts wishing me luck. Guys and girls, it means a lot to me. I am not alone in this battle. I have all of you fighting this fight with me. And that is amazing! How everyone just supports me and Reinet. 

    You guys and girls are the reason I am still fighting this fight! I could not do this without your help and support.

  8. Just had the second consultation.

    They are going to remove the tube today and start me on fluids in the hope that the partial blockage will be removed. 

    The reason they can’t operate is that the whole of my bowel area has been riddled with cancer. So the risk of rupturing my bowels are too high.

    If I am lucky the blockage will clear and I will be able to go on normally, just with severe caution.

    I am starting to wonder if I should not start an RSO protocol, or get the oncologist to get me on a trial so that I can at least help someone else fighting this disease, seeing that the conventional treatments did not work at all.


  9. 8 hours ago, Muttley said:

    @CoisHow you doing?

    Sorry was a very bad day today my Friend.

    radiology sent my contrast drink around 11h00 and did the scan at 13h00. I just got the results from the doctor. I am not operable. 

    Cancer has spread between my innards. I'm his words, there is nothing humanly doable. He will get a second opinion tomorrow, but it sounds like a liquid diet till I can, and then a Picline with IV Fluids to feed me.

    I hope that the other surgeon will have another plan, or else I will have to go to Dr Charl van Niekerk again, and during the darn Covid time it is almost impossible to get to the surgeons.

    So hope for the best.

  10. 10 minutes ago, Muttley said:

    I do...

    Lost a mate to COVID this week who was using these details so will gladly share the details with Cois.

    @CoisDM incoming ????

    Thanks will help a lot.

    Condolences on the loss of your friend. Spoke to the head nurse. The amount of people not making it, is staggering! Some people will never see their loved once when they leave them at the door… ever again. 
    that is what they are dealing with at the moment. So it is not weird to see families in the parking area morning the loss of a loved one that they will never see again

  11. I complained to the Sr about the patients. They know that I have not slept since I am here, and under the circumstances I was moved to a private room. 

    i have stunning earphones that are in ear models and a pair of on ear models that I use, but the guys were loud enough that the sound was not blocked out. My other earphones with ANC was replaced and arrived at my office this morning. Might ask someone to bring it to the hospital.

    the one major thing I am missing is a TdF stream that works. Tried a few but they do not work. And the hospital only has a tennis channel and a boxing channel. But caught a 5 minute segment on a sport news channel last night. 

  12. Just saw the surgeon.

    i need a test to see what causes the blockage, but I can’t get the test today as planned. If something goes wrong, I can’t be operated till Wednesday.

    the other crap news is that I can be here for two weeks (and this is unpaid, because I do not have sick leave left). That is two weeks that I can’t see my wife, where I have to cope with obnoxious people sharing the room that do not take the peace and rest requirements into consideration of the people around them.

    Yesterday the one told me to never get old. I will only be happy to make 40 at this stage and this from a 80 year old man.

    Yesterday they drained 2L of fluid from my stomach. The pervious day was only 900ml.


  13. 1 hour ago, Steven Knoetze (sk27) said:

    Ai Cois, not good news but still not insurmountable.
    I think Covid has had a profound impact on what they would deem "elective" procedures.
    Keep us updated, keep up the fight!!!

    The surgeon spoke to me. This one is non elective, but can end my life, there is a blockage that needs to clear, if it does not clear by itself, it means surgery. 
    I have a CT or MRI on the cards today. They just did the blood tests for contrast. 

    So not too excited about that. 

  14. Received some not so good news.

    Just been admitted to hospital again. Went to the GP as I threw up the whole of last night and the last thing I ate was yoghurt on Thursday morning.

    so it seems like I have a blockage of my colon.

    but they saw a new mass on my kidneys as well. A mass that was not there 3 months ago.

    so the idea of the oncologist to halt all treatment signed my death sentence. I have been complaining for more than two months about kidney pain, but it did not receive much attention and was told it was the pain medication that I used.

    so I am waiting for Dr Viljoen to swing past me to let me know if we are going to do. If we are going to operate or what action we can take. The pain has been of the charts!

  15. 6 hours ago, Muttley said:

    @Cois How you holding up?

    Thanks for asking Muttley.  :) I am starting to feel a little human again.  Morphine can screw you up.  I might even try Zwift this weekend.  At least this morning I could get out the car without much drama.  I now know why a automatic car would be great.  If you can't step on the clutch pedal, driving becomes a bit tricky.  

    The pain medication combo I was on, is not your friend...   Sucked every ounce of energy out of me.

  16. Was discharged on Sunday afternoon after I asked the Doctor what was wrong with me and she had no clue. I had a severe reaction to the morphine and I am still struggling with weakness due to the morphine.  At least the itchiness dissipated.  Of all the waves of Corona I have been in the hospital, this one was the worst.  There was no WiFi connection at the hospital (Wilgers) so connection to the outside was a issue to a lot of the people around me.  I only had BT earphones that can't connect to the entertainment systems they have for patients.

    Yesterday was the first day in a long time that I had something to eat that stayed down

  17. 1st night in hospital and the first in a very long time. The Oncologist think I might have a blockage.

    I am on a few drips including a morphine drip and a nice 1 litre to replenish my fluids. Th last MRI showed that the cancer has spread a lot between the organs, and that might be a factor here. But will be waiting for the action plan, before I stress about nothing.

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