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DQ - Earphones


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whenever i dont race, i ride with earphones and music playing.

it's not distracting, unless you are listening to crap music like britney or gaga or heaven forbid that girl bieber.


when i ride singletrack like rietvlei or similar, i alway remove one earphone to listen incase someone wants to pass.


in fact, if you want to focus, get some pumping or angry tunes and watch the hills become flats.


as for races, the rules are the rules. saw someone at the monster with one earphone, and music pumping.


in this case the earphones were around their neck, and i think the dq is a bit harsh. perhaps a warning would have sufficed or even like stated a two hour penalty.

Edited by RocknRolla
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But everyone here assumed that it is music that they were listening to, maybe it is just their phone so they can hear it ring ?


And it was around the neck not in their ears?


There are dictors and people on call that might get a call during a race and they want to be able to answer quickly ?


Rules are rules but some rules....

*** man, doctors on call don't go bike riding
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It boils my piss when I see earphones in ears because on a few occasions ive caught up to a person with earphones on singletrack doing a training ride and when Im passing they dont even hear me call which side im passing, they almost cut straight back into me.



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According to the CSA MTB Cycling Regulations, these are the rules:


Forbidden devices

In all forms of mountain bike competition:


Radio links: The use of radio links or other remote means of communication with riders during a race is forbidden.


Music players: The use by any rider of any form of music player, audio device or other similar device (e.g. iPod, MP3 Player, walkman, mobile phone) is forbidden during all events and competition as these devices restrict hearing and are considered dangerous to the rider and other riders.


Cameras: No form of camera may be mounted or worn by the rider on any part of the body, and may also not be mounted on the helmet of a rider.


My standard briefing at races goes something like this:

"No audio devices are allowed. No MP3 players, iPods, Cellphones are allowed. This is a safety ruling. You must be able to hear other road users and cyclists."


At every single race that I officiate I give the same briefing. On a few occasions I have had to DQ people that had ear buds either in their ears or hanging around their necks.

If the ear buds are hanging around the neck, I have to assume that they were using them during the event, and simply removed them just before crossing the finishing line.

The persons being DQ'd always have the same excuse of "I did not know that it was against the rules."


With most entries online, or event pages, there is a warning that the event is a CSA Sanctioned event, and that all CSA rules apply, and a link to the rules is normally included.

I will attach a copy of the rules as well.


https://www.dropbox....ions 2013-1.pdf

CSA Mountain Bike Regulations 2013-1.pdf

Edited by pezulu
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According to the CSA MTB Cycling Regulations, these are the rules:


Forbidden devices

In all forms of mountain bike competition:


Radio links: The use of radio links or other remote means of communication with riders during a race is forbidden.


Music players: The use by any rider of any form of music player, audio device or other similar device (e.g. iPod, MP3 Player, walkman, mobile phone) is forbidden during all events and competition as these devices restrict hearing and are considered dangerous to the rider and other riders.


Cameras: No form of camera may be mounted or worn by the rider on any part of the body, and may also not be mounted on the helmet of a rider.


My standard briefing at races goes something like this:

"No audio devices are allowed. No MP3 players, iPods, Cellphones are allowed. This is a safety ruling. You must be able to hear other road users and cyclists."


At every single race that I officiate I give the same briefing. On a few occasions I have had to DQ people that had ear buds either in their ears or hanging around their necks.

If the ear buds are hanging around the neck, I have to assume that they were using them during the event, and simply removed them just before crossing the finishing line.

The persons being DQ'd always have the same excuse of "I did not know that it was against the rules."


With most entries online, or event pages, there is a warning that the event is a CSA Sanctioned event, and that all CSA rules apply, and a link to the rules is normally included.

I will attach a copy of the rules as well.


https://www.dropbox....ions 2013-1.pdf

so cameras are only permitted on the bike itself and assuming you carry your cell phone (a camera that makes calls too) for safety and do not try and take vids or photos while riding these are ok?

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It's even a nuisance on social rides.

I have a mate that always wants to ride with our group but then rocks up with earphones in. What's the point of riding with us. We are real social riders talking and joking on route and then he always asks what happened or what's so funny.

Misses the point of the ride.


Now if you on your own doing some hard core intervals or something fair enough have some music going but not on a social ride and definitely not in a race.

I had a big crash at Nissan down and dirty three years ago cause the person with headphones in front of me couldn't hear me say hold your line, they swerved as I came up along side them and we both ended up in a pile.

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Cameras: No form of camera may be mounted or worn by the rider on any part of the body, and may also not be mounted on the helmet of a rider


Glad we can somme clear that one up also.


No camera may be mounted to the rider or worn by the rider or mounted on his helmet - check


Mount it on your bike and you are good to go! It does not say, no camera's or no camera's on bikes!

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Glad we can somme clear that one up also.


No camera may be mounted to the rider or worn by the rider or mounted on his helmet - check


Mount it on your bike and you are good to go! It does not say, no camera's or no camera's on bikes!


Standard race briefing again:

No helmet or chest mounted cameras are permitted. You may however mount a camera on the handle bar, stem or seatpost.

The helmet mount changes the structural integrity of the helmet, causing it to function in a way it was not designed to do.

Taking videos of the inside of your chest may sound cool, but should not be attempted during a race.

Edited by pezulu
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Why would you want to spoil your ride with earphones , they should be held liable for a moer of

a fine at prize giving ! Maybe cover the bar bill for the evening .......

Or even better start the last day 15min after the last group had already left .

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Don't want to open a can of worms here or go off topic on my own thread, but I saw quite a few riders at Sani struggling with their GoPro mounts, i.e. not being able to secure it properly to the bike. In fact, one such incident stopped me on day 2 down into the Umko. I was honestly quite relaxed about it, but it could be dangerous if not properly secured.

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This is still going!!!


When practicing/social ride etc, yes, I also use earphones on the odd occassion, but of late have decided not to as we are now a fairly large group that ride alot of dh and single track. One can understand from a safety aspect why these devices are banned.


Whats that saying again - if you cant to the time then dont do the crime!!


There are no place for penalties etc cause how would one justify it it was around the neck, in the ear and so forth. No rules are rules, Some people should just accept it.

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I dont want to see cameras on helmets, but saying its partly because they change the integrity of the helmet doesnt seem logical if helmet lights are allowed.


I'd think they're banned as they're unnecessary, social devices.

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I dont want to see cameras on helmets, but saying its partly because they change the integrity of the helmet doesnt seem logical if helmet lights are allowed.


I'd think they're banned as they're unnecessary, social devices.


I thought it had to do with having to take your hand off the bar to operate the camera. Might be wrong....

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*** man, doctors on call don't go bike riding


Sure they do... especially when second or third on call.. they play golf when first on call....

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