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It wasn't meant to be funny.


Being lied to, being led on a merry dance and made to jump through hoops with an end goal in sight only to have the goal posts moved once you do is EXACTLY my point.


It is the state of the nation. It is the way our country does/has and will continue to operate.


I merely saying that a whole bunch of folk who were against the mass stand for the pines, against the #feesmustfall etc are all for mass participation when it suits their cause.


I am by no means saying do nothing.


Just don't do the same stuff that has yielded no results, created angst, antagonised many and has disrupted and undermined the process that was already underway.


I am also not here to cause a fight. I do not agree with your disection or understanding of my last paragraph. I think you have taken it in completely the wrong way. The bit you missed was the fact that you still act as though you are surprsed by the treatment, despite the years and years of same s**t different day/scenario being laid out clearly in our past. The fact that it was you, about something you have worked on, you have poured your heart and soul into just makes it 'real', as opposed to just another piece of news.


I am also saying that should MTBers march en mass, enter without permission, create a ruckus and make a nuisence of themselves it will benefit very few. Kicking the hornets nest probably won't serve anyone.


My comment was not aimed at the committee or those primarily involved, more at the masses who now feel they are entitled to ride on the 31st because someone said so.


I'm done.


Have a wonderful weekend 

Once again, your last paragraph does not make sense...


Friday is tomorrow :ph34r:

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This is that classic story of the boss trying to be be rad and telling the workers that they will probably go home at lunch time on Friday then BAM!


Friday hits, absolute dog show and the boss is now the bad guy for saying something to get everyone excited and gets crucified.


It will open when it opens... Go and enjoy the 'new' bits of table mountain for a while and hopefully it will run it's course.


I live 4km from the car park at Tokai.. excited as anyone to hit Cobra and bridal path again, but also happy to wait until it is legit, sorted and the guys like Deon and Marko can bask in their gloriousness.


If we have learned anything from 2016 it is that the government and it's institutions do not care nor react to MASS protest, marches and rallies.


Throwing poo at the Manor House or creating a terrible hashtag will not speed this up. 


After 2 long, frustrating years, lets just hold off the hit squads and rash behaviour and call on a teeny bit more patience.


Funny how we know and accept stuff like fraud, corruption, Guptaism and a heap of other despicable things about our government and treat it with a 'well I can't change it' attitude... yet when it effects us directly we are still incensed by the ineptitude of that which we have written off daily....

Bask in what gloriousness?

I'm struggling to understand what you mean there.

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Tokai to open next week. More info to follow in the next few hours relating to terms, operating hours and we'll also upload a video on what to expect.


It's been hours since you wrote this!  Where's the update?!

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Well done guys, to Deon and his crew for putting up with Sanparks and us! I have a list of things that I look forward to when getting home from a long trip away from home and you just added to that list! Cheers! I hope my Stans is holding!!! Cause I gonna ride that horse till it breaks when I get back!

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Pretty much no chance.

You too Mark, I hope you get to ride it also on opening day! It would simply be unfair if after all the effort, you guys have to stand somewhere in the blazing sun on the day and watch others ride it!

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Tokai to open next week. More info to follow in the next few hours relating to terms, operating hours and we'll also upload a video on what to expect.


Thank You

(genuine statement)


Great news


I will eat my hat

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Aweesssome.thanks so much guys. Now where do I find a cape Town tourism office? Stupid tourisn website doesn't tell you where to find an office? And who wants to go with me so that we can get a discount?

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