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SARS & eFiling - What gives?!

Johan A Marais

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Quick way to view when refund will be paid is to pull a statement of account:

Click on the SARS Correspondence TAB and then select Request Historic IT notices.

The click on I want to request a statement of account.


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Return submitted this morning, IT34 notice received shortly afterwards... now to see when they pay out. Has always been within 24-48 hours, in all the years I can remember. Time will tell.

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I had to upload my medicals (as usual).. But should get paid out within a few weeks one they have verified the uploads

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From SARS:


"Pretoria, 6 July 2017 - SARS would like to thank all those taxpayers who have already submitted their Income Tax Returns. As of 08:00 this morning 341 356 taxpayers have submitted their returns. The majority, 243 388 were submitted using eFiling, while 97 968 have submitted at a SARS branch.


It is important for taxpayers expecting a refund to note that SARS has this year implemented additional risk processes to ensure both the legitimacy and accuracy of the refunds paid. SARS has an obligation to both taxpayers as well as to the fiscus to ensure that fraudulent and invalid claims are stopped.


We are aware that taxpayers have an expectation that once they submit a return which results in a refund that this would be paid to them shortly thereafter. It must though be noted that such refunds can only be paid once all SARS processes have been concluded. SARS is committed to ensure that legitimate refunds are paid as soon as possible."

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Did my return on Friday the 7th July, got my R28k today.

Never been disappointed with SARS to be honest.

Maybe just because I am a 'simple' case.

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Submitted on the 11th, payment today (13th). The same 24-48 hour window as before - also a "simple" case, that's doesn't change much year on year.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Here's my story. Would appreciate any input.

Been e-filing the farms VAT returns for a number of years now. Normally the procedure is as follows. When you submit a return that deviates from your normal claim history you get notice that you should upload supporting documents. This usually means the detail (e.g. Pastel summary and 5 biggest invoices) Then you get audited and sometimes someone phones you with questions. (Always very professional) If everything is in order the claim gets paid out, otherwise they advise you on how to correct and resubmit.

Here's where the story gets funny. On the 15th of last month I got 9 simultaneous emails of pending SARS correspondence. Turns out they want supporting documents of 9 previous 2 month periods that has already been paid out. Two of those periods they already requested supporting documents when I submitted them about two years ago. I complied and claims was then paid out. When calling the helpline you only get reminded that it is SARS legal right to audit you anytime for any number of periods over a 5 year history. I took all the filed documents of the relevant periods out of storage and stacked it. The pile was 1.2 meters tall. Is this fair?

I'm not sure exactly what correspondence you have, but it sounds like you have been identified for what they call a "full scope audit."


That means they will come to you. They will contact you and set up an appointment.


Whether they are entitled to withhold your future refunds is a mute point.


We have had this happen to some of our clients and we have offered to fight this legally for them, but none of them are prepared to pay our fees as it could get costly.


The problem with a full scope is the time frames for them to finalize the matter. It could take 6 months or more, hence the unfairness of waiting for refunds.


Before you do anything, please read the correspondence carefully to see exactly what they want you to do.

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I'm not sure exactly what correspondence you have, but it sounds like you have been identified for what they call a "full scope audit."


That means they will come to you. They will contact you and set up an appointment.


Whether they are entitled to withhold your future refunds is a mute point.


We have had this happen to some of our clients and we have offered to fight this legally for them, but none of them are prepared to pay our fees as it could get costly.


The problem with a full scope is the time frames for them to finalize the matter. It could take 6 months or more, hence the unfairness of waiting for refunds.


Before you do anything, please read the correspondence carefully to see exactly what they want you to do.

Thanks' for advice Eugene. My whole December holidays was buggered and I uploaded all the supporting documents just before Christmas. Since then I haven't had any correspondence and all the past 6 months claims have been paid out like clockwork. Why I had to submit supporting documents for periods that had already been paid out will remain one of life's mysteries I guess.

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so we did the return on Friday, there was a glitch of sorts (our side) and used the call line for SARS, waited a very short period of time to chat to a lady that assisted us ..... now here it comes............ IF ONLY EVERY INSTITUTION, PRIVATE BUSINESS, CALL CENTER, ANYONE WITH ANY INTEREST IN DOING GOOD BUSINESS....... IF THESE COULD OFFER THE LEVEL OF SERVICE AND PROFESSIONALISM THAT THIS LADY OFFERED, WE AS A COUNTRY WILL BE MARKET LEADERS.


So two big flaming thumbs up to SARS, and specifically this lady who assisted us.

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