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Masks when riding

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its not been required to wear one when conducting vigorous exercise since Level 3.

You can even ride in groups as large as 50 and the distance between riders seems to have fallen away as well

Thanks for the confirmation DieseInDust!


Next time that wingnut screams at me to wear a mask I'm going to have some choice responses  :cursing:

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Thanks for the confirmation DieseInDust!


Next time that wingnut screams at me to wear a mask I'm going to have some choice responses :cursing:

Not having a go at you specifically, but is there not a space in our interactions with people out on the road to have a calm chat about things?


We are not motorists, having to yell over the drum of traffic and engines. We can chat about this in a calm voice.


Then again, don't know if the guy yelling at you will be open to a calm chat to be honest...?


Will a calm chat have any positive outcome? Yelling expletives surely won't. Maybe best to Ride On and leave the guy to sulk in his crappy nappy?

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Thanks for the confirmation DieseInDust!


Next time that wingnut screams at me to wear a mask I'm going to have some choice responses :cursing:

Few thoughts ....



YES, while exercising you dont "have to" ware a mask.



Our trail rides are not simplistic though ....



People stop to open gates .... I hold back and only pass when proper social distancing is possible ... by this point hart rate is high and hard breathing ... not nice to wear a mask under these conditions, BUT also a high riskbsituation to pass close to others without a mask.


When passing others with no safe distance option .... I pull up my mask. Some others also do this, I make a point of thanking these riders. No, I dont ask others to do so.


The rides itself is okay.




Frankly the only danger is at the coffee stops .... less and less people keeping their distances ... most of these dont have any drinks or eats, just ignoring the use of masks.




I also dont like masks .... but either I stay way out of the groups, or I wear it. (when not riding) this is not about "rules". We all know the benefits of wearing masks - despite the obvious discomfort. Our behaviour will hugely impact the "second wave", which is clearly visible in many other countries

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Not having a go at you specifically, but is there not a space in our interactions with people out on the road to have a calm chat about things?


We are not motorists, having to yell over the drum of traffic and engines. We can chat about this in a calm voice.


Then again, don't know if the guy yelling at you will be open to a calm chat to be honest...?


Will a calm chat have any positive outcome? Yelling expletives surely won't. Maybe best to Ride On and leave the guy to sulk in his crappy nappy?

A "choise response" to somebody that is already "shouting" cant end good ....



Pity the first person sees a need to "shout" ...


A harsh reply, no matter how "correct", is unlikely to defuse the situation.

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Not having a go at you specifically, but is there not a space in our interactions with people out on the road to have a calm chat about things?


We are not motorists, having to yell over the drum of traffic and engines. We can chat about this in a calm voice.


Then again, don't know if the guy yelling at you will be open to a calm chat to be honest...?


Will a calm chat have any positive outcome? Yelling expletives surely won't. Maybe best to Ride On and leave the guy to sulk in his crappy nappy?

Fully agree Swift&Aero, a calm chat would have been good and should be our go to attitude.


I have extra patience with my fellow cyclists as we all have issues and the bike is our therapy or joy or release.... and that's why I just cycled on the first two times. I didn't even look at him in an effort to avoid confrontation, but this dear fellow cyclist intentionally changed direction the third time and nearly caused a head-on collision and all this while screaming. I might add, he was screaming at everyone not wearing a mask. (I have a buff around my neck at all times to put on when I stop)


I yelled at him to stop being stupid without using any expletives...even though his actions could have landed both of us in hospital or worse. 


I really do have great understanding for peoples fear and frustration during this time, but man some people just seem determined to share their crappy nappy vibes.     

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I think a large majority of the general public are not even aware of the concession that masks are not needed when doing "vigorous" exercise. So the person shouting thinks he has a legitimate transgression he is pointing out.


But unless you have the gazetted rules right there with you to show him, he probably won't believe you and we will get another "Dear Bikehub" post of a spitting/shouting event in {insert suburb name here}.

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Fully agree Swift&Aero, a calm chat would have been good and should be our go to attitude.


I have extra patience with my fellow cyclists as we all have issues and the bike is our therapy or joy or release.... and that's why I just cycled on the first two times. I didn't even look at him in an effort to avoid confrontation, but this dear fellow cyclist intentionally changed direction the third time and nearly caused a head-on collision and all this while screaming. I might add, he was screaming at everyone not wearing a mask. (I have a buff around my neck at all times to put on when I stop)


I yelled at him to stop being stupid without using any expletives...even though his actions could have landed both of us in hospital or worse. 


I really do have great understanding for peoples fear and frustration during this time, but man some people just seem determined to share their crappy nappy vibes.


Hectic man! That oke needs a hug big-time, he is running some high revs.


Just imagine he lines up the wrong person stressed on the other side of the spectrum, might end very bad for either one of them.

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Few thoughts ....



YES, while exercising you dont "have to" ware a mask.



Our trail rides are not simplistic though ....



People stop to open gates .... I hold back and only pass when proper social distancing is possible ... by this point hart rate is high and hard breathing ... not nice to wear a mask under these conditions, BUT also a high riskbsituation to pass close to others without a mask.


When passing others with no safe distance option .... I pull up my mask. Some others also do this, I make a point of thanking these riders. No, I dont ask others to do so.


The rides itself is okay.




Frankly the only danger is at the coffee stops .... less and less people keeping their distances ... most of these dont have any drinks or eats, just ignoring the use of masks.




I also dont like masks .... but either I stay way out of the groups, or I wear it. (when not riding) this is not about "rules". We all know the benefits of wearing masks - despite the obvious discomfort. Our behaviour will hugely impact the "second wave", which is clearly visible in many other countries


ChrisF thanks for your thoughts.


I agree with you, we all need to be responsible when not actually riding.


To clarify, I encountered this individual three different times and every time we were heading in opposite directions while riding. He was screaming from the very first time he came close enough for me to hear him. 


As a rule I avoid confrontation at all costs as nobody wins, even when you "correct" as you say. 


May God help us all...on and off the bike.  

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ChrisF thanks for your thoughts.


I agree with you, we all need to be responsible when not actually riding.


To clarify, I encountered this individual three different times and every time we were heading in opposite directions while riding. He was screaming from the very first time he came close enough for me to hear him. 


As a rule I avoid confrontation at all costs as nobody wins, even when you "correct" as you say. 


May God help us all...on and off the bike.  


They say that in a moment of crisis, there are two responses a human generally makes; Fight or Flight. Since I'm not a bird, I tend to be the fighter. I can't really say why, but I would ordinarily not back down to someone who is confronting me. This has gotten me in some akward spots in the past, but my instinctive reaction is usually to storm headlong into the mess and start swinging before the first round of taunts are cooled off.


As I've gotten older, I've cooled off myself, and about 6.5 times out of 10 I'll smile and wave, but those other 3.5 times...


I rode my entire ride this morning without my buff making it anywhere near my mouth, and most all people (bar 2) were doing the exact same thing. When I approach people, I keep as far left as I can when they are coming from the opposite direction, but since I classify cycling as vigorous exercise I am going with what the minister said I'm allowed to do.


But you're very right that we need God's help. Not just for Covid. The world has suddenly become the Jerry Springer Show....

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They say that in a moment of crisis, there are two responses a human generally makes; Fight or Flight. Since I'm not a bird, I tend to be the fighter. I can't really say why, but I would ordinarily not back down to someone who is confronting me. This has gotten me in some akward spots in the past, but my instinctive reaction is usually to storm headlong into the mess and start swinging before the first round of taunts are cooled off.


As I've gotten older, I've cooled off myself, and about 6.5 times out of 10 I'll smile and wave, but those other 3.5 times...


I rode my entire ride this morning without my buff making it anywhere near my mouth, and most all people (bar 2) were doing the exact same thing. When I approach people, I keep as far left as I can when they are coming from the opposite direction, but since I classify cycling as vigorous exercise I am going with what the minister said I'm allowed to do.


But you're very right that we need God's help. Not just for Covid. The world has suddenly become the Jerry Springer Show....


Yeah, as far as I know the guidelines that define what "vigorous exercise" entails were never published by the Minister of Health. It could have been a minefield and the easiest was probably just to leave it open for interpretation. 

Edited by dsw
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It could have been a minefield and the easiest was probably just to leave it open for interpretation.

"Rules" shouldn't be left open to interpretation... it just leads to confusion, misunderstanding and confrontation.

Edited by Thomo
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"Rules" shouldn't be left open to interpretation... it just leads to confusion, misunderstanding and confrontation.


Indeed, but I would like to see how anyone can define "vigorous exercise" in this context in such a way that it is logical, widely acceptable by runners, cyclists, walkers, etc and also enforceable. 

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Indeed, but I would like to see how anyone can define "vigorous exercise" in this context in such a way that it is logical, widely acceptable by runners, cyclists, walkers, etc and also enforceable. 

After lock down, its any exercise. 

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Indeed, but I would like to see how anyone can define "vigorous exercise" in this context in such a way that it is logical, widely acceptable by runners, cyclists, walkers, etc and also enforceable. 



if you dressed up to look the part of someone exercising then its vigorous exercise. If not its commuting

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