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EPO as a recreational cyclist


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It put on it's balance bracelet


Ag no .. did this thread just end again?
For a moment there I was so happy someone started this again …. Had a mechanical doping question. :ph34r: 
Was thinking about the storing of elastic potential energy together with advances in material science.
Some kind of torque blade/spring winding up while you pedal/brake downhill or in the peloton and releasing when you need it to open a gap at a strategic opportunity – no battery needed either.
And it won’t be picked up by an electromagnetic scanner either. Is it possible that the pro's could be using / or have used devices like this? 
Edited by Eddie_V
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Cool. Took it a bit personally, sorry. I'm just curious about what lengths back markers would go to. The things I've seen in the back of the packs where I used to bide my time were shocking. EPO use back there would not surprise me.

I think it was a valid question as I have also wondered to what lengths average Joe might go through to improve his physical ability, be it with EPO or just a bit of testosterone.


I think it is human nature to want to become better at something, even if you are just a weekend warrior riding at the back.


It's also the case when you think about the amount of supplements some of us take just to have some sort of competitive advantage. Creatine, Glutamin, protein shakes, etc, etc.


One is legal, whereas the other is illegal. Not an ideal comparison.  But I still think it's a valid debate as to what lengths (financially even) people will go through to improve their times.

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Ag no .. did this thread just end again?
For a moment there I was so happy someone started this again …. Had a mechanical doping question. :ph34r: 
Was thinking about the storing of elastic potential energy together with advances in material science.
Some kind of torque blade/spring winding up while you pedal/brake downhill or in the peloton and releasing when you need it to open a gap at a strategic opportunity – no battery needed either.
And it won’t be picked up by an electromagnetic scanner either. Is it possible that the pro's could be using / or have used devices like this? 


That's A very interesting idea 

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I would just be interested to know, what difference it would really make to us average Joe's, Will it be like superman or is it jut that 5% extra.

It may still be legal over the counter in Switzerland...find the right doctor to look after you there and you can have an expensive but legal experiment as long as you don't compete  :thumbup:

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Apparently in olden days (Boer War era) the Boers fed their horses some dagga with their lucern to improve their endurance. Perhaps it is good for human endurance also, but I can't see it improving the competitive spirit at all.


Considering the mountains they pulled their Ox Wagons over, i'm sure they smoked a lot of it as well

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Read this old article written by a journalist who set out to answer that question:




Thanks for the link.  Good read.  


And it definitely does not sound like its worth it.  Not for the standard amateur out there which makes me wonder why people would actually do it in the funrider ranks.


Lazy to actually do the hard work




Busy reading One Way Ticket by Jonathan Vaughters.

He also tells about his days on doping........how he got involved and what the differences where etc.

Very informative.  

Edited by Spinnekop
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Knew a gent that was very competative back in the day.


Years passed, he had a year away from racing ....


When he came back he could not match his old buddies ....


Started using the roids of the era ....



Except, now he could not race in the main events where they would test.  So he would win some events, but could not compete in others .... the mind boggles ....



was sad watching this play out .... affected other parts of his life as well ....  NOT worth it !!

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Ag no .. did this thread just end again?
For a moment there I was so happy someone started this again …. Had a mechanical doping question. :ph34r: 
Was thinking about the storing of elastic potential energy together with advances in material science.
Some kind of torque blade/spring winding up while you pedal/brake downhill or in the peloton and releasing when you need it to open a gap at a strategic opportunity – no battery needed either.
And it won’t be picked up by an electromagnetic scanner either. Is it possible that the pro's could be using / or have used devices like this? 


I designed a system like this 12 years ago. Basically a large elastic band in the down tube which 'winds' up on demand, either when freewheeling/descending or cruising on the flat (the percenatge parasitic loss is tiny). It can then be released either for a short burst, or when climbing. Like an elastic band powered propeller plane, just with more control. There is a small internal gear in the BB shell which distributes power to the crank. I did the exercise mostly as a fun project for commuting, rather than for cheating...It would still show up on any X rays anyhow.

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