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dissapointed in team Bonitas this morning


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Not this **** again.


Yes, it's Groundhog day......don't freak, tomorrow you'll ........

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Just overtake when it's safe to do so...

As stated in the Act NO. 93 OF 1996: NATIONAL ROAD TRAFFIC ACT, 1996


Which, incidently, does not require cyclists to ride in the gutter.

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They are allowed to ride on the rd but when they ride 2 or 3 abreast they asking for kuk.....so when some pissed off dude mows them down they mustnt bitch like babies.



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If you think your dissapointed.... You sould see a kids face when one of his heros refuse to give him a autograph and then gets called a "used to noyhing loser" as he walks away.

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That is nothing, there was a Team Sky member walking in the middle of the pavement in Parktown North this morning holding up someone heading out of Woolies with her trolly.


What is happening to the world............;-)

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That is nothing, there was a Team Sky member walking in the middle of the pavement in Parktown North this morning holding up someone heading out of Woolies with her trolly.


What is happening to the world............;-)


That's just atrocious...

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That is nothing, there was a Team Sky member walking in the middle of the pavement in Parktown North this morning holding up someone heading out of Woolies with her trolly.


What is happening to the world............;-)


I dont want to live on this planet anymore

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So what? They are riding their bikes and have much right to be on the road as ANY other road user.


When are you idiots going to understand that a cyclist has as much right to the road as a car? Post a photo? Make me laugh.

Ask mr mclean what he saw as he also rode past them. And yes I have time to get out my R100 nokia 1990 version to take a photo. Ok se next time one of the guys get killed, it will be the drivers fault...really

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So what? They are riding their bikes and have much right to be on the road as ANY other road user.


When are you idiots going to understand that a cyclist has as much right to the road as a car? Post a photo? Make me laugh.

Yes you are right, the law gives a cyclist all the same rights AND obligations as a motorist, but the law is also very specific in that it states that cyclists MUST ride in single file except when over taking another cyclist.

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The PROs and management must be making a determined decision after the loss of Stunda Thunda.


Sounds more like a determined decision to behave like arrogant tosses.

If that's an example of how their management thinks, they need new management.

Nett result: more motorists who have been converted to cyclist haters

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So what? They are riding their bikes and have much right to be on the road as ANY other road user.


When are you idiots going to understand that a cyclist has as much right to the road as a car? Post a photo? Make me laugh.


Proof positive that cyclists think they own the road................they don't.


Firstly (as mentioned elsewhere), it is not legal to ride 2 abreast (look it up) and


Secondly, it is just plain discourteous to other road users to take up a whole lane and hold them up

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So what? They are riding their bikes and have much right to be on the road as ANY other road user.


When are you idiots going to understand that a cyclist has as much right to the road as a car? Post a photo? Make me laugh.


Darwin taking a break on Saturdays, so sad this ddk approach now affects all of us

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The deserved punishment for breaking a road rule is be killed? Get a sense of proportion. These guys are trying to make a living and train. By riding in a group with an escort vehicle they make themselves more visible and there is therefore more chance the moron trying to drive, text, light a fag and not spill their drink will notice them and not mow them down.


People might get peed off but I'm not sure how many people will become so annoyed at the slight hold up that they will purposely drive into a group of cyclists. Most cyclists are killed because they were not noticed because the driver was on his cell or blind bloody drunk. I can't think when I last read a story about someone being so annoyed at a 20 s delay that he killed someone with his car.

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