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Tygerberg MTB Trails

Bub Marley

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Is it wrong to like the the berms on supertubes lower? I do enjoy sessioning them and trying to go fast and lean the bike way, way over, trying to rail them as perfectly as possible , working on the Fabian B cornering tips and trying to find out just where the limit of positioning, traction and weighting is.  Of course I never try to roost or scrub them or ever try the super ego, video pro wheelie out of berm manoeuvre. :whistling:  


You could do that easily with the old berms... 

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So the neighbour let his mutts out, unleashed, in the street earlier this week, as I was checking my bike out in the driveway after getting it back for a service...


stare down ensued...dogs retreated. No-one was ended...for now

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Is it wrong to like the the berms on supertubes lower? I do enjoy sessioning them and trying to go fast and lean the bike way, way over, trying to rail them as perfectly as possible , working on the Fabian B cornering tips and trying to find out just where the limit of positioning, traction and weighting is.  Of course I never try to roost or scrub them or ever try the super ego, video pro wheelie out of berm manoeuvre. :whistling:  


I think it can be good training to understand correct cornering, what different approaches do to keeping speed, not braking and trusting your tyres. Kind of mixes it up from the car park corners drills and other small skills repeats. That's me at my level. Other people will find just doing a loop of conties blue a real challenge, progression and achievement and once up skilled may be work towards maybe trying something like tree charge. 


I was on a trail in Germany recently. Really popular and people come from a good distance to ride there. 16km, total ascent of 18m through the woods and the number of flat, small, really badly built berms one after another after another actually made me get sea sick. Fully Bermed out. 

Hey...I specifically said that Conties was the only one with variation in trails for that reason. Hoogies had those berms nice and low. Meaning you actually had to ride your bike properly. TBH al LOT of the Tygerberg trails are actually far more dangerous that we think. Adding turns or more technical (note! note downhill features or massive drops ffs) features forcing riders to learn proper speed control and technical ability is really what's lacking...oh, and proper grading of trails...again. Years long requests. Now gatvol and why I ride there seldom anymore. Table Mountain and Signal hill and Jonkers (and let's not forget Helderberg) FTW.

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They added the snakes to make the trails more challenging for those who complain that they're too easy.


Fantastic value-adding ????????????

So every base training on the brown stuff will now potentially turn into an adventure.

Africa is not for sissies. ????

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Soooo much anger. No one is forcing anyone to ride a trail that they deem inferior to their superior bike handling skills. If you feel the trails are too "dumb", don't go. Go ride the Double Black at Jonkers then. Tygerberg MTB is not trying to be Jonkers, or TM or Tokai, it is happy being what it is, i.e. a great trail with enough challenges to keep one growing as far as skills go. 

If your skills are superior to what Tygerberg offers, rather move to BC, and go ride Whistler's Northshore. Then, go do Rampage and get sponsored to make a Youtube movie.

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Soooo much anger. No one is forcing anyone to ride a trail that they deem inferior to their superior bike handling skills. If you feel the trails are too "dumb", don't go. Go ride the Double Black at Jonkers then. Tygerberg MTB is not trying to be Jonkers, or TM or Tokai, it is happy being what it is, i.e. a great trail with enough challenges to keep one growing as far as skills go. 


If your skills are superior to what Tygerberg offers, rather move to BC, and go ride Whistler's Northshore. Then, go do Rampage and get sponsored to make a Youtube movie.

lol not anger. Just wanting more variety forever now. Frustration. 

And once again...nobody is asking for anything rampage like or even double black. Go re-read again and again without a biased preconception.

Variety and technicality. Technical does not imply double black.

Correlation does not imply causation...although it seems the human race is fixated on that so why expect otherwise when asking about Tygerberm.

If you think everyone asking for more tech trails is just wanting more DH and freeride lines then you're fooling nobody but yourselves.

I feel for poor Patrick. His hands are tied by the committee even though I am sure he would much prefer to build more variety of trail too. 


I'm all for the dude who earlier said he'd rather go build stuff in Majik. The most interesting (probably because it's different to the rest of the trails) stuff on the trail network is stuff that was built by riders only.

Edited by Thermophage
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I'm not sure that "Membership Price increase" is a fair comparison to use. Wouldn't "Club Revenue Increase" be more appropriate?


When I joined there was roughly 75km of trail and 750 members. That's 10 members sponsoring each km. Now there's over 6000 members and 150km. That's (at least) 40 members sponsoring each km. One could almost argue that the price should have been coming down...

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I'm not sure that "Membership Price increase" is a fair comparison to use. Wouldn't "Club Revenue Increase" be more appropriate?


When I joined there was roughly 75km of trail and 750 members. That's 10 members sponsoring each km. Now there's over 6000 members and 150km. That's (at least) 40 members sponsoring each km. One could almost argue that the price should have been coming down...

Read the club update sent out earlier today to get a better understanding.

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I heard that you can go ride the Wild Boar trails too with your TBMTB board?

yep that would fall under "welvenpas" 

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It amazes me as to how people don't understand what the ethos and success about the TMTBC is about.


To put it into perspective, the TMTBC is arguably the biggest mountain bike club in the world.... yes the world, with over 7000 paid up members!!


Now surely there has to be some form of reason behind that success


So imagine if they had to cater for the 150 or so peeps that sign up for the 3 EWC events during the year, or the 50 or so peeps that pitch up for the very few D/H races on the Western Province calendar. Yes, they would be keeping 150 hard core riders happy every year. Unfortunately that is not going to sustain the land owners costs, trail building costs and maintenance costs of 150km of trails on offer on the network at the moment, as well of the needs of every other type of format of mountain biking.  Its a no brainer, the club will die


So what they have done is provide a huge amount of variety (contrary to Thermophages opinion), from the park like set up at Bloemendal, to the pure riding beauty in nature of Hillcrest, to the more hard core riding of UPPER Contermans (yes, Contermans is part of the TMTBC trail network), to the real challenge of a proper day in the saddle at Hoogekraal/ Welvergenoegd/Fair Cape to the green and easy ride at Meerendal, to the big jump lines at Bloemendal, to the pump tracks at Bloemendal, to the Skills Park at Hoogekraal,... there is so much for everyone and that what makes the club arguably the biggest in the world.... the variety, the fact that these trails are on your doorstep, the fact that these trails are really well built and cater for all.... not just 150 odd Enduro riders


The Tygerberg Hills do not have the landscape and elevations of Jonkershoek , Table Mountain or Tokai. They have land offered to them by the generosity of local land owners, predominantly vineyards and smallish hills.... they do not have the elevation, rocks and the gnar that the 150 odd enduro riders seek and even if they did, it would not be sustainable... this club is what it is because of the way they have gone about it with what they have on offer.. providing variety to all.... and then some!


Lets not mention the fact that they have kept WPXCO and EWC alive this year with their generous sponsorships of both formats. Its well documented the EWC was dying at the end of 2017, yet not a word of thanks from those on this thread who criticize. Apparently, this sponsorship will continue into 2019. Surely the minority of those that don't appreciate the TBMTC should recognise this, especially if they partook in these events this year.


I could go on and on, but wont.  To me, those that diss this club and what it has achieved, do not understand the essence of mountain biking in this country...

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Cool post @Bod.

Good perspective.


Dissing is when something is taken personally.

An organization must however stay open to scrutiny, questioning and healthy constructive criticism. The lifeblood of the club is it’s strong membership. Will always be.


Trolling however should not be tolerated. ????????‍♂️


I think my kid will be getting his primary school membership board year for 2019. A first. Ma boy. ????

Edited by 'Dale
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The stuff being discussed in this topic under this thread banner is sure a receipe for disaster in the form of getting some trails closed on Tygerberg, just so that a landowner can prevent being sued or have his animals harmed while you defend yourself.

So just to reiterate what I posted here last week, it has been brought to my attention that one of the Land Owners is indeed on the TheBikeHub and following this thread.


I quote "This will influence his decision of current negotiations he is in with club regarding new trail on his farm, as he is seeing too many folk not appreciating what he is offering".


To all the moaners, members & non-members well done, you can give yourself a pat on the back, when we don't get new trails or one day lose another trail like we had in the past in the form of Kliprug. :thumbdown:

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It amazes me as to how people don't understand what the ethos and success about the TMTBC is about.


To put it into perspective, the TMTBC is arguably the biggest mountain bike club in the world.... yes the world, with over 7000 paid up members!!


Now surely there has to be some form of reason behind that success


So imagine if they had to cater for the 150 or so peeps that sign up for the 3 EWC events during the year, or the 50 or so peeps that pitch up for the very few D/H races on the Western Province calendar. Yes, they would be keeping 150 hard core riders happy every year. Unfortunately that is not going to sustain the land owners costs, trail building costs and maintenance costs of 150km of trails on offer on the network at the moment, as well of the needs of every other type of format of mountain biking.  Its a no brainer, the club will die


So what they have done is provide a huge amount of variety (contrary to Thermophages opinion), from the park like set up at Bloemendal, to the pure riding beauty in nature of Hillcrest, to the more hard core riding of UPPER Contermans (yes, Contermans is part of the TMTBC trail network), to the real challenge of a proper day in the saddle at Hoogekraal/ Welvergenoegd/Fair Cape to the green and easy ride at Meerendal, to the big jump lines at Bloemendal, to the pump tracks at Bloemendal, to the Skills Park at Hoogekraal,... there is so much for everyone and that what makes the club arguably the biggest in the world.... the variety, the fact that these trails are on your doorstep, the fact that these trails are really well built and cater for all.... not just 150 odd Enduro riders


The Tygerberg Hills do not have the landscape and elevations of Jonkershoek , Table Mountain or Tokai. They have land offered to them by the generosity of local land owners, predominantly vineyards and smallish hills.... they do not have the elevation, rocks and the gnar that the 150 odd enduro riders seek and even if they did, it would not be sustainable... this club is what it is because of the way they have gone about it with what they have on offer.. providing variety to all.... and then some!


Lets not mention the fact that they have kept WPXCO and EWC alive this year with their generous sponsorships of both formats. Its well documented the EWC was dying at the end of 2017, yet not a word of thanks from those on this thread who criticize. Apparently, this sponsorship will continue into 2019. Surely the minority of those that don't appreciate the TBMTC should recognise this, especially if they partook in these events this year.


I could go on and on, but wont.  To me, those that diss this club and what it has achieved, do not understand the essence of mountain biking in this country...

Wow ... once again, someone who doesn't read well...

Nobody is asking for steep gnarr....

This belief that Tygerberg area does not have steep or big hills...Now I am not sure where that came from, but it's a blatant lie to anyone who has not got blinkers on. Hoogies is very very steep, as is Meerendal, Hillcrest and Bloemendal (Conties is on it's own in this discussion as the primary decider on the trail is not TBMTBC).

That is a sorry story I'm sick of hearing for years now.

Already we have personally identified quite a few places where alternate lines could be cut branching off existing trails, only to be told certain people on the committee think it's "too dangerous"...Hmm, what about going down Bloemendaaler at 40km/hr? Surely that's also (much more) dangerous?

And I wouldn't confuse different scenery with trail type variety.

Relatively smooth trail after smooth trail joined by berm after berm. Yes it's fun, but the trail gets monotonous after a while.

Let's not get started on the big "e" word. There's seemingly about as much confusion and emotion as to what enduro means as there is about how many genders people can identify as these days. Suffice to say, "enduro" is not a type of riding. It's just trail riding...where you get timed.

Anyway, would be simpler to explain in person sometime I guess if we ever met up. The club no doubt had done great things, but ... they are not listening to many many many people asking for years now. So...no longer renewing a membership because of this (and because I moved house from on Majik) and will ride there occasionally still under a day permit (AFAIK the day permit money goes to the farmers and not the club?)....a vote with ones wallet goes a lot further.

To end..."I could go on and on, but wont"

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