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Pretoria danger areas

Evan Andreou

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35 minutes ago, pedal menace said:

Sjo - how sad a situation it is when we are having real and honest discussions on what and how we should carry weapons for defence whilst out on a bike ride!!! WT*!!!!!!!! This is not right!! All we need is a high ranking government family member to be attacked on a bike - then maybe we can hope for change!

What to do? It is very sad and now way out of hand. Multiple insistence every day. 

This is another from the weekend so that is 6 i know of.


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20 hours ago, Barry said:

This from today. Not exactly Pretoria just putting it out there.


I was attacked there at Riverfields on Monday 13 November 2017 by a dark skinned african male (older) and a light skinned african male (younger).

Took my Bike and Car Key and Other Stuff, Stabbed me 3 times in the chest and tied me to a tree.

Never Been back to Riverfields. You'll never Know what it's like until it happens to You.

I wonder if it's the Same Guys that have come back there as the dates are very close.


Edited by dasilvarsa
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4 hours ago, pedal menace said:

Sjo - how sad a situation it is when we are having real and honest discussions on what and how we should carry weapons for defence whilst out on a bike ride!!! WT*!!!!!!!! This is not right!! All we need is a high ranking government family member to be attacked on a bike - then maybe we can hope for change!

Carry 24/7, not just on a bike. That 33% unemployment means there are millions of starving desperate people out there. Back a dog into a corner and you will see it's teeth, when a 3rd of the population is backed into a financial corner then you know there are plenty teeth out there.

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38 minutes ago, dave303e said:

Carry 24/7, not just on a bike. That 33% unemployment means there are millions of starving desperate people out there. Back a dog into a corner and you will see it's teeth, when a 3rd of the population is backed into a financial corner then you know there are plenty teeth out there.


Nothing will change unless the root of the problem is addressed. If you have a look at a basic thing like "Maslow's hierarchy of needs" you will see that the first and most basic need is not even achieved by a lot of people here and you our beautiful country. I mean do a quick calculation, take someone working in and or around your house, now take the cost of your bike: 

Bike price / his or her daily rate =??? 

It will take them not days or months but rather years of saving everything he / she earns to be able to afford something basic like a bike. The problem that needs to be addressed is not where to place your weapon whilst out on your bike but rather how do we as a community uplift everyone and not just stay behind our 10 foot walls and security fences. 

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As much as I understand the desire for people to feel safe and protected on a bicycle, I am not sure that carrying a firearm is effective deterrence. I read a N24 article this morning about a kid that got attacked in Kayamandi in Stellenbosch over the weekend after he got mugged of his bike and tried to fight back. He tried to follow them as they made of with his bike before realizing the folly of his pursuit. Other instances of people getting stabbed or worse are rife after they fought for their possession. I understand the emotion. We all do, but what I am questioning is the sudden urge to carry a firearm every time something like this happens.

firstly, you had better be able to utilize the firearm effectively to either dissuade the attack, or to then if you do end up using it, to ensure that you are not endangering other people. Backstop for one - can you with certainty say you know where the round(s) will end up after being discharged? When did you pull the trigger? Were you still endangered, or has the attacker retreated before you shot? Can you prove it in a court of law, because you are going to find yourself in one whether you like to or not? Did you kill your attacker? Was it justified in the eyes of the law? Can you deal with the emotional rollercoaster that will bring knowing you took a life? 

What if during the attack you lose your firearm? What if you get shot with it? What is God forbid someone else gets killed with your firearm? What if innocent cyclists nowhere close to you gets attacked and killed purely for the reason that it has become common knowledge that cyclists carry concealed firearms?

I've said it before and I will say it again. The day cyclists start carrying firearms, I will hang up my bikes.

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9 minutes ago, Robbie Stewart said:

As much as I understand the desire for people to feel safe and protected on a bicycle, I am not sure that carrying a firearm is effective deterrence. I read a N24 article this morning about a kid that got attacked in Kayamandi in Stellenbosch over the weekend after he got mugged of his bike and tried to fight back. He tried to follow them as they made of with his bike before realizing the folly of his pursuit. Other instances of people getting stabbed or worse are rife after they fought for their possession. I understand the emotion. We all do, but what I am questioning is the sudden urge to carry a firearm every time something like this happens.

firstly, you had better be able to utilize the firearm effectively to either dissuade the attack, or to then if you do end up using it, to ensure that you are not endangering other people. Backstop for one - can you with certainty say you know where the round(s) will end up after being discharged? When did you pull the trigger? Were you still endangered, or has the attacker retreated before you shot? Can you prove it in a court of law, because you are going to find yourself in one whether you like to or not? Did you kill your attacker? Was it justified in the eyes of the law? Can you deal with the emotional rollercoaster that will bring knowing you took a life? 

What if during the attack you lose your firearm? What if you get shot with it? What is God forbid someone else gets killed with your firearm? What if innocent cyclists nowhere close to you gets attacked and killed purely for the reason that it has become common knowledge that cyclists carry concealed firearms?

I've said it before and I will say it again. The day cyclists start carrying firearms, I will hang up my bikes.


The Attackers Hide in the Bushes. When You come past they grab your Handlebars You fall off the Bike and Injure Yourself in the Process. They Jump on Your back. When do You have the Opportunity to use the fire Arm ? Never !

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I think we need a gauteng thread or somewhere to post all this info. 

Van Gaalen

Snip whatsapp group: Morning folks, we held out as long as we could but the Zama Zama's numbers at mine shaft have been increasing and with all attacks that have been taking place in pta east, i have decided to close the pomphuis and snakebite trail...all the signs have been removed but the railway section to bill harrops will still be cut and maintained for the time being...MTB has been under alot of pressure for the past year or so, hiking numbers have grown substantially and cycling numbers are going down...we will be focusing our efforts mainly on the northern side( river trail, greek church) but will continue maintanance on the southern trails until end of Jan and then reassess if its worth continuing to maintain them aswell.

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So there was another bike jacking this weekend (Sunday morning at about 9am). This time at Fountains Circle on the road.

Be careful out there all

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  • 2 weeks later...
From Bull Security:
Breakthrough success. Bicycle syndicate busted!
On Friday morning, information was received from a person wanting to purchase accessories for an E bike from The Bike Shop at Wolwespruit Erasmuskloof.
The owner immediately contacted Bull Security and SAPS, as he was a victim of a business robbery during 2023.
All units got together and responded swiftly. Units involved Bull Security Tactical unit, Garsfontein SAPS, Brooklyn SAPS Tracing team and Crime Intelligence (NIU).
The suspect was arrested on scene, and further investigation led us to an address in Serengeti Estate where E bikes were recovered. It was confirmed that the property belonged to the suspects of the business robbery.
E- bikes were recovered worth R440 000! Property was handed to the owner after identification as per SAP299.
Suspects charges.
1. Kempton Park CAS ***/12/2023
Possession of stolen property
2. Brooklyn CAS ***/11/2023
Business robbery
3. Maxwell ******* SAP14/11/2023
Well done to all, fantastic teamwork!!!
Bull Security Tactical Unit
Garsfontein SAPS
Brooklyn SAPS Tracing Team
NIU Crime Intelligence.
Criminals must know we have zero tolerance for any crime! We will haunt you down.
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Another incident close to fountains circle today.   I got away with broken glasses and some bruises, but it could have been much worse.   This was on the road from Unisa towards Fountains Valley / Christina de Wit.

There was a hobo lingering on the side of the road carrying some stuff, but when I came closer, he threw all of that stuff onto me with a couple pieces of neatly hidden bloudraad / galvanized wire into my wheels in an attempt to stop me.   Luckily he grossly misjudged a 140kg cyclist at 40km/h.  

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  • 1 month later...

I need to find new routes.


One of my regular medium length rides to is to ride out to Olifantsfontein Rd, stop at the intersection, have an energy bar and ride back.

Normally there is one of those Taxi Patrol cars parked there.

Yesterday the taxi patrol car pulled off the island, stopped next to me and the guy tells me its not safe here, you should not stop here, before he proceeded on his way.

When you get warned by a taxi guy that its not safe then you need to heed that warning.



Although, late in the day I saw a Tweet that a major bust was made in the Pretoria East area where they nabbed 2 guys associated with bicycle jackings and muggings.


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My old man forwarded me the message about the bust of pta east bike jackers. See below copy, he is on a plot boschkop side so it was on their security whatsapp group. It seems to me more the norther pta east area as opposed to souther/olifants area...

"Breakthrough in Cyclist/Jogger Armed Robberies.

An intelligence led operation was held last night, and 2 suspects have been apprehended. 

We have been tracking one of the suspects for a while, but our informants could only give us one Firstname. That's very difficult to do as the name is very common. During patrols yesterday, we got verification of our prime suspects and a second suspect's first name. The intelligence led us to a wide area in a nearby township. Luckily, we have a good relationship with Township's CPF. Information was shared, and informants gave us an indication that the suspects were in a very busy Tavern. 

An operation was planned with some of our partners and Boschkop SAPS. 

The team entered the tavern, and although the tavern's clientele were not happy to see them, the team found the suspects wearing stolen Security Armed Response uniform. The suspects were taken to their place of residence, and we found multiple weapons and stolen goods. Suspects were handed over to Boschkop SAPS.

Although further intel received last night indicate that the suspects might be linked to a larger gang and could also be involved in other serious crimes, we are happy to have these two suspects in custody. 

SAPS will continue with the investigation, and hopefully, the arrest will lead to further arrests. 

Although we are very certain that these are our suspects, we will continue with vissibility and patrols on the new road. 

Well done to the team, and it shows the team won't sleep till we have these suspects terrorizing our community. 

Involved in the operation:

Boschkop SAPS
Boschkop CPF
Lakes Security Forum
Pretoria Traffic and Roads
Alpha Security Forum
Silverton CPF Nellmaphius Task team"

Edited by dave303e
added context of where received info
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