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Tribute to Burry


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When the cyclists was killed in 2010 near Oudtshoorn just before the ARGUS there was also a lot of emotion. Talk of signing a "Code of Conduct" ......... But time heals, people forgot and nothing happened. Already the fervour of the postings are slowing down. I cannot do it, or maybe I can be a catalyst, but we owe it not only to Burry, but also to ourselves, who are alive, to keep the momentum going. Something, not nothing, like in 2010 MUST come out of this, HOW???????

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I'm still battling to deal with this all, to be honest. Have been fighting a chest infection since just before I heard - so haven't been able to get on to the bike, or join any of the memorial rides... Think that would've helped me, somehow...


See there was was announcement about a memorial service at the NG Moeder Gemeente in Stellenbosch next Thursday. I will not miss this.


It is just so sad.


Thanks for the video links, peeps.

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Still can't look at a photo or even his name without getting tears in my eyes. The world cup in PMB made me very depressed...... I could actually see Burry riding there, giving Nino a run for his money..........

RIP Burry, we haven't forgotten about you!

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