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(Update) Absa Cape Epic: Evans and Knox penalised for unfair advantage

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I haven't been cycling and MTB'ing for long...so certainly don't yet understand the different nuances of racing and competitions...but when I saw it on tv I immediately thought "that doesn't look right".


/shrugs, what do I know

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Looks like both Fedgroup teams are on a go slow today. Wonder if they are doing some recovery and planning a 1-2 for the last stage?

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Really swak from Kevin Evans trying to down play his mistakes. Saying 5 meters it was a lot more mentionning less riders then it really was that he passed saying some where my team mates? So swak you still gain an unfair advantage over others. He gains maybe 20-30 seconds real time immediately but he avoids beiing behind a split with could have cost him minutes.


In short he was too far back his mistake or him not beiing strong enough he panicked big time and went into the fault and got caught. Really disapponited in him talking it down and looking for all kinds off excuses, giving bad rep for himself and his sponsors too. He should admit look I made a mistake and will pay the dues instead of looking for non excuses and keeping this going playing the victim.


He's a good rider but not good anough on the day, he lost some more credibility too me again.


Time penalty's are there not too compensate the advantage but to discourage to do stupid sh*t like this.


And then the moaning about others lodging a protest Kevin you took a short cut thats the fact stop moaning you or your team have lodged complaints against others too. Such an entitledment.

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Will Fedgroup survive as a team?


We need more teams and smaller teams, not only MTB but also road.

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I think they "S'cott" a wanker in their team! No offense to roadies, but it appears the heart and soul of what is mtbiking has been replaced by roadie mentality, "win by any means" especially beating you with the rule book, NOT ability! Up yours Scott!


Not sure how you can say that when Kevin and David, as I have said in a earlier post, would protest Burry and Sauser any and every chance they got at Epic or any other event they raced against him/them to try get time over them. It got so bad at 1 stage it was ugly as sin as it got to a point when they protested Burry for wearing a wrong shirt or so they thought.


If you cheat or break the rules you guilty, that applies to any rider/racer, there were more teams than just Scott who wanted to protest, Scott just got theirs in there 1st so why arent you attacking the other teams?


The Fedgroup/Scott deal did not end amicably in anyway and there is more of that to come so their troubles are not over from what I heard and rightfully so.

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Not sure how you can say that when Kevin and David, as I have said in a earlier post, would protest Burry and Sauser any and every chance they got at Epic or any other event they raced against him/them to try get time over them. It got so bad at 1 stage it was ugly as sin as it got to a point when they protested Burry for wearing a wrong shirt or so they thought.


If you cheat or break the rules you guilty, that applies to any rider/racer, there were more teams than just Scott who wanted to protest, Scott just got theirs in there 1st so why arent you attacking the other teams?


The Fedgroup/Scott deal did not end amicably in anyway and there is more of that to come so their troubles are not over from what I heard and rightfully so.


So true, the wheel is round and the flat part is always at the bottom, you will get there at some point. If you live by the sward you will die by the same sward.

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A few years back Buryy and Sauser got a 1 hr penalty for accepting a wheel.....if I'm not mistaken from Brandon Stewart. Today I've read reports of great sportsmanship because the yellow jersey guys got given a wheel by a team out of contention when they punctured ????????????? So has the rule changed ? This was not a backup team ?


Inside assistance has always been allowed and encouraged in the spirit of mountainbiking, however you are not allowed to swap bikes, which is what happened in this case. It also didn't help that Burry's bike was then put on a quad bike to get to the tech zone quicker.


Always know the facts

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Putting the Evins incident aside there are soooo many other offenders that are simply overlooked in mtb racing that this could be the start of politics in our sport. I cannot recall who this year was also given a penalty for littering, if that's the case then a few other teams should get some time fines as well, Ladies Team RECM, dropped litter in full view of TV.........no penalty..Sauser also did a little short cut.........

Sadly this leaves a sour taste in the sport..

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Last years sani glen had to appeal STRONGLY two nights in a row for people to stop littering. I think we might see fines being handed out this year

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Sadly this leaves a sour taste in the sport..


What's leading it there is all this corporate big bux shenanigans and charades (imo)

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What he did was stupid and unecessary but the squealing from Scott is equally pathetic. They should of just said dude do that again and we report you but to cry about a 10 second gain is a joke. To win the African jersey this way is not cricket. They will feel embarrassed when they step on the podium

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