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Posts posted by Delarey

  1. 14 minutes ago, BuffsVintageBikes said:

    Is that a square taper BB? I'll scratch around and see if I have anything that can help. I've got a Sora rear derailleur but it unfortunately on a bike I bought that's still lying in PE. That Triple crank could be a problem though, most are double.

    Good morning and thanks for the post. I have no idea about the BB as I understand very little about road bikes. To be honest I dont think the front chainrings is too important for him. Even if he stays in one gear up front but can change gears in the back it is good enough for his commute. @Scary Rider has kindly offered to bring some Sora parts from Potch when she comes down for CTCT so hopefully we are sorted.

  2. I need some help please. Two years ago I got my gardener a second hand road bike to help with his commute. It as served him very well, but last week he was hit by a car and the bike was damanged. The bloody car just kept driving and left him there. 

    The damage is mostly to his drive train. Rear derailer, cassette, chain ring and bent crank. Its an old 8spd Sora drive train so maybe some of you might have some spare parts lying around. Unfortuanately I am a mountainbiker so my parts bin is of no use to him. We are just trying to get the bike in working condition, so cosmetics or age are not imprortant. I am Stellenbosch, but will cover the postage for any donated parts.

    Much appreciated!



  3. 1 hour ago, SwissVan said:

    Hello Oom

    Howzit Van. Hope you are doing well. Who knows one of these days I might ping you for a beer. My new employer has their head office in Zug, so one of these days I might visit there 😉

  4. Before it is shut down I want to salute both sides here. I miss the threads with robust debates where both sides make good points. I don’t have a dog in the fight on this one, but really enjoyed the debate. Found myself agreeing with all sides at one point or another, including the Mods. In general though I feel I sympathise with @ACE Cycles most to be honest. I think buying and selling involves risk and it ties up capital. Also, I am a watch fan, and believe me MSRP and secondhand prices almost has nothing in common in the watch industry. It’s a supply and demand game. 

    Anyway, thanks for a very entertaining thread. 

  5. 7 hours ago, SwissVan said:

    It would be great if you could turn off the kudos function totally. Kudos are to easily dished out and end up being a pain in the ass.  If you want to congratulate or say something use the comments function, otherwise keep quite 👍


    Howzit Swiss. Still the grumpy old man I see 😂. Its been a while. We should hook up for a Hemel & Aarde ride some time when you are loca again. I’ll even give you a kudos on Strava 👍

  6. 1 hour ago, Jewbacca said:

    This is one reason doing events is silly..... You pay, the weather is rubbish, you feel obligated to go and then you wreck stuff and pay thousands of ZAR on new bearings and and and

    If you don't enter events, you just don't ride in gunk and your stuff lasts forever. 

    Events.... pffft.

    They just cost money in so many ways.

    Then again, those are the memories that last many years. Of all the rides I have done in races the ones I still remember vividly are the ones that had extreme heat or rain/mud. The prefect days were more enjoyable on the day, but if you like building memories, k@kking af every now and then is worth it.

  7. I recently bought a Merida ebike with Shimano EP8 motor. From some research I established that one can change the speed limit from UK (25km/hr) to US (32km/hr). Since our limit is same as US, I am keen to change it, but the controller for the motor is a non Bluetooth version. Does anyone know if there is a bike-shop in Stellenbosch or wider Cape Town area with the required hardware/controller to assist?

  8. 1 hour ago, Shebeen said:

    I don't understand QdK's cause here.

    11 aussies, both umpires and Temba took the knee before the opening game, QdK stood there like a nana making a point. What is the actual point he's trying to prove?

    That Black Lives Matter doesn't matter?

    I would have thought a globally travelling cricketer would be a bit more AWARE these days. Clearly this was a complete waste of time


    Kane gets it


    I don't think New Zealanders have quite the "screw them we'll walk barefoot over the Drakensberg" stroomop gene than us South Africans (Afrikaners in particular) have. We share that gene with the Yanks, but Ausies and Kiwi's don't have it. There you make a rule and everyone just follows it. Both countries still have the Queen of England as head of state for crying out loud!

    Personally, I think "taking a knee" is just a terrible symbol of support as it also has submissive connotations that don't sit well with many people - me included. People have equated this to an employer expecting their staff to dress in a certain way.I don't agree. I'll wear a uniform, wear a pin, armband, what ever. I'll also do a moment of silence. I doubt however if I will work long for a company if they expect me to kneel on command at certain times during the day. It's just a terrible choice of symbolism that has origins in the US with no connection to us.

  9. I have to admit, I am curious about QdK’s reasons for objecting. Is the action of kneeling that bothers him, or is it the connection to a political movement, ie he would have objected to an armband for example as well. 
    I have never been in favour of the whole kneeling thing because it is so divisive. Why pick a gesture that many people have religious and patriotic/submissive connections too, just because some NFL player used it (while sporting the world’s best affro)? Or is it meant to be a divisive gesture to force people to take a stance? Personally I think it is achieving the opposite to the stated objective. Either way, I'm on team QdK for not letting CSA bully him.

  10. 18 hours ago, ChrisF said:

    Entries closing in a few hours ....


    Any Hubbers on the 55km ride ?


    Say hi if you see a blue Giant ebike with a toppie on it with a back-pack




    Nice to add some faces to the Hub names :)

    See you there!

  11. 8 minutes ago, TNT1 said:

    You ever read "Based on a True Story: Not a Memoir"?

    Not yet, but will definitely get it now. I am a huge fan of his comedy. Had no idea he was battling cancer so this this feels very sudden. 

    Edit: I see it's on Audible and he is doing the narration, so will definitely get that.

  12. 43 minutes ago, SwissVan said:



    I’m trying to figure this out......seems a bit contradictory 


    That comment of RR was on the other forum as a reaction to your comment on this thread. Like you I enjoy hearing different points of views from opposing sides, but on social media that is apparently “trolling”

  13. 54 minutes ago, SwissVan said:


    Aptly the definition of discord

     (Entry 1 of 2)

    1a: lack of agreement or harmony (as between persons, things, or ideas)… must we fall into the jabber and babel of discordwhile victory is still unattained?— Sir Winston Churchill
    b: active quarreling or conflict resulting from discord among persons or factions 

    To the contrary actually. There are very little disagreement or quarrelling on the other platform. I do like it, but for different reasons than than the old Drumpf forum. I think that ship has sailed. 

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