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Posts posted by Meezo

  1. 15 minutes ago, MORNE said:

    Stop being such negative nancy’s🤦🏻‍♂️

    …yes this reeks of planning fallacies, getting caught with pants down (re epic) and scrambling for alternative solutions, i agree.

    But if i hear the phrase ‘not enough gnar’ or XC event again i’m going to puke. Jebus…grow some like lungs ffs.  
    If they chose Banhoek nobody would have said ‘not enough gnar’….even though there is fokkolol there too, but its more bike-parky so thats fine?

    Nee man ouens. They are trying at least. Maybe they should just stop? Where does that leave us wanting to have a jol with the format? Met in finger diep in ons hol afgebreek…dis waar.


    don't stress bike hubbers make up a really really small % field of these events, there will be people there for sure... its just me and Robbie, and you very well know us to be nancy's

    ...the change in date is more a spanner in the works for me personally... as i don't recall ever there being a rheebokskloof enduro, so that excites somewhat... still early days too

  2. 2 minutes ago, MORNE said:

    I’ve never been, guess this is the secret nr4 then. Are they that mellow that you would decide not to go? Ill have to go and explore them.


    its the other side of the paarl enduro, so will be similar same. in fact the end bit of stage 1 at the paarl enduro was part of the rheebokskloof xco race

  3. 12 hours ago, Meezo said:

    My guess is Hoogekraal, Contemanskloof and Jonkershoek... These have proven track records and logistically can manage an event like an Enduro. I can't see any of the other Tygerberg trails being as easy.

    The 4th is a mystery as much as Tokai might be a option unlikely with SANParks and their red tape... Also will be a logistical nightmare to get 4 decent stages (Bridal, Snakes, DH0-DH3(end or start) and Vasbyt(extended)).

    Helderberg hosted Enduro's back in the day and it's worked well there too... So maybe

    God forbid they decide on Paarl. We know how brutal that was to most, you never know though.

    Can't think or see of any other.

    The dates are set put it in the calendar, so thats 70% of the planning down. 

    to quote myself

    another venue that used to run quite well, yes it had brutal climbs and heat was always a bitch is Welvanpas...

  4. 1 hour ago, ChristiaanSt said:

    We working hard in the background to give everyone something to look forward to. 

    Unfortunately its not as easy as just picking a couple of venues and hosting it there as there are a lot of things that can make them a "no-go". (council approvals, farm owners, time of year etc). As much as we would like to pick the 4 nicest venues and host it there it is simply not possible.

    We will be releasing some info regarding the first event in the next day or 2 so keep an eye out for it.

    I'm not really concerned on the venues, for me if i can get at least one mate in I'll be there... i won't do an event alone... not again, but that's me personally...

    apart from the venue's have you guys tried adding another twist, like maybe a packaged deal... enter all the races of the series and maybe save like R200 or something..

    or which i think would probably happen get series points and have a series podium as well, with the top 3-5 qualifying for SA's? and thereafter EWS(or whatever its called now)...

  5. 14 hours ago, Andreas_187 said:

    The biggest hurdle I faced was finding an installer who wasn’t a scammer and would do a good job. I got a recommendation from a friend and had mine installed today. I used APS and I am very happy with their work. Call Sadeik on 082 905-5537
    (I have zero affiliation with them)

    The first guys that came to quote were scammers and were on Carte Blanche! It’s a scary prospect to pay out 80k deposit to someone you don’t know. 

    a good friend of mine, super nice guy...

    actually had him around at my place a couple of month ago... he's pricing was fair, just more than i could afford.

  6. 1 hour ago, Jewbacca said:


    I'd hazard a guess there will be more 'gateway' Enduro this year with maybe one 'gnar' event.

    I will try to make a turn this year. My riding is currently at 'entry level' so hopefully it's a nice easy intro like Hoogekraal or Conties

    no date and not confirmed, but in 110% for witfontein this year. those mountains are special... and now my new favourite venue to ride in the Western Cape

  7. 22 minutes ago, MORNE said:

    So with the niceties out of the way…here comes what I actually came here to say…

    buckle up!! 😅

    How can it be so difficult to confirm WHERE these events will be taking place? This is not how you plan events imo.
    Are you guys deliberately keeping it quiet? Or dont YOU know yet?  Seems like it? did someone for instance not realise the Epic is happening in and around #1? Which basically/probably means everything around tygerberg is out…purely from a logostics point of view.
    You need to hype these things up from longer than 1 month ish to go i think. Thats part of the problem. What is it with this format and the people inheriting it all the time….The numbers are good. People pay. Why compromise that??


    How is one supposed to plan your year without event info. In my case, i have a few things id like to do this year…which means I have to prioritise them. Not everyone taking part is a teenager without priorities that matter. Adults need to adult. Unfortunately. That means planning ahead for most of us.

    - so we can support you!

    Certain events will take preference over others for us ‘matured’ folks

    For instance, jonkers will take preference over another( for most of us) if you have to choose. Thats a reality even though I hope to do all of them. 

    Anyway, get the info out please. There cant be any real reason why not at this stage. If you havent decided which rounds go when….you already have a problem imo. 

    anyway, still looking forward. Please come to the party.


    My guess is Hoogekraal, Contemanskloof and Jonkershoek... These have proven track records and logistically can manage an event like an Enduro. I can't see any of the other Tygerberg trails being as easy.

    The 4th is a mystery as much as Tokai might be a option unlikely with SANParks and their red tape... Also will be a logistical nightmare to get 4 decent stages (Bridal, Snakes, DH0-DH3(end or start) and Vasbyt(extended)).

    Helderberg hosted Enduro's back in the day and it's worked well there too... So maybe

    God forbid they decide on Paarl. We know how brutal that was to most, you never know though.

    Can't think or see of any other.

    The dates are set put it in the calendar, so thats 70% of the planning down. 

  8. On 1/20/2023 at 5:29 PM, MTBRIDER1234 said:

    For that same price, you could buy a PYGA mobu frame for around 80k, and have 50k left over to build up a really, really great bike with solid parts. All it would take is some patience and waiting for good deals, and you could have an amazing bike that is super solid and arguably the best carbon frame ever made (IMHO). 

    Not trying to bash titan, and it isn't bad value for the specs, but it is very expensive.

    But then you'd have to ride a pyga

  9. Slight off topic, didn't necessarily want to start a new topic... So I've seen a stages in the classifieds with a description that it works 100% but battery only lasts a few rides...

    So I've had 2 crank arms now, I've used them that did the same thing... one i actually sent to Omnico and according them it was as if it was pulsing looking for connection and such a battery drain... from the reading I've done apparently this is a known issue... and that if within warranty it's a replacement otherwise suck it up buttercup...

    Anyone tried to or knew someone who's that technically inclined that are able to revive them? 

    The work around so far is after every ride remove the battery, but admin AF

  10. What might of been easier is to remove the board and then out of nowhere a marshal will appear tell him you didn't pay and they'll gladly escort you off the mountain 


    ...sorry to hear about your ordeal, do keep ER24 number anyway and call them. This is a people thing not just a Tygerberg MTB club thing... There are a few people out there that are willing to help, but the general shrug of the shoulders not my problem is nothing un common.

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