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This is a quote from a foreign news channel.



It is believed that Jorge Lorenzo, who finished second in the race and trimmed his championship deficit to Rossi to just seven points, interrupted the hearing and demanded his Yamaha teammate be disqualified.


Now it seems these Spanish mother truckers are ganging up. How can you act like this against your own team mate. Low life piece of ****.


Its absolute bull ****. I use to be a HUUUUGE Repsol Honda fan. But after this new kamikaze MM racing hasnt been safe. Wayne Rainey would not agree with MM style and bull**** riding

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Unconfirmed allegations Meentb quoted from an Italian news channel, take it from wence it comes they say. Lorenzo did state, and rightly so, that had it been anybody else but Rossi the penalty would have been dished out during the race and it would certainly have been a dsq.


MM rode quite fairly, both riders made multiple passes on each other. Race direction would have penalized him too if otherwise. MM saved 2 front end folds as did Rossi so no BS claims of anybody stuffing up the others race surely. Yes they could have worked together and caught up the other 2 but after Rossi's tamtrum on Thursday I cant blame MM for saying stuff that. Again, should MM have pulled over and let Rossi by?? They were fighting for position at the end of the day.

Anyway, the faster, most winning, rider will win the championship at the end of the day.

Roll on Valencia, Rossi should get a rousing reception, lol.

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The fat lady hasnt sung yet...she might have warmed up, but it aint over yet. I think Rossi will put up one hell of a show in Valencia...will it be enough, you never know with racing.


My 2c, i like MM, has a lot of potential, but there is some suspicious convenience in letting Lorenzo through by running wide and then not able to keep up with him ...really? He was quickest at the mornings practice , qualified better than Lorenzo. He wantedd to tussle with Rossi, unfortunately he came off second best ( but i must say he went down faster than a premier league soccer player). Unfortunately it spoils the season for us and a great championship race it could have been.


I would have given Rossi the option of paying a massive fine, if possible. That way the championship would not be affect, the fans still get to see the race they wanted and deserved...and Rossi gets punished.


Its a pity, a real pity.....as it was a great saga that was unfolding between Rossi and Lorenzo and didn't need MM's interference.

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Like I said earlier it very much depends on which side of the fence your favour lies as to how you see the incident and subsequent "punishment".

It was unprecedented thats for sure.

That being said, Barbera started last today and finished 13th so you never know, but Rossi has not had great results at Valencia.


My last comment on the incident is that for me Rossi's demeanour in parc ferme also said a lot. Very subdued and reserved, he knew he had done wrong thats for sure. Playing for the cameras perhaps to sway the verdict his way. Worked it seems with no dsq.


Anyway, if you read all the various site the commentary is very much split like here. Masses of VR fanboys who will defend him even in the face of damning evidence. This will probably go on for 2 weeks till Valencia.

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Like I said earlier it very much depends on which side of the fence your favour lies as to how you see the incident and subsequent "punishment".

It was unprecedented thats for sure.

That being said, Barbera started last today and finished 13th so you never know, but Rossi has not had great results at Valencia.


My last comment on the incident is that for me Rossi's demeanour in parc ferme also said a lot. Very subdued and reserved, he knew he had done wrong thats for sure. Playing for the cameras perhaps to sway the verdict his way. Worked it seems with no dsq.


Anyway, if you read all the various site the commentary is very much split like here. Masses of VR fanboys who will defend him even in the face of damning evidence. This will probably go on for 2 weeks till Valencia.

Is it possible to support a person without being called a fanboy? Why do that? Don't try dilute opinions by playing the man.


Is it possible that MM is not innocent? Rossi certainly is not. Has he gone crazy and imagined all these things?

He is the most experienced rider there, surely he doesn't dream these things up.


If you cannot admit the possibility that MM was possibly intentionally interfering then clearly you are the fanboys.


Maybe answer this question:

If MM was leading the championship and he was chasing Perdrosa in a race and Lorenzo intentionally held MM up as to not catch Pedrosa. What would you say?

Edited by Patchelicious
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The fat lady hasnt sung yet...she might have warmed up, but it aint over yet. I think Rossi will put up one hell of a show in Valencia...will it be enough, you never know with racing.


My 2c, i like MM, has a lot of potential, but there is some suspicious convenience in letting Lorenzo through by running wide and then not able to keep up with him ...really? He was quickest at the mornings practice , qualified better than Lorenzo. He wantedd to tussle with Rossi, unfortunately he came off second best ( but i must say he went down faster than a premier league soccer player). Unfortunately it spoils the season for us and a great championship race it could have been.




Its a pity, a real pity.....as it was a great saga that was unfolding between Rossi and Lorenzo and didn't need MM's interference.


This above nail on the head

A pity Rossi succumbed to the red mist, i hope those 2 Spanish twats get their karma



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This all reminds me of the incident between Sarel van der Merwe (FORD ESCORT) and Ian Scheckter (BMW) in 1980.


Cant remember the exact details but Ian and Eddie Kaizen were good mates. Not team mates i think.


But one of then was holding van der Merwe up. Van der Merwe also decided to take matters into his own hands and gently persuaded him of the track.

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I see now that Rossi has been docked 3 points. To add to a back of the grid start to the last race. I will always have faith in VR46 still doing well from the back but I think he has one MASSIVE mountain to climb now if he wants to win the championship. Rossi is a wise experienced rider so don't write him off for an absolutely amazing performance at the next race.

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Again, I did not watch the race (PVR'ed it).

Seems I missed out on a lot. Will have to watch it tonite.

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Firstly LWB , Rossi was not docked 3 points . MotoGP has a penalty points system in place . Rossi now has 4 penalty points so has to start at the back of the grid .

I am a Rossi fan , however he started this whole thing off by having a go at Marques in the press conference .

Maybe he should have kept his rant till after he had won the title .

Now he has p...ed Marques off , who is certainly faster than Rossi , albeit he has been inconsistent this season .

Rossi now has to battle 2 riders who are , in dry conditions , mostly faster than him .

Hope he can still pull this rabbit out of the hat , but it is highly unlikly now .

He certainly brings more to MotoGP that probarbly all other riders combined , but I feel what he did yesterday was very unsporting , and also quite UnRossi like .

Anyway , Roll on Valencia .

Edited by Popit
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