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[Event] Cape Town Cycle Tour 2019

Warren Lew

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weak analogy.


How about tandems?

Using your logic, surely they should create their own events too.

Tandems are still powered by people


No to ebikes.....plain and simple


It's a cycle race not a motorized race


Sent from my SM-A605F using Tapatalk

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I do kinda feel that tandems are like bringing 2 horse power to a 1 horse power race. But that view of mine does not sit favourable with most cyclists. 


Having done it on a tandem and looking around, there are a few finishers medals out there that is thanks to the one more than the other rider.But at the moment it gets allowed and we enjoyed it VERY much so



I do joke that it do feel a bit like having an extra motor on board, when you hit the hills and can call on a bit of extra power

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Hell, lets logically split out men from women, the 60+ ballies from the 30-35. Recumbents from the tandems! Oh wait.. we do.


God forbid Caster enters the Cycle Tour.


Other than the elite "racers" this is all academic anyway.


I don't give a **** if I get passed by an eBike. I am fighting my own personal demons to better myself. No-one gives a damn about me. Why should I give a damn about them and what they ride?


The point is its the greatest fun ride on earth, in the greatest city, ridden by (mostly) the greatest people.


People seem to have lost the point of the original ride...

Edited by Sbloomer
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As the wife and I climbed onto the highway right at the start, I saw a MTbiker getting of his bike swearing like crazy and walking back. 


His rear tubless tire came of the rim. sealant everywhere. And i guess he would have needed assistance to get it back on. 

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As the wife and I climbed onto the highway right at the start, I saw a MTbiker getting of his bike swearing like crazy and walking back. 


His rear tubless tire came of the rim. sealant everywhere. And i guess he would have needed assistance to get it back on. 




thats what happens when you bring an Epic bike and attitude to a road funride

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And Last time I checked, there wasn't a line of car racers lining up in the FAQ section of the Argus, Two Oceans and Durban July asking to participate with their cars, so not really a great example.


I agree, maybe you shouldn't have used the the car example to justify ebikes



There were a 156 finishers from Group $.  That is the only people who had a theoretical chance of winning the CTCT. Even if you in 1A had a better time, no trophy for you. So that, in reality, was the only race. (and of course the ladies race from their starting point). And I am not saying e-bikes should be allowed in this race (along with doping etc.)


I am talking about the participation of many people who enjoy riding their bikes, al be it with assistance (for whatever reason), on a nice day out (even with the wind) on a wonderful route. Their numbers don't justify yet their own fun ride with closed routes around the peninsula.


Yes, consider all that needs to be considered, safety, influence on other's enjoyment etc. But don't do it with a preconceived idea of banning. I am sure equitable solutions can be found. Evidence suggest you will not be successful in banning them anyway.


Well we agree that ebikes shouldn't be in $ and we can agree that ebikes right at the back aren't really an issue (other than out of principle). It's everywhere in between where the whole discussion gets muddy. Until I see that equitable solution you think is out there I still say my preconceived idea of banning is the way to go.

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As the wife and I climbed onto the highway right at the start, I saw a MTbiker getting of his bike swearing like crazy and walking back. 


His rear tubless tire came of the rim. sealant everywhere. And i guess he would have needed assistance to get it back on. 


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when last has a tandem won the CTCT overall?


Or what about recumbent, or does that old record still stand?

Edited by LeoKnight
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Super tough ride. Started in 1F and the okes in front pulled hard. Caught 1E and D by Muizenberg / Kalk bay then I got caught behind an accident and went on my lonesome all the way through Simonstown (after burning a ton of matches trying to catch the group). Got a small group together up Smitswinkel and all the way to Chappies.


Punctured at the bottom of Chappies then I obviously didn't manage to find what had caused the puncture because the second tube I put in was flat by time I got to the picnic area on the way down into Hout Bay. Then my second, and last, spare tube exploded as soon as I pumped the CO2 bomb into it. Ended up sitting at the picnic area for about 15 minutes before one of the bike marshal guys came past and he thankfully had a spare tube and a pump. On the plus side I was really fresh for Suikerbossie after sitting around for so long  :P


Ended up with a 3:56 (with a total riding time of only 3:30ish)

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Lloyd won outright four times, Wimpie van der Merwe holds the any-course average speed record at 2:16.40 over 105km in 1993, 46km/h.

And both of them finished second overall on normal bikes when they weren't aero-is-everything-ing. 

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