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Canyon Aeroad - Read if you planning on purchasing one


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I do feel your pain, Rory, as I love my roadie more than my left kidney.

What did the local service centres say, like JoC?


I am glad that the super tuck did not lead to total frame failure where you could've gotten really eina.


Havent contacted them. I'm in JHB so I would have to send my bike to the Cape for that :/

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From a manufacturers perspective, I would imagine it is not unreasonable to be dismissive is someone admits to not using your product in the way it was designed. I would suggest that the shortness of the email responses are more a language/ culture issue than a poor service issue. Should the manufacturers try and anticipate every possible permutation of where, how people might sit on their bikes, rather than the saddle? I saw a dude lifting someone on his handlebars the other day, I hope he is ready to claim if something breaks.

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I agree they should stop sending you frames. They (obviously) don't know you from a bar of soap - even despite your well worded emails. Ultimately they do not know how you are actually treating the bike.


This paragraph however...


Whilst it is of course very tempting to mimic what pro riders are doing it should always be considered, that on the one hand they are usually much more experienced regarding bike handling and many do not actually sit on the top tube but rather hover over it keeping tension in the legs. Also when winning a stage nets you 11000 € risking an expensive frame in the process is usually worth it.



..is disgusting. 


Maybe this is common-place for bike frames (I stand to be corrected) but if they knowingly distribute bikes that have a weakness that only 'pros' can afford, then the rest of us are all at injury risk? And they know this? Come on.

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 Why is there not a disclaimer upon checkout or even better a 'DO NOT SIT' sticker on the top tube? 






I can't believe someone would admit to doing this and expect the OEM to honour the warranty...a 3rd time.


You gave them all the ammo they need to turn it down.

I dont blame them either, the top tube on a light weight racing bike frame is not made for sitting on despite what you see your friends doing or see on TV.


Somewhere in the warranty small print (and common logic) it will say you must use the bike for its intended purpose... the top tube was definitely not made for sitting on.


Sorry if this appears harsh, imo you are lucky they have not asked for payment wrt the 2 previous frames and costs they incurred.




Sorry if this appears harsh, but thats how i see it.


I'm pretty sure a lot more people more supple than me are now going to stop sitting on their top tubes trying to mimic Chris Froome and his buddies

Edited by SwissVan
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out of interest what reply were you expecting to your long email ?


For a start maybe a excerpt from their warranty which states 'normal bike use'. Maybe a explanation as to how the frames are manufactured lending to their strengths and weaknesses in certain areas? A better apology? A reason as to why they replaced my two previous frames and not this one? An indication of occurrence? Just more sustenance - rather than basically re sending me the first email. I understand that a lot of this may be hard for them to give me but I spent a lot of time and effort getting the bike here I deserve to know what the issue is.

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In the words of Robbie Mckweon.: “ sitting on the top tube ....s(h)it idea....”


I agree with Canyon wholeheartedly . They also gave you the op the benefit of the doubt with three new frames till you fessed up.

At some point they were going to draw a line in the sand because three similar frame failures under the same customer from different batches of product clearly points to a major design fault or improper use. Since the internet is not awash with broken canyon aero road bikes it safe to assume improper use.


Come on man do the right thing and start a campaign against top tube descending.

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For a start maybe a excerpt from their warranty which states 'normal bike use'. Maybe a explanation as to how the frames are manufactured lending to their strengths and weaknesses in certain areas? A better apology? A reason as to why they replaced my two previous frames and not this one? An indication of occurrence? Just more sustenance - rather than basically re sending me the first email. I understand that a lot of this may be hard for them to give me but I spent a lot of time and effort getting the bike here I deserve to know what the issue is.

Bro... 'you deserve'?


I might sound like a douche here but no. You are not entitled to anything. You would have received a pamphlet with the bike stating the terms of the warranty. You received 2 frames. 


They found out that you were using the frame outside of it's warranty stated intended direction for use.


They owe you absolutely nothing.


You asked, they said no. They gave you the reason they said no.


The end.


Sorry, it really sucks that your Frooming about has cost you time, effort, money etc... I really think that is balls. 


Are you butthurt because you broke the frame or are you butthurt because you feel the guys on the other end didn'y give you the time, respect, detailed information an almost pro A batch rider feels entitled to?

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Nope I don't think Canyon was unreasonable.  The have given you the benefit of the doubt on two occasions.  I do not view their e-mails as abrupt or rude.  They were just simply stating the facts and what your options are as a customer.  Wait until you have to deal with some of the Government departments here if you need to see how "to the point" they really can get.

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I can't believe someone would admit to doing this and expect the OEM to honour the warranty...a 3rd time.


You gave them all the ammo they need to turn it down.

I dont blame them either, the top tube on a light weight racing bike frame is not made for sitting on despite what you see your friends doing or see on TV.


Somewhere in the warranty small print (and common logic) it will say you must use the bike for its intended purpose... the top tube was definitely not made for sitting on.


Sorry if this appears harsh, imo you are lucky they have not asked for payment wrt the 2 previous frames and costs they incurred.




Sorry if this appears harsh, but thats how i see it.


I'm pretty sure a lot more people more supple than me are now going to stop sitting on their top tubes trying to mimic Chris Froome and his buddies



Forgive me but I think you are missing the point of my post.


I admitted to doing this because I was being honest and because the 3rd time it happened was the only time I knew how it happened.


I dont want them to honour the warranty (whatever it is). I dont want another frame. I wish I knew how it happened the first time and I would have avoided a huge amount of admin. 


Possibly all manufacturers have the same 'common logic' in their warranty. Just know then, that the Aeroad top tube is one of the weakest.


I am a competitive racer as are most people that would buy an Aeroad. If I get to the top of a climb and can not optimize my position like the rest of my competitors I will see the back end of a group on a descent in no time. 


I'm not sure who sets the international bike manufactures 'intended purpose' rule but surely with competition bicycles, like the Aeroad, sitting on the top tube should be considered? 


The point of this post was to get a public opinion on the matter and to inform future Aeroad owners of my issue.

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This might be a silly question, but after the second top tube broke, why didn’t you stop sitting on the top tube?


Edit: I see you have answered in the post above.

Edited by Patchelicious
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Forgive me but I think you are missing the point of my post.


I admitted to doing this because I was being honest and because the 3rd time it happened was the only time I knew how it happened.


I dont want them to honour the warranty (whatever it is). I dont want another frame. I wish I knew how it happened the first time and I would have avoided a huge amount of admin. 


Possibly all manufacturers have the same 'common logic' in their warranty. Just know then, that the Aeroad top tube is one of the weakest.


I am a competitive racer as are most people that would buy an Aeroad. If I get to the top of a climb and can not optimize my position like the rest of my competitors I will see the back end of a group on a descent in no time. 


I'm not sure who sets the international bike manufactures 'intended purpose' rule but surely with competition bicycles, like the Aeroad, sitting on the top tube should be considered? 


The point of this post was to get a public opinion on the matter and to inform future Aeroad owners of my issue.




I have seen this episode before.


It wont get any better for you from here on.


Enjoy your new (non Canyon) bike!

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I've been sitting on the top tube on descents for the last 20 years, on Giant, Cervelo, Trek, Specialized, Bianchi...


When did this become abnormal?

Or sitting on the top tube while in the starting pen.

Half the guys are doing that.

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Just give them credit for replacing the frame twice without asking questions. They could have challenged you on it but chose to rather focus on customer service and not do that. Take a light weight carbon frame and squeeze the tubes on it - you will be amazed how weak they often are in non load bearing areas. It might make you think twice about sitting on the top tube of any frame again.


Any other brand is likely to challenge you when you bring the next frame for warranty (the first time) and if you tell them you sit on the top tube then you will get the same response.

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