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Everesting World Record Attempt

Pall Catt

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The difference is most okes on here don't publicly belittle a massive physical challenge (Everesting is easy with the right gearing) and then fail CATASTROPHICALLY to get anywhere near said challenge.


And then brush it off lightly and move on to the next belittling and catastrophic failure.


Challenge 1: Doing an everest at a comfortable pace. This is something that Van Zweel said was easy. Not something he ever attempted. 


Challenge 2: Doing the fastest everest ever. This is what he attempted and is not something he ever said this was easy. Heck he might have even said it would be tough. He had a crack at it and when he realized he was drifting off record pace and his goal was unattainable, he stopped. By memory, he did about 4500m in just under 5 hours. 


That he failed to do Challenge 1 while he was trying to do Challenge 2 is really neither here nor there. 


Dislike him because he lacks humility (I think many can agree on this), but don't dislike him because he didn't meet some illogical target that people on the Hub have set for him. 

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don't dislike him because he didn't meet some illogical target that people on the Hub have set for him.



What target is that?

All the targets where his own


Aiming high is good

Aiming Unrealistically high is silly

Posting it on the interweb open to comments is brave

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  • 2 months later...

he left out a verse though...



i'm still vegan

Cuz  everesting on a bike beats mountaineering 

i'm still vegan

Cuz it will be F$%k'n easy with the right gearing

i'm still vegan 

too much coffee, failed, excuses went out of fashion

I'm still vegan

Vanzweel doing an everest for real?....NOT GONNA F@#KING HAPPEN!


Edited by morneS555
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To be fair, he would probably be perfect for packing the shelves at FLM... On seconds thought this may put people off vegetables.

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I thought Frail was a kind and gentle soul, but his burn of the Banana was next level shade.


Gees, I am so hip to the new jive I almost tasted by lunch again.

Was it a burn though? I thought it was an honest question out of interest. Maybe I am just naive...

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The more I see the more I am actually convinced this is a parody personality...


Like Ali G or Borat or what not..... He can't actually be real can he?


I see his video's and am reminded of Royston Vasey... 'This is a local town for Local people.......'


Mark Gatiss would be proud

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Was it a burn though? I thought it was an honest question out of interest. Maybe I am just naive...

Quite possible. But with his own exploits, I could easily suggest he is the most qualified to singe.
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