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Van der Poel arrested in Oz


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2 hours ago, Danger Dassie said:

Ditto. In fact I actually did get a hiding as a kid (13) when we ruined someone’s gate buzzer playing tok tokkie. The oke caught us and waited until our parents arrived. 

He was properly the moer in, but didn’t touch us or anything. Because it’s the parents call. Anyway, we got the hiding and had to help out in his garden for the next week after school. 

I recall us running like we were going to be killed when we did it as kids ........ because the home owner came out with a shotgun and cocked it.

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bet the hotel manager on duty is kind of regretting the knee jerk reaction of calling the police straight off the bat without first assessing the seriousness of the situation or at least trying to mediate between the involved parties to decide if the fallout was going to be worth it. And there is serious fallout…who here would stay in a 3.0 google rated hotel?? I wont even click on it lol.
Its called good management. Nobody died and it was he-said-she-said. Why go straight for the kill by calling the popo without hearing everybody out? Policy? Stop being a robot, people are complicated. 

Sure, They probably didn't know who he was, not that it mattered, but it would always have consequences ito the media attention. Did the parents even consider the fallout in that regard in this day and age?

I guarantee you news will soon break of the kids and family getting death threats from these same keyboard warriors. It’s not right but thats the way of this fd-up world and social media.  It has the possibility to ruin these people’s lives. It wont take long for their identities to leak. A sober person would take all this into consideration, especially if kids are implicated.
MVDP might even go after them later for slander or loss of income ?  He implied as much.  Bet they also don't need that in their life? Hope the fun was worth it.

Think back to when you were 12/14. If the police had to get involved in anything - you would quite literally k@k yourself and wish for it to go away immediately no matter what. Not to mention adult you…see how ppl bribe cops? Thats their 14y old self k@kking themselves.

I bet those girls will NEVER play tok tokkie again though….

Edited by MORNE
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I have been wondering how the same events would have played out differently in other parts of the world? Not likely the same way

UK - Sternly worded letter to all involved.

France - Hotel management refuse to call police due to effort involved

Belgium - Kids and Parents carried off by angry mob for interfering with cycling business

USA - Kids and parents arrested for public nuisance. Also hotel management and curious onlookers.

RSA - Police collect R500 from all parties (ambitious - only assuming there were already police on site)


Between the TT crash, the seagull incident and a pair of Aussie teens I think the Dutch may not be boking holidays in Aus this year. 

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This is going to turnover A hell of an amount of publicity for this hotel ....but I feel its going to leave A negative taste and people just skimming won't go there 


If someone investigates for A few minutes they should put two and two together but the vast majority of potential holiday makers aren't going to do that 

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30% 5 star

33% 1 star 


Aren't these aren't the types of things this hotel can claim to be bots , most of them will be unique with the next moron trying to be more cleaver than the last 

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1 hour ago, BaGearA said:

Aren't these aren't the types of things this hotel can claim to be bots , most of them will be unique with the next moron trying to be more cleaver than the last 

Well that escalated!

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I reckon what went down here was Mvdp gets gatvol and waits at the door for the next knock spying through the peephole.

the lassies come running up and try to knock but he opens the door and grabs one by the arm. She recoils in fright and knocking her chum over . Mvdp yells at them ( this is Dutch for not being nice) . The girl injured her arm breaking free from his grip. They run to mommy and daddy who will have none of their precious being harmed and off to the hairdresser to get a “I want to see the manager” haircut .

the hotel manager then has to call the cops to get that ridiculous hairstyle out of his sight and where we are.

checked in with my uncle and he reckons of there was any real harm done Mvdp would have been detained in jail till his hearing. Assault of a minor is a serious crime. That he got off with a fine is probably for the yelling (emotional harm) and the “graze”. Would love to hear the full statement of Mvdp. 
I wouldn’t want to stick around for a kangaroo court hearing . 

sure he could have handled it better. Younger children might have responded more positively to being confronted by an irate adult catching them in the act. A teenie likely would have gotten mouthy and escalated the situation 

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Well seems like they managed to get about 400 of the BS reviews removed , their rating has still tanked so there's not much they can do about that 

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31 minutes ago, mazambaan said:

No one smell a set up by those sly Nick Whitish Ozzies?  Disappointed in the Hub I am.  👿

neither one of those kids had a mustache. the papers would have been all over that

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