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Statement regarding cancellation of the 40th Cape Town Cycle Tour from David Bellairs

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The arrogance of the organisers is not taking into account forecasts of strong winds while keeping the start in a place known to accentuate the effect of strong wind.  And then using those very same known problems as a valid excuse to cancel an event with 35,000 participants.


I'm glad you find this pisspoor attitude to known problems acceptable. I don't.

You have dominated this thread with a constant stream of repetitive bashing of the organizers, and sure, you are entitled to your opinion. 


My question is: How is it that you seem to know so much about the state of mind of the organizers?  Are you part of the organizing committee?  Did they take votes or decisions in which you witnessed first hand this outrageously dismissive arrogance that you believe to be so obvious? 


And seeing that is so clear  that the organizers are  inept, incompetent and useless (read: arrogant),  then it will be a slam dunk to wrench the event away to be staged  PROPERLY  by someone who obviously knows how to do it better?


I look forward to the 2018 Carbon29er Cape Cycle Tour.  It will be GRAND!

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Besides the fact that the wind decided that it would prove the meteorologists wrong on the day and put on a show of near gale.


You clearly did not look at ONE weather forecast between March 1 and today if the wind was a surprise to you.


Or you are cut from the same cloth as the organisers who hoped to ignore the forecast wind by holding the start in the EXACT spot where the wind is the worst in central Cape Town.

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My contention is that the start chute is in the wrong place. The organisers know this as 2009 experienced the same problems.


And with the wind being a known factor from forecasts they were so arrogant they did NOTHING to eliminate this risk.


So I can and will blame the organisers for not making changes that would have made the start safer.  The only change we've seen at the start in a number of years is a new checking in system. Nothing that adds to safety.



You are of course 100% correct. In hindsight the starting chute was at the wrong place.


Pity that you & all the clever hubbers who knew of this and all the other problems all along are only sharing this brilliant insights with us after the race. (I'm re-reading this thread to find the pre-race posts suggestions that the starting chute should be moved, maybe you can point me to one of them)


AFAIK nobody (or at least nobody who posted on this thread) were expecting worse conditions than 2009. We all thought the wind would be a nuisance but not as bad as in 2009.


Up until now the starting venue worked fine (except for 2009), changing it would not have saved the race yesterday anyway. 

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Too much traffic problems will be caused if you cut-off traffic flow through Buitengracht.

That is what I also thought would prevent them from using that start point (of course if the unfinished highway was completed, it would work

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You are of course 100% correct. In hindsight the starting chute was at the wrong place.


Pity that you & all the clever hubbers who knew of this and all the other problems all along are only sharing this brilliant insights with us after the race. (I'm re-reading this thread to find the pre-race posts suggestions that the starting chute should be moved, maybe you can point me to one of them)


AFAIK nobody (or at least nobody who posted on this thread) were expecting worse conditions than 2009. We all thought the wind would be a nuisance but not as bad as in 2009.


Up until now the starting venue worked fine (except for 2009), changing it would not have saved the race yesterday anyway. 

:clap: :thumbup:

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"by letting the protesters win" bla bla bla "I trained all year..." bla bla


All I see is entitlement. The decision to cancel the largest timed bicycle ride in the world was not made easily.


Apart from that the protesters have tried other avenues to communicate but have been ignored. By us, by the government, by everyone.


Those left homeless with all their belongings burnt with nothing, nowhere to go... they chose this. It is their fault your 3 hours of fame was cut short.... NO


The protesters want water and other, beyond basic services which have been denied them. Their plea has fallen on deaf ears for years now.


I do think OMTOM will be sabotaged, maybe CTCT next year as well. Until people are heard. Until we address the WHY and not just react.


I am appalled by some of the comments on here. I do not condone the destruction of property but this goes far beyond lowering fees or decolonising science. 


Go home and have a good think about why you feel you can be angry and disgusted, when your loss gave thousands of people food, water and support in their hour of need.


Don't get me started on why we as a public sector have to wait for tragedy to supply said things, but rather, for now, look at yourself and ask some serious questions.


Not riding the Argus or the assistance of thousands who really need it. Albeit temoprarily. 

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There should have been more options for the day not just the one they executed with the last option being the 47km M3 loop. I wonder if the organisers ever intended to have the race ???? They had foreknowledge of the issues but no real action plans.

The race did actually get under way but was then called off, or do you believe this was just a publicity stunt to cover up the fact they never intended it to take place anyway. 

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You have dominated this thread with a constant stream of repetitive bashing of the organizers, and sure, you are entitled to your opinion. 


My question is: How is it that you seem to know so much about the state of mind of the organizers?  Are you part of the organizing committee?  Did they take votes or decisions in which you witnessed first hand this outrageously dismissive arrogance that you believe to be so obvious? 


And seeing that is so clear  that the organizers are  inept, incompetent and useless (read: arrogant),  then it will be a slam dunk to wrench the event away to be staged  PROPERLY  by someone who obviously knows how to do it better?


I look forward to the 2018 Carbon29er Cape Cycle Tour.  It will be GRAND!

The only complaint I have is that it is disingenuous to use the wind as an excuse AFTER starting 4 batches of the race in the EXACT place where the wind is the strongest in central Cape Town knowing that the forecasts were for strong wind all week.


Particularly after the experience in 2009 where the start was the problem.


I have not once used any of the terms inept, incompetent or useless. I used arrogant. And I used it purely because of the lack of action around taking precautions at the start.


Did the wind really increase in strength over the forecasts in the time between the Elites being in the chute before 6:15 and the time of the cancellation at 6:38? Or were they genuinely surprised that the wind accelerates through the Civic Centre like it does, despite using it as a start point for a number of years?


Not once have I criticised the organisers ability to run a brilliant race. I have questioned using the wind at the start as THE excuse when it should not have surprised them.


There is no option of me running the cycle tour next year. The organisers are extremely possessive and take no heed of advice or input from lay people. So I'm afraid you won't be joining a GRAND cycle tour as you so sarcastically put it.


You de realise of course that Albert Einstein said "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."


The wind blows. We start the cycle tour in the same place every year.

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I'm glad you made the comment about breeding like rats - it is emblematic of the entitled attitude that the poor are poor because of what they do or are rather than of a structural inequality built into the system. "They" breed like "fill in the derogatory comparison with a non human species here" is the attitude that these people see oozing through every wicking pore of our lycra as we whizz past them.


It's the making of a group of people as "other" a "they" different from "us" that allows us to justify the massive differences in access to resources. We have to justify it to ourselves somehow because if we didn't we'd have to confront our participation in a system that requires poverty. Unchecked capitalism requires povery it doesn't alleviate it.


There is lots wrong with the pretty picture of trickle down econmics that you paint Hotshot but I have to go work now.


A last point for now - I don't feel sorry for the poor. I feel sorry for all of us. We are failing massively here. That you can make your statement about breeding like rats is as much evidence of this failure as the rows of shacks on the road nexxt to the airport.


And it is not us who will reap the whirlwind as much as our children will. I have a sense of being skewered on the razor point of history here - I fear the rise of nationalism, authoritarian government and violence that lies in wait at the bleeding edge of late stage capitalism.


Do me favour though Hotshot - courier some nappies and tinned food to the Constantia Pick 'n Pay for the families of Hout Bay. Spend a grand dude - it'll ease the pain a little.


Dude, I am not wealthy, I have a job which I look after and do everything that I can to keep. I do deserve what I have, I would have the same whether I was living in Europe or USA or anywhere else. I would have the same level of education and I would earn accordingly. By the way, SA labour is not cheap it cost more to build and construct here than in most other countries.


Unfortunately the poor in townships breed like possessed rats on steroids, this just perpetuates the poverty cycle. Nothing you or me can do about the poverty cycle. You can take the high moral ground and feel sorry for them, but do absolutely ****all, or call it as I see it. There are too many people, not enough resources. In SA the poverty cycle is made worse by a government that simply cannot get worse.


To get out of the poverty cycle the country needs more bussiness. The CTCT is a business and a very profitable one, the CTCT is not there for my benefit but it is there to support that business and to bring money into the Western Cape area. I am guessing here, but the timing of the race is very closely aligned to a periodical downturn in the tourist industry in Cape Town in March. Falls very neatly in between the Christmas holidays and Easter. The majority of the riders are from out of Cape Town and hence bring in much needed money. The money does not go directly to the protesters or shack dwellers, but some of them or their family will be employed in restaurants and B&B and shops that I will go to. There are also a number of charities that the CTCT supports which goes to the poor of the Western Cape. I do realize that the shack dwellers haven concept of this, all they see is a bunch of rich whites having fun on their bikes, the value of which could feed their family for a year.


The CTCT will go ahead next year, but there maybe be a few people less, especially those that are coming from out of town. And less money will finds its way to those protesting.


You cannot take away from me to solve SA's problems, you cannot tax me more to make SA a better place. You need to create wealth by supporting business in whatever form. Business creates work, which creates jobs, which creates salaries, which take away hunger, provide a roof over your head, and in cases like mine buys bicycles. If you make it difficult for business, such as the situation is in SA, investment goes somewhere else and more poverty comes our way.

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"by letting the protesters win" bla bla bla "I trained all year..." bla bla


All I see is entitlement. The decision to cancel the largest timed bicycle ride in the world was not made easily.


Apart from that the protesters have tried other avenues to communicate but have been ignored. By us, by the government, by everyone.


Those left homeless with all their belongings burnt with nothing, nowhere to go... they chose this. It is their fault your 3 hours of fame was cut short.... NO


The protesters want water and other, beyond basic services which have been denied them. Their plea has fallen on deaf ears for years now.


I do think OMTOM will be sabotaged, maybe CTCT next year as well. Until people are heard. Until we address the WHY and not just react.


I am appalled by some of the comments on here. I do not condone the destruction of property but this goes far beyond lowering fees or decolonising science. 


Go home and have a good think about why you feel you can be angry and disgusted, when your loss gave thousands of people food, water and support in their hour of need.


Don't get me started on why we as a public sector have to wait for tragedy to supply said things, but rather, for now, look at yourself and ask some serious questions.


Not riding the Argus or the assistance of thousands who really need it. Albeit temoprarily. 


"How dare you!? I'm the victim here! Now please excuse me while I angrily ride one of my carbon road bikes back to my SUV, so that I can drive home and just cool off in the pool. Ah jeez and the house is probably going to be a mess for a few days now because the maid's house burnt down or something." 

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The race did actually get under way but was then called off, or do you believe this was just a publicity stunt to cover up the fact they never intended it to take place anyway. 

I believe it was a publicity stunt like you put it. 

Every year the event is televised but not this year.

**Thats my opinion.


Just to ad - The events mentioned def played a major role in the decision, and I feel they had to just let something start before ending it. When I read the first message I though to myself that there wont be a ride on sunday.

Edited by Eddy Gordo
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"How dare you!? I'm the victim here! Now please excuse me while I angrily ride one of my carbon road bikes back to my SUV, so that I can drive home and just cool off in the pool. Ah jeez and the house is probably going to be a mess for a few days now because the maid's house burnt down or something." 

I am outraged that my misfortune led to thousands being fed and clothed and supported!


This is disgusting!


Something like that yes.... so many humans, so little humanity

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You are of course 100% correct. In hindsight the starting chute was at the wrong place.


Pity that you & all the clever hubbers who knew of this and all the other problems all along are only sharing this brilliant insights with us after the race. (I'm re-reading this thread to find the pre-race posts suggestions that the starting chute should be moved, maybe you can point me to one of them)


AFAIK nobody (or at least nobody who posted on this thread) were expecting worse conditions than 2009. We all thought the wind would be a nuisance but not as bad as in 2009.


Up until now the starting venue worked fine (except for 2009), changing it would not have saved the race yesterday anyway. 


Agree with your comments.  My view is that some people forget that the race have lots of different riders of different skill sets, and if you combine them in bunches it changes the dynamics compare to when you with riders of similar experienced skills.  


Long and the short, personally without scientific backing, more people would have gotten hurt than normally, putting immense pressure on the medical support structures, and then there will be just as many people complaining on why did they continue the race.  I might not like the decision, to understand that if it was me in the same position as them with the available options on the day, that the same decision would be taken 

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"by letting the protesters win" bla bla bla "I trained all year..." bla bla


All I see is entitlement. The decision to cancel the largest timed bicycle ride in the world was not made easily.


Apart from that the protesters have tried other avenues to communicate but have been ignored. By us, by the government, by everyone.


Those left homeless with all their belongings burnt with nothing, nowhere to go... they chose this. It is their fault your 3 hours of fame was cut short.... NO


The protesters want water and other, beyond basic services which have been denied them. Their plea has fallen on deaf ears for years now.


I do think OMTOM will be sabotaged, maybe CTCT next year as well. Until people are heard. Until we address the WHY and not just react.


I am appalled by some of the comments on here. I do not condone the destruction of property but this goes far beyond lowering fees or decolonising science. 


Go home and have a good think about why you feel you can be angry and disgusted, when your loss gave thousands of people food, water and support in their hour of need.


Don't get me started on why we as a public sector have to wait for tragedy to supply said things, but rather, for now, look at yourself and ask some serious questions.


Not riding the Argus or the assistance of thousands who really need it. Albeit temoprarily. 

I fully agree, and government instead can have party after party, fly here and there, have fashion shows at parliament, earn stupid amount of money every year and still get state cars and other luxuries etc etc etc. These people who are so called leaders must change this way pf spending money and start developing areas where there are shacks. Every other place dont need anything for now. Build houses, flats and importantly lay pipes for water, sewerage and electric. 

However this is all a fantasy and instead the citizens of this country help/assist and do what they can to help the unfortunate.

I dont know if any of you have seen the pics of all the shacks burnt with peoples mattresses etc just standing about. I immediately was like shame where are these people going this eve. Will see if I can find the pics

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Agree with your comments.  My view is that some people forget that the race have lots of different riders of different skill sets, and if you combine them in bunches it changes the dynamics compare to when you with riders of similar experienced skills.  


Long and the short, personally without scientific backing, more people would have gotten hurt than normally, putting immense pressure on the medical support structures, and then there will be just as many people complaining on why did they continue the race.  I might not like the decision, to understand that if it was me in the same position as them with the available options on the day, that the same decision would be taken 

Exactly, and for me it would def be chappies where the risk of getting blown of that section is very high.

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