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I have had lots of issues with my back - chronic back pain for well over two years due to a herniated disc between L4 & L5. I tried everything and only one thing gave me release. I don't like to punt business in an open forum but am willing to pm to anyone who wants to get a back sorted.


O and it's not surgery, I went to two neurosurgeons in my quest as well

Please share. I think there are enough people on this forum with back issues that will be interested. I myself have hernaited discs between L4&L5, L5&S1 - and a pinched nerve in my neck as a result of those discs. I have tried everything under the sun short of fusions - which I don't want to do because I am not even 30 yet and don't want to sit with those complications at 50.


Anyway, if you don't want to share here - please PM me.

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Finally had a good weekend..

My normal week starts high on a Monday.. gets lower during the week and ends at the lowest on Friday.. and then the weekend hits and all my progress goes out the window.. but this weekend. I ended up lower today than I was on Friday,, Whoot Whoot....getting closer to those double digits I am..

Posted (edited)

Here's my Essay I just completed and sent in a pm.  :thumbup: - Edit: Added the MRI image





Good morning dude,

I have been struggling with a herniated disc since 2008 or maybe it was 2009. I cant recall the exact year anymore. I got my herniation the same day I got a Hiatus hernia from doing stupid stuff in the gym. I went way too heavy with one of the back machines, stupid I know!

Anyhow, I then started doing some Krav Maga (Israelly Special Forces) and the partner I had there gave me the number of the sports Chiropractor he used - the guys name was Dennis van Aswegen.

I would have such bad back pain that every single time I got out the bed, car, from a seated to standing position my legs would collapse and I would crawl around in my house rather than walking. I went to him and he would inject me and push everything back into place but every single time I got back in the car the pain would just return.

From him I went to a couple of physios, there the pain would return the moment I got off their bed so that did absolute nothing :-).

I then went to a sports doctor who basically just sent me for a bunch of tests and it all came down to I had to get an MRI.

I then went to a Nero-surgeon - Cant recall his name, I think it was Dr Nesser at Faerie Glen. After the MRI he told me that he wanted to do a fusion due to the herniation and I would be flat on my back for 6-8 weeks and then 2 weeks after that I would be able to start to slowly walk around but still no driving and after a total of 10 weeks I will be able to resume with some light duties.

I had one question for him: What's the success rate? He said around 60% and that one would probably have to have another op after the first one due to the top discs now being placed under severe pressure from the new hardware that he fitted.

I bolted out of there as I could not put my wife through that sort of crap, I would rather just suck it up and carry on!

I then went for a second opinion at another Nero - Dr Thomas Kruger at Die Wilgers, he told me that I was too young and that he would not operate even if I begged him. At this point I was taking 8 x Tramasets per day, or any other S5 pain pills I could get my hands on.

I do not need to tell you just how bloody painful it is / was and it really has a massive effect on your life!!!!

Well in any case, back in 2010 a guy I worked with at that time told me to go and see Hans - it sounded like some dodgy dealer guy I would meet in an alley but it turned out this was the goose in the cupboard laying the golden eggs!

I went from that severe pain and such high doses of pain medication over to him and after TWO 30 min sessions I had absolutely no more back pain!

They have since franchised and I have been to Hans, Gary & Ryno before. Unfortunately they are not close to KZN which means you'll have to take a drive up here or George.

Here's the details: <a href="http://www.stretchin...ngsa.co.za/</a>

I can fully understand that you'll be skeptical and you may just discard this message as "hog-wash" so to improve my credibility I have attached an image of the MRI they did back in 2012 - 2013 somewhere. I never went when the sports doctor sent me :-). 


I do yoga and stretching almost every day to maintain my flexibility without having to go back to Ryno or Hans


All the best and good luck  


Edited by RobertWhitehead

So not doing the annual beer fest combined with a social ride around the peninsula I decided to really get my **** together and try and eat healthier and to get of the beer for a while.


Lets see how February turns out, haven't loss any noticeable weight this year although I'm averaging about 200km a week on the bike (but eating like a pig & drinking like a fish)

Hold thumbs


Its been a while ...i should be able to get through till next summer without eating...weighing in at a massive 112 kg.


managed to do a whole 10 rides last year... and one this year so far...still battling to get my mind right...did a ride in the middle of last year on the marshmallow .. went over the bars ...slid down the road on my face and arms ...put the bike away and still havent ridden since... took the rattlin red rocket down last week ...had to pump up the wheels ...charged the battery and had to wipe off all the dust...had a really awesome ride ...only 55 km but it was enough.  


Diet going ok, training going well. Last night was walking home and passed my local. First time probably ever I just wondered in by myself and had two pints of Guinness and two packets of peanuts. Was really odd but strangely satisfying. Maybe the third time I’ve had a drink this year. Back to discipline today.

Posted (edited)

ive mentioned it in passing on here once or twice but i thought ill share my episode for the members still trying their best to lose or even start.


About 5years ago i was at my heaviest. 105kg. (EDIT: actually later closer to 115kg - more below) Seeing the scale go over 3 digits for the first time  was my wake up call.

im tall (197cm) though, so with that comes all the anecdotal BS family and friends spew about length vs weight ratio blablabla. Well i didn't feel comfortable in my skin for someone who just hit 32 back then, and succumbing to the sedentary lifestyle, and the possible 'lifestyle diseases' that come with them just didn't feel like something i wanted to happen. I was just plain soft around the edges.


So i started my journey learning about everything from caloric expenditure and eating habits to macros and fad diets etc etc...like we all do. I learned a lot. I never really ate unhealthily....though i guess portion size was probably my biggest downfall....that second helping right?.  Emotional eating....and stress drinking (job related - although drinking wine while designing helped with creative inhibitions lol). Once i got a hold of that, as well as becoming less emotional about food in general (it is fuel..nothing more), things just started happing on their own almost.

I didn't REALLY do anything more than i was already doing....still cycling over some weekends (not religiously but I have always ridden bicycles for fun).....enjoying being outside etc.


Nothing major in terms of joining a gym or anything. I've never liked gyms....i feel if you can't motivate yourself to do the work at home or in the street or whatever...then you'll end up donating that gym subscription money to them for free anyway.

I had some 10kg dumbbells , my bicycle and some shoes i could run in if I wanted I guess. (I hate running..screw running)


That being said....the single biggest thing for me was starting to count what i put in my mouth. it takes you about 6 months for that knowledge to become almost intuitive through daily repetition (so you don't have to carry a scale with you). You'll also shock yourself when you realise just how much more you were actually eating to begin with.

Because i was counting, I naturally also started drinking less...because those calories count too. Win win...and the weight just started melting away.


When i lost my first 10kg within 3 months...I was hooked. Some people avoid scales...others just go by the way they look and or how clothes feel. I weighed myself EVERY morning. it motivated me and reminded me what i was busy doing. you'll find your biggest hurdleto be family andfriends too. you will start getting comments about looking 'unhealthy' or 'why are you eating so little' or a total disregard for what you are trying to achieve. JUST KEEP GOING.


That then became 20kg....and then 30kg, then 35kg... when i finally hit my goal of 80kg. (EDIT: forgot to ad that my starting weight was actually closer to 115kg a few weeks after I was toying with starting as I went into a 'depro beer binge' about being a fatty first haha)

(Disclaimer: ...it is an expensive journey....you will need a whole new wardrobe)


Everything started getting easier....it's like you are restoring an old clogged up rusty neglected machine to its showroom condition. Your metabolism pics up....your skins looks better, you feel better, you sleep better...you become better at other things too ;) . An efficient machine just does everything better.


i was 35 and in better shape than when I was 18 (also 80kg, but stronger now)....and i kept it that way.


December 2019 my mother came to visit from Oz for her 60th and obviously the beer, wine, food and festivities were aplenty...gained about 5kg...which just shows you how easy you gain when you let go. But it was fine...as I now knew exactly how my body responded to tightening the belt again - so to speak. I knew how easy it was if you just put your mind to it. You and your mind are your biggest obstacles. If you can beat those F$%ckers into submission at will...you'll have no problems.


Started Jan 2020 (like everybody) with some goals again....but mostly my wife that wanted to lose some weight and asked me to help. We, stopped drinking completely - it started as "dry Jan" but i felt so good i'm still going. Suffered the worst withdrawal of my life around week 2 haha. I mean i have been boozing casually since 16....so this was this first time my liver didn't know what the hell to do with all the free time on its hands since I was a teenager. I don't crave it anymore...although i do miss a glass of wine every now and then....but you can still lose weight even if you drink moderately. I lost my first 30kgs while still drinking...just count. And that excuse about being anti social is also not an excuse....there are plenty of non alcoholic things for sale these days in stores and restaurants, well in cape town at least. Beat your mind into submission...


i'm 78kg this week. feeling stronger and leaner than ever. you can do it too, i promise.


PS: some extra motivation -  my wife's phone still has older pics of me on it...and as icing on the cake...the face recognition feature in the photo album recognises me as two different people haha.



Edited by morneS555
Posted (edited)

Good on you Mornè. The partner I had in the Krav sessions as per my previous posts used to be or probably still is a body builder (massive guy) and he always said: 90% of weight management is what you put in your mouth  :thumbup:. You do not need some fad diet to get the weight down, just do some basic math and or use the apps available and watch the fat fall off  :D


I got a hiatus hernia along with the herniated disc back in the day (previous post) and due to the medication and over eating I gained 25kg in less than 18 months. It was crazy to say the least, I would train over 14 hours a week and still the weight would just sit there. It was like a "bosluis" on a dog, the moment you expose the skin the sucker still sits there sucking away  :D


The heaviest I got to was in 2010 when I clocked 105. Only 7 years later I discovered that I am also blessed with an under active thyroid. 3 years later and I am happy to report that I too am south of 86kg  :D   



Edited by RobertWhitehead



It really is as easy(and as hard) as that. You just have to count what you put in your mouth and stay in calorie deficit for the day and the weight will drop. I'm down to 87,9kg today from 125.1kg. Down 9kg since 6 January after slipping a bit at the end of last year.


Currently injured and haven't been on the bike for almost two weeks now, still eating good and counting calories and the weight keeps dropping. So I believe the 90% diet, 10% exercise thing.


2.9kg to go for my target of 85kg for my first Argus.

Hopefully my knee is also recovered fully by then and not lost too much fitness. I was initially aiming for a sub 3,5hour Argus, then the last month or so feeling good and seeding is good and was starting to dream about a First Year Rookie Sub3.. I think that idea has now already left the building with this injury, but a sub 3,5 might still be possible.


It really is as easy(and as hard) as that. You just have to count what you put in your mouth and stay in calorie deficit for the day and the weight will drop. I'm down to 87,9kg today from 125.1kg. Down 9kg since 6 January after slipping a bit at the end of last year.


Currently injured and haven't been on the bike for almost two weeks now, still eating good and counting calories and the weight keeps dropping. So I believe the 90% diet, 10% exercise thing.


2.9kg to go for my target of 85kg for my first Argus.

Hopefully my knee is also recovered fully by then and not lost too much fitness. I was initially aiming for a sub 3,5hour Argus, then the last month or so feeling good and seeding is good and was starting to dream about a First Year Rookie Sub3.. I think that idea has now already left the building with this injury, but a sub 3,5 might still be possible.

saw your pics and story earlier in this thread when you posted them a while back and my transformation was similar lol....two different people. well done! 


I can finally add to this thread.


Always hovered around 85kg for the last 10+ years. The last 18-24 months I've picked up the distances I ride, but havent really done anything about my eating habbits. I like food to much for that.


But I've slowly dropped mm around my waist, the weight, well that hasnt dropped all that much and has been hovering between 82-83kg. 

But the drop in waist size saw me using an extra hole on my belt, the result being the pant I had were folding under the belt.


Yesterday I finally bought 1 size smaller pants.


Congrats on the results, well done!


I can finally add to this thread.


Always hovered around 85kg for the last 10+ years. The last 18-24 months I've picked up the distances I ride, but havent really done anything about my eating habbits. I like food to much for that.


But I've slowly dropped mm around my waist, the weight, well that hasnt dropped all that much and has been hovering between 82-83kg. 

But the drop in waist size saw me using an extra hole on my belt, the result being the pant I had were folding under the belt.


Yesterday I finally bought 1 size smaller pants.





2020 Goals:


1) 85kg in March and a Sub 3h30min Argus (Maybe Sub 3hour depending on seeding closer to event)

2) 80kg in August and a Sub 11hour Trans Baviaans.

3) Maintaining 75-80kg by September and a Sub 4hour Karoo2Coast.

4) Maintaining 75-80kg by the end of December Holidays.

5) 7000km cycling distance goal.

6) 120 000m elevation goal.

7) 500km running.


Good luck to everybody giving it another shot this year!!


Down 10,7kg from 06 January.


1,1kg to go to reach the 85kg target before Argus. Will probably miss this with a few grams because I want to eat a bit more this week leading up to the race.

Was also off the bike for a bit more than two weeks in February with a knee injury, so fitness also took a slight knock. Still hoping for a sub 3 Argus if all elements align, but realistically I don't think I can make it with current fitness, will still be more than happy with a sub 3h30min.

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