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Robbie Stewart

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Posts posted by Robbie Stewart

  1. 51 minutes ago, DJR said:

    That Electric Lightning was LOUD!

    very loud indeed. And so awesome to hear. I won't soon forget one of the original AAD at Ysterplaat  in the 2000's when Mike Beechy Head and another pilot flew a display and then they departed to altitude before coming overhead and caused a sonic boom.

    That "bha-"bhaaa" and the roar of those Rolls Royce jet engines was unforgettable.

  2. Got treated to an impromptu airshow directly above my house late afternoon when the three SAAF BAE Hawks and two Gripens formed up and did race track laps waiting for the SONA fly over. Then afterwards the two Gripens were back doing very tight circles again directly overhead at full afterburner, setting off car alarms, rattling windows and making small kids cry. What a treat. 

    Apologies for the very poor quality pics.





  3. 7 minutes ago, ChrisF said:

    Turning right towards the Kenridge Centre in peak traffic is always going to be "fun" .... nope, car hangs back and waves me accross .... he even hangs back and gives me space at the circle.

    This morning I had the same happen to me. Actually, this has been pretty consistent of late along the west coast cycle path and surrounds. This morning I was approaching a circle and the car with right of way yielded to me. A courteous wave and a smile was met with the same. Methinks if we as cyclists actually engage with cars and acknowledge the human behind the hunk of metal we will go a long way to mending perceptions. 

    but like the boy throwing that one star fish back in the water while on the beach surrounded by millions of beached starfish, we can't fix the problem, but we can make a difference to that one starfish.

    One tree doesn't make a forest. But if everyone plants a tree after a forest fire . . .

  4. 1 hour ago, Duane_Bosch said:

    If you apply the OODA loop to a bikejacking scenario the crim is WELL ahead of you by the time you are even aware of the threat. They've observed, orientated, decided and they are busy acting.

    I distinctly recall a bike jacking around Somerset West circa 2014 when a chap riding around the Helderberg trails* got a firearm shoved in his face before he knew what was going on. He was riding with a go-pro strapped to his helmet and the jacker even looked straight at it before telling the cyclist to beat it while he mounted the bike to ride away. That video was widely circulated, even on here as well. The point is, the rider had NO time to react. All he could do was dismount, hand the bike over and leave hoping he doesn't get punched full of holes with hot lead. Had he been carrying I am 100% sure he would have been dead.

    * I stand corrected, it was a decade ago.

  5. 23 hours ago, The itch said:

    he 'carries' and has been itching to use it.

    There is a term for this kind of behaviour. You can refer to it as psychotic, or you can consider it behaviour by someone who is patently stupid. Either way, shooting at someone flinging bricks or pulling people off bicycles is going to be interesting to defend in a criminal court, provided the moron with the gun doesn't get taken out first when he runs out of rounds.

    Anyone cycling with a firearm is looking for $h!T


  6. 2 hours ago, Pure Savage said:

    Last week I was in the bike lane, riding single file and a lady in a Mercedes ran me over from a stop street. She just didnt look. 

    Are you kidding me? You got knocked down AGAIN ?!?

    Jeepers, get well soon. 

  7. 2 hours ago, The itch said:

    i wouldn't like to be hit by an out of control 20kg Ebike at 25kph never mind 1 going down a hill even faster. Cycling regulations state that the bike may not be tampered with and altered in any way.

    uhm. I would like to point out that I ride amish bikes with no electronic or other form of aid other than my legs. And I would also like to say that I can reach some seriously stupid speeds when I point the bike downhill and at my 120kg mass and the speeds I manage to achieve, I would probably cause some serious damage to anyone who would venture across my path causing a collision. And that is best case outcomes right there. I prefer not to ponder the outcome in the worst case scenario.

    I am not too sure what e-bike limitations are supposed to achieve if that is the intended goal?

    By way of example, I was catching, and overtaking, cars descending Suikerbos into Hout Bay a couple weekends back simply by lowering the dropper and tucking behind the bars and not even bothering to pedal. My momentum was enough to get me to hovering around 70kph with little effort.

  8. On Sunday morning well before sunrise I departed for a quick spin up from Sunningdale to Melkbos. Approaching the traffic circle by the Total at the Mall, I see a polo approaching from the left. Despite being lit up like a christmas tree, I get the sense this guy is going to mow me down if I take the turn despite already being in the circle. I do the safe thing and slow down and watch him pass, swing wide around the circle and rush to the garage, probably for a pie to soothe his alcohol laden body as he heads home.

    I cross the R27 a minute or two later, and there I see a taxi approaching from behind being passed by a hot hatch at speed. Hot hatch understeers to the point that it passes me on my lane. Again, most likely gesuip like no ones business.

    I am starting to see why I mostly ride trails again. None of this happens out there.

  9. 1 hour ago, The Ouzo said:

    Thanks for the input folks, looks like my thoughts of over Kloofnek down to Camps bay is the best option.

    We park at the waterfront, so I'll drop my chip off at the car and then head back.

    This route, which I forgot about, is much less of a climb, and you can easily navigate back to Camps Bay from the Stadium.


  10. 2 minutes ago, Meezo said:

    Does people really have nothing better to do, I'm probably gonna sound like a hypocrite now but everyone really needs to chill the phuck out... take a deep breath and not complain about everything especially here on Bikehub. 

    Yes, people need to chill 100%.

    Like this dude . . . sorry @Meezo, I couldn't resist. This chap looks like he is about the crack skulls and take numbers.

    To be fair though, they are about the only crew riding properly.


  11. 26 minutes ago, nonky said:

    Robbie, you are applying High Trust Society morals to a Low Trust Society.

    Our society is, unfortunately, a million miles away from High Trust; and you need to act accordingly.

    I agree, and I am just sad that this is the level we got to as a society. I wonder what type of world my daughter will inherit one day.

    She can't do what her daddy did when he grew up, and that makes me sad.

    I grew up being able to ride my bicycle to school. I used to hitchhike to Vic Bay for a surf in the afternoons after school and beg a lift back home again in time for dinner. I could go and play for hours in the forest with my friends and we'd explore and build tree houses and do typical outdoor shenanigans as laaities living in George. She can't have that. It got taken away from our children. And that is visible in how people "hate" each other openly in public these days.

  12. 5 minutes ago, The Ouzo said:

    My question is 2 fold

    a) other than doing the entire route a second time, where would be the easiest place to cycle back to ? I dont really want to be that guy cycling in the opposite direction to everyone else, so somewhere with an alternative route to get to.

    b) what will happen with my timing when I cross the finish line a second time an hour or 2 after I crossed it the first time ?

    A - Take a MyCiti over Kloof nek to Camps Bay. 
    b - nothing, if you remove your timing chip beforehand and hand it someone who can keep it for you.

  13. 1 hour ago, GDG said:

    Time this morning was around 8h30 right infront of all the cars driving on the N1. They feel F all!

    Not likely that any car was going to stop and help. We truly live in a sick and demented society.

    Our Pastor in church this morning was talking about someone who found a lost wallet full of cash and cards recently, and this person went through quite a mission to find the owner. The pastor was contacted trying to find the guy who picked up the wallet and the owner was shocked that not only was his wallet returned, but that no money was taken. He said it was truly tragic that we live in a world where people are shocked by someone displaying integrity. That resonated with me.

    The world today doesn't care about anyone anymore. I'm confident that even if these two chaps were assaulting the cyclist, he'd be on his own along that stretch of the N1. People are just unwilling to step outside of their comfort zones to help someone in need.

  14. 18 hours ago, Captain Fastbastard Mayhem said:

    Me too, in all fairness. Smug conniving bastard, that one. 

    Someone should tell Toto it's only a race. Oh, wait. Mikey already did . . . 😂😂

  15. 2 minutes ago, The Ouzo said:

    There are/is 1 or 2 gents that do this on our morning rides. I’m not a fan at all. 

    I've seen guys with those cylindrical speakers mounted on the bike and they blast the most hideous tunes out, purportedly to create 'gees'.

    To them I say, "boet, leave it at home. No one likes it".

  16. 1 hour ago, Headshot said:

    To be fair though, a Camber is a very outdated bike geo wise, so there are a host of factors that make your Stumpy so much more fun to ride, not just the whippy rear wheel. 

    I can't argue that point. I do have to be transparent though. When I jump on the bike and more so when I rail a berm at speed, it feels like the rear wheel wants to get away from me. Almost like it's on the edge of its available grip and wants to start sliding out. On tech, it is a huge amount of fun because the bike just plays more fun, but I agree, the Stumpy Evo and the Camber have nothing in common other than the name and the colour.

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