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I rode past a Rinkhals at Thaba Trails on Tuesday.

Didn't raise his head or try to murder me or anything, even though i missed him by a mere 30cm. Just slithered away, back to the depths of hell...

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The next time someone in switz asks me about crime or dangerous animals (Lions, leopards etc...) in Africa, i'm going to tell them about these snakes and this thread...


Man ek is sommer bang vir slange

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I've never been really scared of snakes, seen them on the trails but kept my distance without freaking out.


Yesterday i cam home after work, dropped my bag, switch on my computer, grabbed something out of the fridge. Out of the corner of my eye i noticed my wifes two african grey parrots are sitting next to each other in their cage which they normally dont do (both female, dont have eyes for each other) So as normal i go to open the cage to let them out.


As i extend my hand to open the latch my eye caught a movement on the other side of the cage and i hear a hissing sound, OMG A &^%$# CAPE COBRA is in the cage.


PANIC STATIONS i need to get the birds out, they are children to my wife, but i dont want to get bitten WHAT DO I DO.


The only opening to the cage, the door, is 5 cm from a cobra's head. Go the right of the cage, what am i doing here can't get to the birds, go to the left, the snake is here and I dont know if a Cape Cobra can spit as this things face is platter than a pannekoek and it keep making the hissing sound at me and jumping at me.


Luckily i got it to come towards the back of the cage so i jumped to the front opening the door and grabbed the first bird and tossed her away and the other one was at the back i just stuck my arm in grabbed what i could and pulled. Luckily i got the second one out as well.


Ran to the bedroom dumped the birds, ran back to the cage, NOW WHAT. Next thing i think, was the birds OKAY? So i ran back to the room now a bit more calm as the birds are not in harms direct way, checked them both over and no bite marks or issues.


Back to the living room. Now snake in the cage me outside, now what. Grab the kitchen bin empty it on the floor bring it to cage, now what. Grab the only long thing i can see, a broom and stand ready to MOER. But now i start calming down.


Firstly not a very sturdy broom, if i font kill on first strike i might be next, the thing was moving vrek fast in the cage. Ahah i remember i have a spade standing close to kitchen door outside.


Grab the spade, even more ready for action. By now snake also calmed down and is laying half in the birds water bowl half in their food bowl. Him watching me and me watching him.


I realized if i try and kill it it will be a bloodbath, blood every where and not necessarily just his. I phoned the owner of the farm i live on and he says he will send someone. 5 minutes, 10 minutes, nothing. Just us staring. I phone again, he says he can't get hold of the manager but he got some numbers for people that can assist from the police or somewhere.


Another couple of minutes later some of the farm workers arrive, obviously they didn't believe me when i said ITS A $%^&* CAPE COBRA! They come into the house give the snake one look and say "NEEE JURRE daais n gevaaarlike SLANG" and left again, leaving me and snake staring again.


Meanwhile i got hold of my father in Namibia, he has more experience with snakes and all he can tell me is if i can keep the snake their till monday he can come help as they are coming down for the holiday. (Parents dont always understand the urgency in ones voice)


Eventually the farm manager arrives with the snake peoples numbers. We phone, first guy dont answer, second guy, straight to voice mail, The snakes odds aren't looking to good at this stage. Third guy, answers, but is stuck in traffic on the N2. He says i must sms him my address OMG! Seriously now its done time for the snake.


Then i realize these guys are endangered. So seeing that other people now know i have the snake and they get here and there is blood every where might not be the best option.


I start phoning again, the first guy answers but he is on his way to Stellenbosch but he will see if his girlfriend can come assist me, still made a joke saying you going to send a girl to come help two guys scared half to death, but ja he will phone me back.


After more than an hour of staring the third guy that was stuck in traffic phones, he is close by. He came caught snake didn't even really make alot of small talk and put the snake in the cars boot and left. Just mentioned it was a young guy maybe a year old. The only question i asked was where is he going to drop him off and he said at a nature reserve and i was happy.


Luckily all this just before my wife got home. The whole house was turned upside down last night and i have a feeling there will be inspections every day from now on.



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I've never been really scared of snakes, seen them on the trails but kept my distance without freaking out.


Yesterday i cam home after work, dropped my bag, switch on my computer, grabbed something out of the fridge. Out of the corner of my eye i noticed my wifes two african grey parrots are sitting next to each other in their cage which they normally dont do (both female, dont have eyes for each other) So as normal i go to open the cage to let them out.


As i extend my hand to open the latch my eye caught a movement on the other side of the cage and i hear a hissing sound, OMG A &^%$# CAPE COBRA is in the cage.


PANIC STATIONS i need to get the birds out, they are children to my wife, but i dont want to get bitten WHAT DO I DO.


The only opening to the cage, the door, is 5 cm from a cobra's head. Go the right of the cage, what am i doing here can't get to the birds, go to the left, the snake is here and I dont know if a Cape Cobra can spit as this things face is platter than a pannekoek and it keep making the hissing sound at me and jumping at me.


Luckily i got it to come towards the back of the cage so i jumped to the front opening the door and grabbed the first bird and tossed her away and the other one was at the back i just stuck my arm in grabbed what i could and pulled. Luckily i got the second one out as well.


Ran to the bedroom dumped the birds, ran back to the cage, NOW WHAT. Next thing i think, was the birds OKAY? So i ran back to the room now a bit more calm as the birds are not in harms direct way, checked them both over and no bite marks or issues.


Back to the living room. Now snake in the cage me outside, now what. Grab the kitchen bin empty it on the floor bring it to cage, now what. Grab the only long thing i can see, a broom and stand ready to MOER. But now i start calming down.


Firstly not a very sturdy broom, if i font kill on first strike i might be next, the thing was moving vrek fast in the cage. Ahah i remember i have a spade standing close to kitchen door outside.


Grab the spade, even more ready for action. By now snake also calmed down and is laying half in the birds water bowl half in their food bowl. Him watching me and me watching him.


I realized if i try and kill it it will be a bloodbath, blood every where and not necessarily just his. I phoned the owner of the farm i live on and he says he will send someone. 5 minutes, 10 minutes, nothing. Just us staring. I phone again, he says he can't get hold of the manager but he got some numbers for people that can assist from the police or somewhere.


Another couple of minutes later some of the farm workers arrive, obviously they didn't believe me when i said ITS A $%^&* CAPE COBRA! They come into the house give the snake one look and say "NEEE JURRE daais n gevaaarlike SLANG" and left again, leaving me and snake staring again.


Meanwhile i got hold of my father in Namibia, he has more experience with snakes and all he can tell me is if i can keep the snake their till monday he can come help as they are coming down for the holiday. (Parents dont always understand the urgency in ones voice)


Eventually the farm manager arrives with the snake peoples numbers. We phone, first guy dont answer, second guy, straight to voice mail, The snakes odds aren't looking to good at this stage. Third guy, answers, but is stuck in traffic on the N2. He says i must sms him my address OMG! Seriously now its done time for the snake.


Then i realize these guys are endangered. So seeing that other people now know i have the snake and they get here and there is blood every where might not be the best option.


I start phoning again, the first guy answers but he is on his way to Stellenbosch but he will see if his girlfriend can come assist me, still made a joke saying you going to send a girl to come help two guys scared half to death, but ja he will phone me back.


After more than an hour of staring the third guy that was stuck in traffic phones, he is close by. He came caught snake didn't even really make alot of small talk and put the snake in the cars boot and left. Just mentioned it was a young guy maybe a year old. The only question i asked was where is he going to drop him off and he said at a nature reserve and i was happy.


Luckily all this just before my wife got home. The whole house was turned upside down last night and i have a feeling there will be inspections every day from now on.



You need to remeber, for every snake that you see there are two that you don't see! Check under your pillows at night!!!



Sleep well ;)

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I've never been really scared of snakes, seen them on the trails but kept my distance without freaking out.


Yesterday i cam home after work, dropped my bag, switch on my computer, grabbed something out of the fridge. Out of the corner of my eye i noticed my wifes two african grey parrots are sitting next to each other in their cage which they normally dont do (both female, dont have eyes for each other) So as normal i go to open the cage to let them out.


As i extend my hand to open the latch my eye caught a movement on the other side of the cage and i hear a hissing sound, OMG A &^%$# CAPE COBRA is in the cage.


PANIC STATIONS i need to get the birds out, they are children to my wife, but i dont want to get bitten WHAT DO I DO.


The only opening to the cage, the door, is 5 cm from a cobra's head. Go the right of the cage, what am i doing here can't get to the birds, go to the left, the snake is here and I dont know if a Cape Cobra can spit as this things face is platter than a pannekoek and it keep making the hissing sound at me and jumping at me.


Luckily i got it to come towards the back of the cage so i jumped to the front opening the door and grabbed the first bird and tossed her away and the other one was at the back i just stuck my arm in grabbed what i could and pulled. Luckily i got the second one out as well.


Ran to the bedroom dumped the birds, ran back to the cage, NOW WHAT. Next thing i think, was the birds OKAY? So i ran back to the room now a bit more calm as the birds are not in harms direct way, checked them both over and no bite marks or issues.


Back to the living room. Now snake in the cage me outside, now what. Grab the kitchen bin empty it on the floor bring it to cage, now what. Grab the only long thing i can see, a broom and stand ready to MOER. But now i start calming down.


Firstly not a very sturdy broom, if i font kill on first strike i might be next, the thing was moving vrek fast in the cage. Ahah i remember i have a spade standing close to kitchen door outside.


Grab the spade, even more ready for action. By now snake also calmed down and is laying half in the birds water bowl half in their food bowl. Him watching me and me watching him.


I realized if i try and kill it it will be a bloodbath, blood every where and not necessarily just his. I phoned the owner of the farm i live on and he says he will send someone. 5 minutes, 10 minutes, nothing. Just us staring. I phone again, he says he can't get hold of the manager but he got some numbers for people that can assist from the police or somewhere.


Another couple of minutes later some of the farm workers arrive, obviously they didn't believe me when i said ITS A $%^&* CAPE COBRA! They come into the house give the snake one look and say "NEEE JURRE daais n gevaaarlike SLANG" and left again, leaving me and snake staring again.


Meanwhile i got hold of my father in Namibia, he has more experience with snakes and all he can tell me is if i can keep the snake their till monday he can come help as they are coming down for the holiday. (Parents dont always understand the urgency in ones voice)


Eventually the farm manager arrives with the snake peoples numbers. We phone, first guy dont answer, second guy, straight to voice mail, The snakes odds aren't looking to good at this stage. Third guy, answers, but is stuck in traffic on the N2. He says i must sms him my address OMG! Seriously now its done time for the snake.


Then i realize these guys are endangered. So seeing that other people now know i have the snake and they get here and there is blood every where might not be the best option.


I start phoning again, the first guy answers but he is on his way to Stellenbosch but he will see if his girlfriend can come assist me, still made a joke saying you going to send a girl to come help two guys scared half to death, but ja he will phone me back.


After more than an hour of staring the third guy that was stuck in traffic phones, he is close by. He came caught snake didn't even really make alot of small talk and put the snake in the cars boot and left. Just mentioned it was a young guy maybe a year old. The only question i asked was where is he going to drop him off and he said at a nature reserve and i was happy.


Luckily all this just before my wife got home. The whole house was turned upside down last night and i have a feeling there will be inspections every day from now on.



You handled the situation pretty well. And the snake wrangler is right, that is a young snake still. Luckily. An older one might have been a lot more threatening to you and the birds.

But be careful, the Cape Cobra usually keep in pairs, so there might be another one nearby. Just be vigilant, you are living in the snake's habitat after all.

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I've never been really scared of snakes, seen them on the trails but kept my distance without freaking out.


Yesterday i cam home after work, dropped my bag, switch on my computer, grabbed something out of the fridge. Out of the corner of my eye i noticed my wifes two african grey parrots are sitting next to each other in their cage which they normally dont do (both female, dont have eyes for each other) So as normal i go to open the cage to let them out.


As i extend my hand to open the latch my eye caught a movement on the other side of the cage and i hear a hissing sound, OMG A &^%$# CAPE COBRA is in the cage.


PANIC STATIONS i need to get the birds out, they are children to my wife, but i dont want to get bitten WHAT DO I DO.


The only opening to the cage, the door, is 5 cm from a cobra's head. Go the right of the cage, what am i doing here can't get to the birds, go to the left, the snake is here and I dont know if a Cape Cobra can spit as this things face is platter than a pannekoek and it keep making the hissing sound at me and jumping at me.


Luckily i got it to come towards the back of the cage so i jumped to the front opening the door and grabbed the first bird and tossed her away and the other one was at the back i just stuck my arm in grabbed what i could and pulled. Luckily i got the second one out as well.


Ran to the bedroom dumped the birds, ran back to the cage, NOW WHAT. Next thing i think, was the birds OKAY? So i ran back to the room now a bit more calm as the birds are not in harms direct way, checked them both over and no bite marks or issues.


Back to the living room. Now snake in the cage me outside, now what. Grab the kitchen bin empty it on the floor bring it to cage, now what. Grab the only long thing i can see, a broom and stand ready to MOER. But now i start calming down.


Firstly not a very sturdy broom, if i font kill on first strike i might be next, the thing was moving vrek fast in the cage. Ahah i remember i have a spade standing close to kitchen door outside.


Grab the spade, even more ready for action. By now snake also calmed down and is laying half in the birds water bowl half in their food bowl. Him watching me and me watching him.


I realized if i try and kill it it will be a bloodbath, blood every where and not necessarily just his. I phoned the owner of the farm i live on and he says he will send someone. 5 minutes, 10 minutes, nothing. Just us staring. I phone again, he says he can't get hold of the manager but he got some numbers for people that can assist from the police or somewhere.


Another couple of minutes later some of the farm workers arrive, obviously they didn't believe me when i said ITS A $%^&* CAPE COBRA! They come into the house give the snake one look and say "NEEE JURRE daais n gevaaarlike SLANG" and left again, leaving me and snake staring again.


Meanwhile i got hold of my father in Namibia, he has more experience with snakes and all he can tell me is if i can keep the snake their till monday he can come help as they are coming down for the holiday. (Parents dont always understand the urgency in ones voice)


Eventually the farm manager arrives with the snake peoples numbers. We phone, first guy dont answer, second guy, straight to voice mail, The snakes odds aren't looking to good at this stage. Third guy, answers, but is stuck in traffic on the N2. He says i must sms him my address OMG! Seriously now its done time for the snake.


Then i realize these guys are endangered. So seeing that other people now know i have the snake and they get here and there is blood every where might not be the best option.


I start phoning again, the first guy answers but he is on his way to Stellenbosch but he will see if his girlfriend can come assist me, still made a joke saying you going to send a girl to come help two guys scared half to death, but ja he will phone me back.


After more than an hour of staring the third guy that was stuck in traffic phones, he is close by. He came caught snake didn't even really make alot of small talk and put the snake in the cars boot and left. Just mentioned it was a young guy maybe a year old. The only question i asked was where is he going to drop him off and he said at a nature reserve and i was happy.


Luckily all this just before my wife got home. The whole house was turned upside down last night and i have a feeling there will be inspections every day from now on.



Shame its just a baby..

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If you live next to or near fynbos/bush etc I would recommend you buy yourself one of those snake handling sticks thingys

Work like a dream and you would of had him in a jiffy and dumped over the fence

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My brother-in-law was helping a mate with some new appliances for the kitchen renovation. Took his bakkie to the main depot somewhere in Epping. They put the big boxes on the bakkie (new stove ect) drove home to Somerset West.

All excited they start unpacking the new gas oven....open the box, oven is sealed in plastic, with the polystyrene bits. Open the plastic on top, reach into the box, hands underneath to lift it. His mate says he can feel a "pipe" at the bottom and its hissing.....my brother-in-law says but the gas is not even hooked up yet. 

Hold on a minute.....yip there was a 1.5m Cape Cobra curled up inside the base of the oven, in the sealed plastic, in the sealed box. That could have ended VERY badly.

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My brother-in-law was helping a mate with some new appliances for the kitchen renovation. Took his bakkie to the main depot somewhere in Epping. They put the big boxes on the bakkie (new stove ect) drove home to Somerset West.


All excited they start unpacking the new gas oven....open the box, oven is sealed in plastic, with the polystyrene bits. Open the plastic on top, reach into the box, hands underneath to lift it. His mate says he can feel a "pipe" at the bottom and its hissing.....my brother-in-law says but the gas is not even hooked up yet. 


Hold on a minute.....yip there was a 1.5m Cape Cobra curled up inside the base of the oven, in the sealed plastic, in the sealed box. That could have ended VERY badly.


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I've never been really scared of snakes, seen them on the trails but kept my distance without freaking out.


Yesterday i cam home after work, dropped my bag, switch on my computer, grabbed something out of the fridge. Out of the corner of my eye i noticed my wifes two african grey parrots are sitting next to each other in their cage which they normally dont do (both female, dont have eyes for each other) So as normal i go to open the cage to let them out.


As i extend my hand to open the latch my eye caught a movement on the other side of the cage and i hear a hissing sound, OMG A &^%$# CAPE COBRA is in the cage.


PANIC STATIONS i need to get the birds out, they are children to my wife, but i dont want to get bitten WHAT DO I DO.


The only opening to the cage, the door, is 5 cm from a cobra's head. Go the right of the cage, what am i doing here can't get to the birds, go to the left, the snake is here and I dont know if a Cape Cobra can spit as this things face is platter than a pannekoek and it keep making the hissing sound at me and jumping at me.


Luckily i got it to come towards the back of the cage so i jumped to the front opening the door and grabbed the first bird and tossed her away and the other one was at the back i just stuck my arm in grabbed what i could and pulled. Luckily i got the second one out as well.


Ran to the bedroom dumped the birds, ran back to the cage, NOW WHAT. Next thing i think, was the birds OKAY? So i ran back to the room now a bit more calm as the birds are not in harms direct way, checked them both over and no bite marks or issues.


Back to the living room. Now snake in the cage me outside, now what. Grab the kitchen bin empty it on the floor bring it to cage, now what. Grab the only long thing i can see, a broom and stand ready to MOER. But now i start calming down.


Firstly not a very sturdy broom, if i font kill on first strike i might be next, the thing was moving vrek fast in the cage. Ahah i remember i have a spade standing close to kitchen door outside.


Grab the spade, even more ready for action. By now snake also calmed down and is laying half in the birds water bowl half in their food bowl. Him watching me and me watching him.


I realized if i try and kill it it will be a bloodbath, blood every where and not necessarily just his. I phoned the owner of the farm i live on and he says he will send someone. 5 minutes, 10 minutes, nothing. Just us staring. I phone again, he says he can't get hold of the manager but he got some numbers for people that can assist from the police or somewhere.


Another couple of minutes later some of the farm workers arrive, obviously they didn't believe me when i said ITS A $%^&* CAPE COBRA! They come into the house give the snake one look and say "NEEE JURRE daais n gevaaarlike SLANG" and left again, leaving me and snake staring again.


Meanwhile i got hold of my father in Namibia, he has more experience with snakes and all he can tell me is if i can keep the snake their till monday he can come help as they are coming down for the holiday. (Parents dont always understand the urgency in ones voice)


Eventually the farm manager arrives with the snake peoples numbers. We phone, first guy dont answer, second guy, straight to voice mail, The snakes odds aren't looking to good at this stage. Third guy, answers, but is stuck in traffic on the N2. He says i must sms him my address OMG! Seriously now its done time for the snake.


Then i realize these guys are endangered. So seeing that other people now know i have the snake and they get here and there is blood every where might not be the best option.


I start phoning again, the first guy answers but he is on his way to Stellenbosch but he will see if his girlfriend can come assist me, still made a joke saying you going to send a girl to come help two guys scared half to death, but ja he will phone me back.


After more than an hour of staring the third guy that was stuck in traffic phones, he is close by. He came caught snake didn't even really make alot of small talk and put the snake in the cars boot and left. Just mentioned it was a young guy maybe a year old. The only question i asked was where is he going to drop him off and he said at a nature reserve and i was happy.


Luckily all this just before my wife got home. The whole house was turned upside down last night and i have a feeling there will be inspections every day from now on.



I knew there was a reason that we don't keep birds.
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I've never been really scared of snakes, seen them on the trails but kept my distance without freaking out.


Yesterday i cam home after work, dropped my bag, switch on my computer, grabbed something out of the fridge. Out of the corner of my eye i noticed my wifes two african grey parrots are sitting next to each other in their cage which they normally dont do (both female, dont have eyes for each other) So as normal i go to open the cage to let them out.


As i extend my hand to open the latch my eye caught a movement on the other side of the cage and i hear a hissing sound, OMG A &^%$# CAPE COBRA is in the cage.


PANIC STATIONS i need to get the birds out, they are children to my wife, but i dont want to get bitten WHAT DO I DO.


The only opening to the cage, the door, is 5 cm from a cobra's head. Go the right of the cage, what am i doing here can't get to the birds, go to the left, the snake is here and I dont know if a Cape Cobra can spit as this things face is platter than a pannekoek and it keep making the hissing sound at me and jumping at me.


Luckily i got it to come towards the back of the cage so i jumped to the front opening the door and grabbed the first bird and tossed her away and the other one was at the back i just stuck my arm in grabbed what i could and pulled. Luckily i got the second one out as well.


Ran to the bedroom dumped the birds, ran back to the cage, NOW WHAT. Next thing i think, was the birds OKAY? So i ran back to the room now a bit more calm as the birds are not in harms direct way, checked them both over and no bite marks or issues.


Back to the living room. Now snake in the cage me outside, now what. Grab the kitchen bin empty it on the floor bring it to cage, now what. Grab the only long thing i can see, a broom and stand ready to MOER. But now i start calming down.


Firstly not a very sturdy broom, if i font kill on first strike i might be next, the thing was moving vrek fast in the cage. Ahah i remember i have a spade standing close to kitchen door outside.


Grab the spade, even more ready for action. By now snake also calmed down and is laying half in the birds water bowl half in their food bowl. Him watching me and me watching him.


I realized if i try and kill it it will be a bloodbath, blood every where and not necessarily just his. I phoned the owner of the farm i live on and he says he will send someone. 5 minutes, 10 minutes, nothing. Just us staring. I phone again, he says he can't get hold of the manager but he got some numbers for people that can assist from the police or somewhere.


Another couple of minutes later some of the farm workers arrive, obviously they didn't believe me when i said ITS A $%^&* CAPE COBRA! They come into the house give the snake one look and say "NEEE JURRE daais n gevaaarlike SLANG" and left again, leaving me and snake staring again.


Meanwhile i got hold of my father in Namibia, he has more experience with snakes and all he can tell me is if i can keep the snake their till monday he can come help as they are coming down for the holiday. (Parents dont always understand the urgency in ones voice)


Eventually the farm manager arrives with the snake peoples numbers. We phone, first guy dont answer, second guy, straight to voice mail, The snakes odds aren't looking to good at this stage. Third guy, answers, but is stuck in traffic on the N2. He says i must sms him my address OMG! Seriously now its done time for the snake.


Then i realize these guys are endangered. So seeing that other people now know i have the snake and they get here and there is blood every where might not be the best option.


I start phoning again, the first guy answers but he is on his way to Stellenbosch but he will see if his girlfriend can come assist me, still made a joke saying you going to send a girl to come help two guys scared half to death, but ja he will phone me back.


After more than an hour of staring the third guy that was stuck in traffic phones, he is close by. He came caught snake didn't even really make alot of small talk and put the snake in the cars boot and left. Just mentioned it was a young guy maybe a year old. The only question i asked was where is he going to drop him off and he said at a nature reserve and i was happy.


Luckily all this just before my wife got home. The whole house was turned upside down last night and i have a feeling there will be inspections every day from now on.



Kudos dat jy so mooi na jou vrou se African Grey's kyk......nou net om die ander slangetjie op te spoor! :ph34r:

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