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Coronavirus lockdown and exercising outdoors

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People don't "deserve" anything. People socializing over a meal is the most natural thing in the world to do. It's not a sin. They aren't doing anything wrong. It's what we do.


Cowering in your home thinking you're somehow going to escape death is the most idiotic thing in the world. Surely you're now waking up to the fact that this thing is not nearly as deadly as you've been led to believe and that you've been had?


There is NO SOCIAL distancing in the poor areas. Why don't we have dead bodies piling up in the streets?


WAKE UP people. This is being driven by the media for clicks and hits on websites.

Apologies if that word caused a strong reaction, couldn't get a better phrase at the time of writing. Let me be clear:Nobody deserves to get this disease, no matter how much I dislike their personality or their disregard for the safety of others.


My question was actually thinking aloud about whether it is more about the collective than the individual, when it comes to this spread.


Scenario: it is Very likely that you will interact with your local society members at some stage in getting food and groceries. What plays a bigger role:

-You sticking diligently to the guidelines?

-Or your society sticking to the guidelines?


My feeling is our propensity to get this is heavily dependant on the actions of others. We can and should take reasonable steps to protect ourselves and our vulnerable loved ones, but we are very much at the mercy of others and their actions.


I am nowhere near cowering in a hole, hoping this thing won't ever get near me. "what will be, will be" for me in a sense, while still taking reasonable precautions.

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Apologies if that word caused a strong reaction, couldn't get a better phrase at the time of writing. Let me be clear:Nobody deserves to get this disease, no matter how much I dislike their personality or their disregard for the safety of others.


My question was actually thinking aloud about whether it is more about the collective than the individual, when it comes to this spread.


Scenario: it is Very likely that you will interact with your local society members at some stage in getting food and groceries. What plays a bigger role:

-You sticking diligently to the guidelines?

-Or your society sticking to the guidelines?


My feeling is our propensity to get this is heavily dependant on the actions of others. We can and should take reasonable steps to protect ourselves and our vulnerable loved ones, but we are very much at the mercy of others and their actions.


I am nowhere near cowering in a hole, hoping this thing won't ever get near me. "what will be, will be" for me in a sense, while still taking reasonable precautions.

Those questions need to have a * - The guidelines were made under pressure.


Officials simply had to come up with a number on how many people at a single moment in a shop, how many meters apart while buying coffee etc. (This is the same officials that made everyone exercise in 3 hours instead of 12 hours) 


The guidelines help, is good, well intended and thinking in the right direction, but very little science went into the calculations, exact values etc. You will need to add common sense to that  - and are very much in control of your own risk exposure in my opinion.

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People don't "deserve" anything. People socializing over a meal is the most natural thing in the world to do. It's not a sin. They aren't doing anything wrong. It's what we do.


Cowering in your home thinking you're somehow going to escape death is the most idiotic thing in the world. Surely you're now waking up to the fact that this thing is not nearly as deadly as you've been led to believe and that you've been had?


There is NO SOCIAL distancing in the poor areas. Why don't we have dead bodies piling up in the streets?


WAKE UP people. This is being driven by the media for clicks and hits on websites.

Also find myself thinking recently that if all this was 10/15y ago you might have only heard about a slightly more hectic ‘flue’ season that year.....Or not. Probably the latter.


Ps: before the ‘rona police gets here to kick me in the face...i’m not arguing its existence or anything... just agreeing that the (social) media and the subsequent soap box it provided to every second idiot with a fear mongering opinion has turned a seemingly mild bug At best into some sort of existential crises....


Also...and not that any of these issues should be scoffed at, but i find it hilarious how predictable the media can be sometimes. They latch onto a subject and then ride that donkey until its proper worn out. This week it has been GBV. radio, news24...newspapers all have a weekly/montly theme. it’s like they have a formula or logarithm they just plug stuff into....the trigger machine as i like to call it. And the way the content is focussed to target certain groups is even funnier....i see it almost every weekend when i watch her old man read his Die Burger. Hell if you read that propaganda machine everyday you’d obviously think everything and everyone is **** in this country.

Edited by morneS555
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This whole thing is being driven HARD by media outlets. It's boom time for them. They just tack the word covid on to anything and the sheeple react in terror and click away.


I challenge everyone to not look at those ridiculous graphs for a week. Get off facecrap for a week. Stop reading "expert opinions" for a week.


Live your life. You only have one. Social media, the government and media have stolen 3 months from you that you'll NEVER GET BACK.


Your time is the only commodity that actually matters and it's being stolen from you.

Edited by Duane_Bosch
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This whole thing is being driven HARD by media outlets. It's boom time for them. They just tack the word covid on to anything and the sheeple react in terror and click away.


I challenge everyone to not look at those ridiculous graphs for a week. Get off facecrap for a week. Stop reading "expert opinions" for a week.


Live your life. You only have one. Social media, the government and media have stolen 3 months from you that you'll NEVER GET BACK.


Your time is the only commodity that actually matters and it's being stolen from you.

I did this from early on during lockdown, if I didnt I probably would have slashed my wrists by now.

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take away coffee in a public place. Can someone please explain how you drink a coffee while wearing a mask in a public area?


Again rules not really thought out...

You're oviaasly not buying your mask at the "in" place. There are masks with fancy names and fancy holes for coffee, straws and other objects, at fancy prices, three layer of course.... Or you can use a baby wipe packet and have a wider opening for liquids...

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This makes me wonder: will areas get the infection rate they "deserve" in a sense...?


If the inhabitants of an area do better with regards to hygiene and social distancing, will they see less of an extreme outbreak compared to another area in the same district?

Naa I doubt it, you can have a bunch of people in an area taking all of the precautions while one or two are not taking any.

My wife and I thought we were infected like that. We have been super careful because of us both having older parents. One of her colleagues was the same taking all of the precautions etc. Unfortunately her father in law who lives with them was not and he was working in essential services out and about all day.

Long story short his test was a false positive but he could easily have undermined all of the precautions we have been taking.

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People don't "deserve" anything. People socializing over a meal is the most natural thing in the world to do. It's not a sin. They aren't doing anything wrong. It's what we do.


Cowering in your home thinking you're somehow going to escape death is the most idiotic thing in the world. Surely you're now waking up to the fact that this thing is not nearly as deadly as you've been led to believe and that you've been had?


There is NO SOCIAL distancing in the poor areas. Why don't we have dead bodies piling up in the streets?


WAKE UP people. This is being driven by the media for clicks and hits on websites.




This whole thing is being driven HARD by media outlets. It's boom time for them. They just tack the word covid on to anything and the sheeple react in terror and click away.


I challenge everyone to not look at those ridiculous graphs for a week. Get off facecrap for a week. Stop reading "expert opinions" for a week.


Live your life. You only have one. Social media, the government and media have stolen 3 months from you that you'll NEVER GET BACK.


Your time is the only commodity that actually matters and it's being stolen from you.


Sorry I just don't buy this media and social media scapegoating - I think it's lazy reasoning. Media and social media are diverse entities with diverse messages. From the start I have seen many media outlets & social media users doing their best to downplay this virus. For every Karen posting a graph of how serious this thing is there is another Karen posting an expert on Youtube ranting it's "just a slightly worse flu". We have been bombarded with a range of mixed messages and I think people end up latching onto the messages that resonate with their world views they had from the start.


I have doctor friends on FB downplaying the virus and then others who say "Stay the hell at home". For me making sense out of an overload of conflicting unreliable information we have received is a much bigger issue than "social media driven hysteria".


The way (specifically) you react to the virus is not any different from what I see from a large portion on my social media feed, are you also just a slave to that section of social media or do you act out of your own convictions?

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Sorry I just don't buy this media and social media scapegoating - I think it's lazy reasoning. Media and social media are diverse entities with diverse messages. From the start I have seen many media outlets & social media users doing their best to downplay this virus. For every Karen posting a graph of how serious this thing is there is another Karen posting an expert on Youtube ranting it's "just a slightly worse flu". We have been bombarded with a range of mixed messages and I think people end up latching onto the messages that resonate with their world views they had from the start.


I have doctor friends on FB downplaying the virus and then others who say "Stay the hell at home". For me making sense out of an overload of conflicting unreliable information we have received is a much bigger issue than "social media driven hysteria".


The way (specifically) you react to the virus is not any different from what I see from a large portion on my social media feed, are you also just a slave to that section of social media or do you act out of your own convictions?

It's almost as if some preferred not knowing that there is a virus with no proven treatment for all (no magic pill to make it go away) and no vaccine. And would've preferred people just dying more than usual during flu season without knowing why.[emoji849]


Personally I prefer knowing what the hell is going on.. I have 2 teenagers to care for with a husband in Tanzania..I wouldn't want my kids to get sick and I don't want to get sick, who would care for my kids if I got sick...so yes I(we) will continue to wear my (our) mask, sanitise my house and wash my (our) hands and only venture out when necessary. It may be an overreaction to the situation but at least I am trying to do everything to minimise risk for my entire family.

Edited by Gen
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It's almost as if some preferred not knowing that there is a virus with no proven treatment for all (no magic pill to make it go away) and no vaccine. And would've preferred people just dying more than usual during flu season without knowing why.[emoji849]

No, I think you're seeing this as black or white.

I dont think Duane is saying ignore the virus, its more a case of be aware of it, take  precautions, but know that main stream media is feeding on the hysteria. As always there are the 2 extremes and one needs to find the middle ground.

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You're oviaasly not buying your mask at the "in" place. There are masks with fancy names and fancy holes for coffee, straws and other objects, at fancy prices, three layer of course.... Or you can use a baby wipe packet and have a wider opening for liquids...



I'm ahead of the curve,......5 layer mask on my chin

I see stars and and my lungs burn but you feel safe from Sharona






Edited by DieselnDust
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Naa I doubt it, you can have a bunch of people in an area taking all of the precautions while one or two are not taking any.

My wife and I thought we were infected like that. We have been super careful because of us both having older parents. One of her colleagues was the same taking all of the precautions etc. Unfortunately her father in law who lives with them was not and he was working in essential services out and about all day.

Long story short his test was a false positive but he could easily have undermined all of the precautions we have been taking.


Ultimately THIS is what is comes down to - take all relevant protection for you and your family, WHILE trying to find a new normal and living as much as your circumstances allows ....


For us the tricky bit is in monitoring and managing our exposure to those who dont take any safe measures .... and as you so rightly say, it may not be your collegue or neighbour, but that person they interact with that is "risky" .....



Over the last month it was interesting to SEE the change in behaviour in a group of people.  It was that friend-of-friend that infected a family.  Two of that family spent some time in their respective offices before testing positive .... only then did SOME of the people in those offices take note and start taking this serious.  The week before they laughed at the sole mask wearer, now they all comply.



I am in the very fortunate position that I can do 95% of my work from home.  Really helps to minimize exposure.  Also means I can start working an hour earlier, and fit in an afternoon cycle when the trails and roads are clear of other athletes.  I do try to fit in my mid-ride coffee - if there is no line out the door, trying to restore some normality.  With friends and family on the medical front lines I hear more of what is happening than I may want to .... there is a fine line between being informed and getting swept up in the frenzy ....  right now a friends father is slowly recovering after almost two weeks in ICU, not easy to "tune out" when it affects those close to you.  BUT, it is important to find a balance, and to remain calm in the midst of it all ..... some days are better than others ....




As for the media - I scan reports from different sources to try and get a balanced picture.  Sadly each and every newspaper comes with bagage and a tapered reporting for a specific audience .... this is a worldwide problem ....



Social-media - simply too much fake news about, so it becomes a full time job to try and figure out what you can and cant believe ...  Considering the Hub, we know the Dr's on the site (which have sadly gone quiet).  For the rest, best to "note" input, then do your own homework before getting all worked up ..... sometimes interesting to sit and watch when 2 or 3 people get into a tiff, and looking in from the side it is clear they are simply talking past each other .....




all symantics aside, people please stay SAFE out there - whatever that might mean for YOUR unique living situation.

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My challenge remains. Get off the cancerous social media and bulls.hit graphs for a week. Stop obsessing about infection and death rates.


Live your life cos you ain't getting one second of it back.


Those people having breakfast in the restaurant was the most encouraging thing I've seen in many months.


*Edit. On the same morning we rode to a bike shop to buy a few odds and ends. My mate who runs the shop said May was their best month ever! How good is that? There is reason for optimism. We need to just lift our heads.


Also. Expect announcements around travel restrictions being lifted very soon.

Edited by Duane_Bosch
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Lots more restrictions to be lifted.


Get those CSA licenses because we all trying out for the Olympics

For all the zwifting I did in lock down I'm still kuk?
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My challenge remains. Get off the cancerous social media and bulls.hit graphs for a week. Stop obsessing about infection and death rates.


Live your life cos you ain't getting one second of it back.


Those people having breakfast in the restaurant was the most encouraging thing I've seen in many months.


*Edit. On the same morning we rode to a bike shop to buy a few odds and ends. My mate who runs the shop said May was their best month ever! How good is that? There is reason for optimism. We need to just lift our heads.


Also. Expect announcements around travel restrictions being lifted very soon.

Level 3 advanced is basically going to be level 2 minus legal cigarette sales.
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