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Shocking incident between van driver and cyclists in Camps Bay


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No body goes that crazy over nothing.. watch towards the end of the video, it looks like a little guy got knocked off, he comes running around the vehicle hobbling, if the driver did bump some one off as a result of not concentrating then he got what was coming..


Maybe you should read the 2nd post in the thread. Van was stationary tjop

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Every single one of these guys, apart from the legal/criminal recourse that is due them, should be ID'd and handed a lifetime ban from the sport of cycling for bringing the sport into disrepute. They have done irreparable damage.

More disgusting than the actions of the guys who threw the punches, is the guys in the group who didn't and who weren't man enough to stand up against the violence and do something or stop their friends.

Edited by eeeek
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OMG!!!!!! that is digusting, i agree report them to their club,to the csa and and, it is f... idiots like that, that need a good hiding, just happy the innocent group stayed calm well done to you guys

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what a bunch of knobs...and here i thought you capetonians were a chilled bunch


People are jittery this close to the Argus.


A high percentage of the people on the Atlantic Seaboard at the moment are not from Cape Town. Apart from the huge increase in bicycle traffic, there are many tourists driving erratically because "they are on holiday". I know the scenery is inspiring, but they should pull over to do that selfy and not try to do it while driving. Why stop in the middle the road on Chappies to look at the view?


During my Saturday morning ride I had three separate close calls caused by noobs that should have spent some time familiarising themselves with cycling before rushing down for the "big race". All of the incidents involved them pulling out in front of me from their hotel entrances when unsafe to do so and wobbling around, with their wifes/partners in tow, trying to clip in while I had to perform evasive manoeuvres with cars around me.

There was no point in getting upset. I just accept it as part of riding at this time of the year.


Add this to the notoriously poor driving of the locals. On the same ride, I had two taxis do dangerous U-turns in front of me.


I am not excusing poor behaviour (I hope the clowns in the OP's vid are exposed and prosecuted), but merely reiterating your implied suggestion that people should chill and enjoy the experience.

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Have you seen some of the comments coming from people on the hub? there are a lot of people who think aggression and violence can be used to sort issues out..


I know. It is disappointing, but I would hope that it is all bravado and that the issue had been highlighted enough for people to think twice before acting out.


It is unfortunate that people in general feel a lot braver when they have the numerical superiority.

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Eish....hitting the van with a bicycle wheel.....he must have been furious :ph34r:


I really hope that these thugs are Hub members and will explain their actions.

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Eish....hitting the van with a bicycle wheel.....he must have been furious :ph34r:


I really hope that these thugs are Hub members and will explain their actions.

Unfortunately they won't. Those small guys suffering from small man syndrome are only brave fighting in packs and would be to coward to face the music here
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People, this is a damn sad day :thumbdown: , typical of a young bunch of "were da manna", and of course every young tot had to add his violent flair, it sickens me to watch this, irrespective if the driver did or dint do something, to have 6 or 7 guys act like this is so totally uncool. We the few decent cyclists will have to watch our backs even more so now cause of a bunch of young "Arnold Snot sugiers" with a moerse chip on their shoulders.


Name shame and banning from the sport wont wok people they will blame the proposed "Fool" in the van and go make more K@K for us the decent few, no its assault its assault with a deadly weapon (bike shops look out for the tool with a damaged front wheel wanting it straintend, its assault with intent to do bodily harm, find them and send the swines to jail, and let "Bubba" teach them about respect at night. Can anyone say Vaseline. :cursing:

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No justification for this behaviour, we don't need hooligans like this in the sport


Muhammadeyah Cycling Club (MC2) - Zero 83 575 726 One


Edit: Bellville confirm the rider in their kit received donated Kit, and is not a member

Edited by 90 Inch
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Should the van have had his hazard lights on while he was stopped to pick up litter- yes

does that warrant the attention he got - No


This stretch of road is hardly a place that cyclists can go blazing down the road....more like one where a cyclist needs to be aware of his/her surroundings...looking out for people overtaking/jumping out/parking etc.....EVEN IF this guy did suddenly stop in front of them..on this stretch of road they should have been aware....AND NOTHING warrants they way they ganged up on this guy


All i noticed was a green Belville Cycling Club from that little tiny guy with the short man syndrome...maybe someone needs to bring this video to their attention

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Guest OldFlow

People are jittery this close to the Argus.


A high percentage of the people on the Atlantic Seaboard at the moment are not from Cape Town. Apart from the huge increase in bicycle traffic, there are many tourists driving erratically because "they are on holiday". I know the scenery is inspiring, but they should pull over to do that selfy and not try to do it while driving. Why stop in the middle the road on Chappies to look at the view?


During my Saturday morning ride I had three separate close calls caused by noobs that should have spent some time familiarising themselves with cycling before rushing down for the "big race". All of the incidents involved them pulling out in front of me from their hotel entrances when unsafe to do so and wobbling around, with their wifes/partners in tow, trying to clip in while I had to perform evasive manoeuvres with cars around me.

There was no point in getting upset. I just accept it as part of riding at this time of the year.


Add this to the notoriously poor driving of the locals. On the same ride, I had two taxis do dangerous U-turns in front of me.


I am not excusing poor behaviour (I hope the clowns in the OP's vid are exposed and prosecuted), but merely reiterating your implied suggestion that people should chill and enjoy the experience.


I drive the Hout Bay - Camps Bay road daily and can tell you that the bad and inconsiderate behaviour on behalf of cyclists is a daily occurrence, not only limited to Argus season.


As a cyclist, i have to hang my head in shame when I see how riders conduct themselves, On the whole, my observations are that drivers are actually way more considerate towards riders than the other way around.


Waaaay too many riders who seem to think that they own the road AND that the rules do not apply to them....

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