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Wayne pudding Mol

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Posts posted by Wayne pudding Mol

  1. 9 hours ago, Xtrail said:

    Thanks for the reality check! I will be joining the local MTB club and take stock of my fitness level by the end of June before encountering the 48km! 


    Hi, it’s not technical and you’ll be fine - practice going uphill though as there are some decent climbs - if you feel out of your depth here and there, just push but it’s mostly smooth and fun 

  2. 1 hour ago, Shebeen said:

    benky slept somewhere in the bustling metropolis of Khauseb (they call it Nam Vegas) from 12- 3am, abdullah came through about 20minutes beyond him and pushed through.



    abdullah stopped for 2 hours from 6-8am on the side of the road here, Benky came past 30minutes after he got going again



    riding speeds are very similar. If you look at Rosh Pinah to Khuiseb yesterday afternoon, they did the 166km about at speeds of 20.24/20.37 km/h (KB/AZ) with Benky about 30mminutes ahead most of the way.

    Fresh on a Saturday morning after 8 hours sleep I do 50km at a similar average speed

  3. 1 hour ago, Shebeen said:

    they rode together for much of yesterday, and stopped/slept in the same packing lot for a good 7+ hours last night. 3rd place is well back!


    Looks like BenkyBoo got a 10minute gap finishing out of the border post, which he held till aussenkehr, where they both stopped. Benky stopped for 25mins, Abdullah an hour.


    The gap is about 30mins now, clearly the truce is over and the RACEWIN is goal 1.

    only 900 nam km to go!


    This is textbook racing, call a truce until the last 800km sprint 

  4. 16 hours ago, Carmichael said:

    Anyone know where in SA i can buy something like this?


    Ciovita has brought one out, maybe the best “gravel” shirt I’ve seen - was at my lbs and I’ll say the same thing I said to them, bloody nice but I can get 9 flannel shirts (and have done) at picknpay pay for the same price 

    summer is coming so I might hack off the sleeves 

  5. I love gravel bikes, ugly ones, confused ones, racy ones even spez ones 

    the niner made me send them an enquiry to which they never responded thankfully

    I have yet to see one I prefer to my curve and this one definitely ain’t it - I should see a few around soon as I live in S country. 

    Good luck to them, creating a need where there isn’t or maybe is one 

  6. 29 minutes ago, Fillipe said:

    I settled on a Avalanche Reflex 3 29er. Large frame for 5.5k at the LBS.

    My nuts just just clears the crossbar. 😂 

    Took a quick shakedown ride. 2km. Shees. One does not forget how to ride a bike but I could feel I havent ridden a bike in ages. Already got a puncture. 🤣 Took it back and they put some slime tubes and tire liners. 

    Lets see how that holds up. 

    Bike is not heavy. I can pick it up pretty easily. Gear changes are smooth. "Shitty" mechanical disc brakes works well. Overall, for someone with no recent experience with a bicycle I am happy. Wanted to do a 20km ride this morning but its raining cats and dogs. 

    Bike is still new so everything works lekker. Will give feedback after a couple serious rides about quality and how the components holds up. 

    The regular spot where the guys ride is a bit dodgy at the moment. Cyclist got killed in the plantations. 🤨

    See ya!



    Great that you have a bike and hope you drop that weight and have fun and ride in your wife beater and crocs but please wear a helmet.  Just one serious suggestion  now though, your photo has to be taken on a couch or you’ll get a puncture everyday and your gonads will permanently rashes




  7. 1 hour ago, dave303e said:

    There are a lot of circumstances when one should not be wearing gloves. Any rotating machinery for example where a glove can get caught and pull you in. Worth having a read up on when and when not to wear safety gloves. 

    like putting in decking screws in my case and having my gloves pulled off - I am well pretty well aware of when one shouldn't wear safety gloves and they can actually be dangerous, much like long beards. My comment was tongue in cheek

  8. 2 hours ago, dave303e said:

    sounds like fun and games. Thanks for the tip, I must be doing it right as I have done one of my eyebrows with CA glue and it is 100%. But nowadays it is usually just used on hands.


    nowadays it is usually on my hands..... sounds like you need preventative measures, perhaps gloves?


  9. 7 minutes ago, zeerpuD1 said:

    E- Bikes are allowed for a lot of races. For most of them your time does not count at the end (so you ride it for the fun, as it should be, but ride as hard or as slow as you want) Jakhals Events now have a special category for e-bikes (price money, etc) Trans Baviaans also allows e-bikes to take part with special drop off points for xtra batteries. But as with the Argus and some other seeding races your time does not count to get a  better seeding(as it should be).

    I ride an e-bike and enjoy taking part in races. Have been riding for over 50 years now and e bike make it possible now to still be able to take part in long distance races. Did the K2C the past weekend and the only comments I got was “Yee, I wish I had one of those” (Mid part through the race on the long uphill drags) Not one negative comment. 

    I thought ebikes weren’t allowed at K2C 

    there were a few and the negative comments were many but probably difficult to hear over the engine 

    I have no problem with ebikes and my semi regular riding partner has one  - he’s a large unit and rides hard but he didn’t ride K2C as he told me it didn’t have an ebike cat 

  10. On 9/24/2022 at 8:16 AM, DJR said:

    For the first time in well more than a decade, I am in a bit of an unusual position when it comes to deciding whether to enter or not. I am the only one of Team DJR who will be available to ride, come March. My older D is studying in Europe, and I don't know if he'll be able to come home then. My younger D is finishing his postgraduate studies at the end of this year and heading off, probably into Africa, afterwards. I'm not so sure I'm into riding this as a one man band anymore. It's a weird feeling to have after so many years of simply entering almost as per default setting. It was always the one day of the year that I could tell you exactly where I would be and what I would be doing.  I'll sleep on it I guess. Perhaps riding it alone again after all that time, will bring back memories of a much younger and faster me? I suppose I'll up the riding a bit ....... just to be ready for whatever!

    Ride it for them and of course you’ll ride

    and if you feel lonely chat to one of the 25 000 around you, fix punctures, push people up hills

    all with be well in your world if you ride DJR

  11. 6 hours ago, 'Dale said:

    Not lekka, assuming it’s true


    As with life it’s a bit more nuanced than the clickbait moral outrage headlines

    France are taking all categories and everyone including team management is going economy. In fact the president of French cycling isn’t going to save money. Team manager Tommy tongue Voeckler is in economy 

    The 2 time defending world champion mens team is flying business class in the hope it helps in what they believe is a realistic title defense.

    No story really but in this day an age of moral outrage I’m sure we’ll hear more 


  12. My experience with a fellow hubber deserves to be highlighted given the amount of stories of rogue traders and scammers recently.

    A guy posted some pictures and requested a valuation of his Colnago C40 recently.  There were some responses and I sent him a DM wherein I told him what I thought the bike was worth and offered him a bit less but a fair deal which he accepted.

    Over the last year I have sold off my bikes, shrunk my bike room and the last one to go of the vintage bikes was my C40 - I regretted that decision so when this one popped up I grabbed it despite not really riding on the road apart from the 2 pre CTCT rides and then the actual lap around the peninsula.

    Anyway this hubber went out of his way to pack up the bike despite no rush.  I probably unwisely paid by EFT.  Said hubber let me know I could collect and I sent The Courier Guy to collect and deliver to my LBS.   Having started a new business I'm keeping things lean and didn't want the bike delivered home.  I can't be directing the family to be financially responsible and then be buying vintage bikes now can I ?

    I'm working away during the week and my LBS called to say the bike was spectacular but the 9 speed Campy groupset wasn't working properly.  I was a bit miffed because I thought I'd bought ten speed and a working bike.  I do know that it was on a wall and too big for the seller so I sent him a whatsapp politely expressing my dismay.

    What has followed during the week is a reminder to us all that there are good people out there who place reputation and doing the right thing above money.  In fact @Barry was insanely generous in his offer to ensure my new bike was what I wanted.  I say insane because when I realised what kind of guy I was dealing with I said don't worry we'll hunt the parts and sort it out no rush.  Nope Barry wanted things right and as we couldn't find a record 10 groupset instantly he went and bought and packed up a gorgeous complete bike with the Campy record I wanted.  Bike is being collected and I'll end up with 2 bikes and Barry has lost money on this deal so far.

    I'm obviously not going to keep the other bike and will swap the parts, get the new one perfect, sell it and get Barry as much back as I can.

    But @Barry you are a gentleman and have incredible ethics.  You are slightly mad as this was beyond what needed to be done but much appreciated. 

    I will post pics of the bike/bikes when done

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