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[Event] Cape Town Cycle Tour 2018

Pure Savage

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doubt it. 

Aunty Mays sitting on Facebook always have alot to say, but when any action that requires leaving their keyboard is needed then they're to busy taking the pooch for a perm.


Yes, but what if they're also vegan?

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Looks like the protest demographic on 11 March is going to be different than last year...


Keyboard warriors and facebook tannies are just that, criticise from far, but offer no real solutions. There is a better chance of my 60 year old father in law doing a sub 3 this year than those people doing anything other than sitting and flapping their electronic mouths

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Wonder if the Cape Epic entrants are also so concerned as CTCT entrants on the water issue? :ph34r:

In terms of numbers of participants the MTB events are tiny compared to the CTCT. The Epic does take a week I know this so you could I suppose multiply the entrance by 7 to give a more accurate water use. I am not sure of the Epic route for 2018 but I am sure it also uses water from other towns not on the Cape Town water grid - for argument sake Stellies is not on the Cape Town water grid.

Edited by Icycling
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Wonder if the Cape Epic entrants are also so concerned as CTCT entrants on the water issue? :ph34r:


Probably not, they used to run out of water long before talks of Day Zero even began anyway.

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So who's got there seeding? I'm in 4D








I just did that to stop the incessant whinging about the water situation. 


Nope haven't got mine, are the emails going out already?  Do you maybe have a link?

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The wind seems to be in full training now - forget 3 days on and 1 day off, it's more like 1 week on and 1 day off. We can only hope bye the day its so over trained it can't muster up even a breeze!

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Keyboard warriors and facebook tannies are just that, criticise from far, but offer no real solutions. There is a better chance of my 60 year old father in law doing a sub 3 this year than those people doing anything other than sitting and flapping their electronic mouths

Put him on the back of a tandem. 2016(last proper length race) my toppie was 60 and we did a 2h57m.

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