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Coronavirus lockdown and exercising outdoors

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It just shows how beaten down and broken Joe Public has become.  So scared to upset the political overlords.  Looking for reasons not to go out .  Reminds me of animals that are to scared to be set free after being locked in a cage for a long time.


I guess then the govt has succeeded in becoming the authoritarian state it has always yearned to become.  Seriously people need to wake up and grow a pair and take our country back. 



A nation suffering from Stockholms' Syndrome

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Sadly I think many parents return to work tomorrow and the opportunity they had to enjoy this may be lost but hopefully they'll at least still use weekend mornings!

Doubt it. Now that freedom of movement isn’t restricted, they’ll all return to happily slouch on their fat asses in front of the tv and dwelling around in the malls.

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Doubt it. Now that freedom of movement isn’t restricted, they’ll all return to happily slouch on their fat asses in front of the tv and dwelling around in the malls.


This morning there were less than half the people than last weekend outside ...


The novelty has worn off ....

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I'm actually loving this 6 to 9 time slot. It's even better once you stop giving a **** about the 5km radius. I'm probably going to stick to those times now as it's a good match with my schedule and I got used to waking up earlier now.


Tomorrow I'm gonna go hit conties and hoogies yay can't wait :D

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I'm actually loving this 6 to 9 time slot. It's even better once you stop giving a **** about the 5km radius. I'm probably going to stick to those times now as it's a good match with my schedule and I got used to waking up earlier now.


Tomorrow I'm gonna go hit conties and hoogies yay can't wait :D


I was in front of the computer early in the morning .... serious work load at the moment.



I made the call to ride 7km to have a VidaE coffee .... and then I just kept GOING .... It was just one of those perfect riding mornings.  No wind, cool but not cold, air clear after the weeks rain, simply perfect .... but due to my late start I had to push to get my extra loops in and be back by 9 .... It was actually nice to have that push to keep on going at a decent pace ....

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This morning there were less than half the people than last weekend outside ...


The novelty has worn off ....


Spes Bona was just as busy, if not busier than last weekend.


Cyclist, runners, walkers galore. See people drive there with their cars, park and then go for the run/ walk. 

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Beautiful morning to be out. I'm not going to miss the 6-9 am slot. Back to my 7am-11am slot on sunday mornings and 13h00 to 16h00 saturday slot.

In the week I can at least add my nightride back to the schedule

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I'm actually loving this 6 to 9 time slot. It's even better once you stop giving a **** about the 5km radius. I'm probably going to stick to those times now as it's a good match with my schedule and I got used to waking up earlier now.


Tomorrow I'm gonna go hit conties and hoogies yay can't wait :D

A Friday morning coffee ride starts at 04:30, and we're all back around 6-ish before heading off to work. When one is used to riding that early, the 6-9 seems a little late.

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What I have learned about this virus, the subsequent rules and the way it's being managed, is that absolute statements most often come back to bite you in the knaates.


I think you are better off saying 'there MAY be a 5km rule, but it's pretty ambiguous in the new gazetted rules and open to interpretation' and then either stay withing said 5km or venture far and wide, knowing that there MAY still be an applicable punishment.


I'm definitely not going surfing on Monday. I will wait yo see what the reaction is from the local law enforcement. 


As much as I disagree with the petty rules and the sand in my weewa is now a pearl, I have a wife and child who need me and an afternoon in the chook just to bog some rail isn't worth it.


There is still a part of me that wants to openly rail against this utter nonsense, but another part of me says my family come first. I haven't quite broken yet.


One thing that completely riles me up is their continued utterance of 'scientific guidelines' influencing their decisions, yet churches. 


That decision makes all other decisions or justifications of what can and can't be made public 100% null and void. 


Just say 'we are keeping the beaches, parks and Mountain closed to mess with the privileged... Easy. At least it's honest

The scientific "evidence" is that there is a strain that likes the cold...! If that is the reason, then WTF did they allow the entire population to start exercising at 06h00 when the temperatures in a lot of the country are WAAAAAYY colder than Muizenberg and maybe even Llandudno on a winter morning!! Scientific evidence my arse!! 3 ring circus is what it is!!!!

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The scientific "evidence" is that there is a strain that likes the cold...! If that is the reason, then WTF did they allow the entire population to start exercising at 06h00 when the temperatures in a lot of the country are WAAAAAYY colder than Muizenberg and maybe even Llandudno on a winter morning!! Scientific evidence my arse!! 3 ring circus is what it is!!!!

A 3 ring circus would be an improvement, circuses are organised. This is more like putting the loons in charge of the looney bin
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A 3 ring circus would be an improvement, circuses are organised. This is more like putting the loons in charge of the looney bin

Was just going to say at the circus the clowns are not in bloody charge!
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Sadly I think many parents return to work tomorrow and the opportunity they had to enjoy this may be lost but hopefully they'll at least still use weekend mornings!


Until the "Department" once again delays the return of schools... 

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This morning there were less than half the people than last weekend outside ...


The novelty has worn off ....

Yissis on this side of the lentil curtain it seemed even more frenzied than usual yesterday and today.
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