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Coronavirus lockdown and exercising outdoors

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It was an observation wrapped in sarcasm. Not a recommendation....


If you had seen the Riot Police on the beach and the huge road block with rifle wielding soldiers in Hout Bay yesterday you'd revise that statement.


These okes aren't fking about.


No I'm not joking  and yes I saw both with my own eyes.

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You mean the South African mindset that says rat out they neighbour because its lekker to piss on his parade for having fun while harming no one, .while allowing more serious crime to simply go about its day to day business.


We seem to have a penchant for moralising and upholding unjust laws while flaunting the more serious ones..


reminds of the good old days when people used to take pride in phoning the cops because there was a "darkie" on Clifton beach while buying cocaine from their neightbour two doors away

The mindset of:


"I will choose to follow the rules that suite me while transgressing others that I deem "not important", and when somebody tries to talk to me about it I just look for the nearest transgression and point towards that: "Well what about....rape/murders/corruption/the poor?! Leave me alone, my drinking problem/speeding/drunk driving/riding without a face mask is not hurting anyone"


Don't get me wrong, going against the rules does have it's benefits for us in terms of "out-of-the-box thinking" and innovation.


But flouting the rules that are meant to allow us all to have a bit of outside fun while controlling this virus is not cool and you are putting me and my loved-one's life at risk if you ride past my house without a facemask, believe it or not.

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Sooo..... Getting back to the thread title.


How are you people going to train now that we are allowed outdoors? Realistically for me I'll at best get 1 1/2 hours in. I like my bed and I don't have a light. 


Are you still going to do indoors or are you going full analog?

Are you going to smash hills and intervals due to the limited time?

Are you planning your routes to take in hills or are you trying to smash as many kms as possible inside the 5km radius of treason? Or both?


I didn't do anything yesterday. I'm ok with that coz it was raining and I hate riding in the rain. Tomorrow the plan is a short 3km run and then swap out the running shoes for cleats and hammer some intervals until 8.45 and gap it for home. I'm on a Zwift program and I want to finish that but not at the expense of real riding.

Edited by Duane_Bosch
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In my opinion, people's anger should be directed at this totalitarian, corrupt, idiotic and petty government - not at people on Strava bending the silly rules to ride a few km's further.   Something that is doing no harm.  People are understandably fed up with this $%*t now.  Many have had their jobs and income and most freedoms taken away - and are just expected to continue as obedient little sheep. 

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You mean the South African mindset that says rat out they neighbour because its lekker to piss on his parade for having fun while harming no one, .while allowing more serious crime to simply go about its day to day business.


We seem to have a penchant for moralising and upholding unjust laws while flaunting the more serious ones..


reminds of the good old days when people used to take pride in phoning the cops because there was a "darkie" on Clifton beach while buying cocaine from their neightbour two doors away


Hahaha It is stunningly ironic how you promote zero accountability and then find it in you to still complain about the 'serious crimes'.

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I would just like to apologize to everyone in the country and on strava. I went 45 centimeters out of my 5km radius. I don't know what I was thinking when I did this unthinkable act. Please accept my forgiveness. I shall do 20 hail Mary's and 20 of the other ones too.

Have a good day.

'Let us know what prison food tastes like when you get out.'


Have a lekker day my friend [emoji12]

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To be honest what pisses me off the most is the fact that yesterday and this morning MOST people were not wearing their masks. So you end up breathing next to them or in their slipstreams, with only a buff out, that doesn't filter those particules, you do the right thing for others, but others spit at your face. That's the main reason why after 4 days of exercicing outside I'm quitting and going back to Zwift.


The cycling in group thing I don't care too much as you end up cycling passed tons of people anyways. If everyone was wearing a mask it wouldn't matter so much, but I'm not a virologist so I just go by the rules.


The people riding 15km away from their houses I don't care so much either, it's just a little frustrating that you do everything right but others think laws only apply to the sheep and they can just do whatever they want and maybe spoil it for everyone.


Anyways, if they take that right away from us, we deserved it since it came with guidelines and people don't seem to give a **** about them.

Edited by Jbr
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To be honest what pisses me the most is the fact that yesterday and this morning MOST people were not wearing their masks. So you end up breathing next to them or in their slipstreams, with only a buff out, that doesn't filter those particules, you do the right thing for others, but others spit at your face. That's the main reason why after 4 days of exercicing outside I'm quitting and going back to Zwift.


The cycling in group thing I don't care too much as you end up cycling passed tons of people anyways. If everyone was wearing a mask it wouldn't matter so much, but I'm not a virologist so I just go by the rules.


The people riding 15km away from their houses I don't care so much either, it's just a little frustrating that you do everything right but others think laws only apply to the sheep and they can just do whatever they want and maybe spoil it for everyone.


Anyways, if they take that right away from us, we deserved it since it came with guidelines and people don't seem to give a **** about them.

Absolutely understood.


Individuals putting themselves ahead of the tribe is an in grained no no. We needed this feature to survive. 


While the riding in groups spreads the virus things can be discussed, and I am sure it probably does not really make much difference. Its a branding issue. People will be quick to go to press about cyclists riding in groups.


The first story of somebody being arrested after lock down was about a cyclists, and they paint everybody with Lycra with the same brush.


Remember people love to hate cyclists, lets not give them more reason.

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Hahaha It is stunningly ironic how you promote zero accountability and then find it in you to still complain about the 'serious crimes'.




Its stunning how you draw false conclusions that suit your argument :whistling:

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it's just a little frustrating that you do everything right but others think laws only apply to the sheep and they can just do whatever they want and maybe spoil it for everyone.


Anyways, if they take that right away from us, we deserved it since it came with guidelines and people don't seem to give a **** about them.



If I can play by the rules, why is it so "difficult" for others to do the same.



Due to the disregard shown by others, I will also retreat to doing the majority of my training on Zwift and only go out to enjoy some fresh air in the very early morning when the majority of people are still in bed.

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The mindset of:


"I will choose to follow the rules that suite me while transgressing others that I deem "not important", and when somebody tries to talk to me about it I just look for the nearest transgression and point towards that: "Well what about....rape/murders/corruption/the poor?! Leave me alone, my drinking problem/speeding/drunk driving/riding without a face mask is not hurting anyone"


Don't get me wrong, going against the rules does have it's benefits for us in terms of "out-of-the-box thinking" and innovation.


But flouting the rules that are meant to allow us all to have a bit of outside fun while controlling this virus is not cool and you are putting me and my loved-one's life at risk if you ride past my house without a facemask, believe it or not.




ai here we go again with "the rules are the rules and we must just accept them."

You'd do well in a fascist society. That's not a slight against you its just that some people are made for following every rule unconditionally and others are made to question the validity of said rules.


So if the government legalised murder you'd go and shoot someone? Because you know, its the law and I must obey

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