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Coronavirus lockdown and exercising outdoors

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I'm going to just come out and say it - I have no sense of direction.  I grew on the beach and can only navigate if I can see the Ocean.  I got lost riding the Sani with a GPS and 4500 other riders around me.


This is brilliant because I would have ridden 5km on my garmin in various directions - looking at this I can get a long ride in and never be further than 5km from home.  

When to cop tells me I'm 17km from my house I'm going to show him this map


Now the hard part, early morning riding.  Flexi hours and working from home has made me soft


Thanks Morph


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1/4 of my circle forms ORT.


But I can still get a decent ride within the parameters.


Only problem is, I have to return to work tomorrow, so outdoor rides will be limited to weekends again.

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I'm going to just come out and say it - I have no sense of direction.  I grew on the beach and can only navigate if I can see the Ocean.  I got lost riding the Sani with a GPS and 4500 other riders around me.


This is brilliant because I would have ridden 5km on my garmin in various directions - looking at this I can get a long ride in and never be further than 5km from home.  

When to cop tells me I'm 17km from my house I'm going to show him this map


Now the hard part, early morning riding.  Flexi hours and working from home has made me soft


Thanks Morph


I can only look at that map and be insanely jealous of where you are living...

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Come on ..you have your permit to work have you not?


There is a clear difference between commuting and recreational exercise.

As per our office plan, I have been allocated Wednesdays as my day to be in the office if I need to do something in the office like print technical documentation or the like.


I will make the most of the opportunity to ride into work on those days, once I get my permit. It makes financial sense.

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If you felt what a mess my legs were after running around Stellies mountains a while back you'd know I had a proper laugh at that retort. 

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I'm going to just come out and say it - I have no sense of direction.  I grew on the beach and can only navigate if I can see the Ocean.  I got lost riding the Sani with a GPS and 4500 other riders around me.


This is brilliant because I would have ridden 5km on my garmin in various directions - looking at this I can get a long ride in and never be further than 5km from home.  

When to cop tells me I'm 17km from my house I'm going to show him this map


Now the hard part, early morning riding.  Flexi hours and working from home has made me soft


Thanks Morph

Dankie tog. Isn't there a pilot hubber from Hoekwil as well? For a moment I thought it was him!

Edit: It's Spokey. I'm missing the Southern Cape, wouldn't mind a cheesecake.

Edited by Blokman
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you going for a swim?


I'm going to just come out and say it - I have no sense of direction.  I grew on the beach and can only navigate if I can see the Ocean.  I got lost riding the Sani with a GPS and 4500 other riders around me.


This is brilliant because I would have ridden 5km on my garmin in various directions - looking at this I can get a long ride in and never be further than 5km from home.  

When to cop tells me I'm 17km from my house I'm going to show him this map


Now the hard part, early morning riding.  Flexi hours and working from home has made me soft


Thanks Morph

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Definitely nice bike riding weather tomorrow morning in Cape Town area  :clap:


Havent checked the rest of SA as it falls outside my 5km radius  :ph34r:


I was having a chuckle at that earlier - imagine it was p!ssing down tomorrow morning.

There would be a lot of hard core people braving the elements, but I would be standing at the door in my kit, bike in hand, looking at that rain and flipping a coin for soggy, cold wet freedom or purgatory on the trainer (again)

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Seems they should be able to sell much of what they ordinarily do?




Surely a big chunk of their products would classify as hardware? 


For sure. Depending on how hard shops are willing to suit the very broad terms to themselves I'm pretty sure almost everyone could be 'legitimately' open (whether its viable or not is a separate discussion). I said this on another thread but originally I didn't think half this amount of retailers would be opening at level 4. 

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Definitely nice bike riding weather tomorrow morning in Cape Town area  :clap:


Havent checked the rest of SA as it falls outside my 5km radius  :ph34r:

Damn awesome, and lucky you, Fishhoek!!! of all places, you have nice routes available. 


Time for me to dust off the road bike and do some laps tomorrow morning!!

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