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Coronavirus lockdown and exercising outdoors

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Until the "Department" once again delays the return of schools... 


Rumours abound that she who has no brain may announce a further delay.

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Yissis on this side of the lentil curtain it seemed even more frenzied than usual yesterday and today.


Wonder if it has anything to do with people driving their cars to popular spots ....


over crowding in some areas, and suddenly the neighbourhoods were QUIET ....



O-well, I enjoyed having less "traffic" along my route.  :thumbup:

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A Friday morning coffee ride starts at 04:30, and we're all back around 6-ish before heading off to work. When one is used to riding that early, the 6-9 seems a little late.

Even in winter ????
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The scientific "evidence" is that there is a strain that likes the cold...! If that is the reason, then WTF did they allow the entire population to start exercising at 06h00 when the temperatures in a lot of the country are WAAAAAYY colder than Muizenberg and maybe even Llandudno on a winter morning!! Scientific evidence my arse!! 3 ring circus is what it is!!!!

But saying 'science' then opening churches in the same breath.... It is beyond laughable.


What science guided that decision? There was an utterance of spiritual calm or some such. Well my spirit is calmed by getting barrelled off my face at Dunes and spending time up the mountain. Quite often alone.


I am currently firmly established in the 'severely angry' phase of dealing with this. It's not the fact that it's crippled my business and left my wife and I without an income. That anger is directed firmly at the decision makers telling big fat porky pies.


I have no agenda, I don't feel victimised and I don't believe the conspiracy theories being thrown around. I just feel like the opening of churches while keeping open areas closed has just completely nullified credibility of everything.


I feel as though I would potentially get uppity and would voluntarily fist fight these clowns making incoherent bleetings.

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So can you get it from urine spray Andreas?

No man, I was just gobsmacked that the dude was pissing while riding with people all over the place. I've never seen that before outside of a Pro peleton. Why would you piss all over yourself?
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Not sure this has been posted before, but it's an interesting read:




The Impact of the Global Pandemic on Human Activity: Part III

May 15, 2020

The Top Line

  • Total worldwide steps decreased by 12% in April 2020
  • Worldwide steps from just workout activities increased by 24%
  • More people are exercising, but in different ways, to make up for the coronavirus’ suppression of normal daily movement

Years from now when we look back at this pandemic, we will remember April as the month the coronavirus extended its debilitating reach to nearly every country, culture and community on Earth. While the ways in which it has affected our daily lives are many, we at Garmin have considered it our duty to analyze and report on the impact it’s having on human activity.


South Africa gets a mention - poor golfers. So it's official: indoor cycling is the new golf.

Edited by Frosty
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No man, I was just gobsmacked that the dude was pissing while riding with people all over the place. I've never seen that before outside of a Pro peleton. Why would you piss all over yourself?

Uhm because #strava!

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But saying 'science' then opening churches in the same breath.... It is beyond laughable.


What science guided that decision? There was an utterance of spiritual calm or some such. Well my spirit is calmed by getting barrelled off my face at Dunes and spending time up the mountain. Quite often alone.


I am currently firmly established in the 'severely angry' phase of dealing with this. It's not the fact that it's crippled my business and left my wife and I without an income. That anger is directed firmly at the decision makers telling big fat porky pies.


I have no agenda, I don't feel victimised and I don't believe the conspiracy theories being thrown around. I just feel like the opening of churches while keeping open areas closed has just completely nullified credibility of everything.


I feel as though I would potentially get uppity and would voluntarily fist fight these clowns making incoherent bleetings.


Science and Religion were never good bedmates 


Personally I was not too badly effected... no barrels or bottom turns and my cycling CTL went down by 40% (cannot stand the IDT) .. but at least I have not lost any income as i can work from home.


There are many Gov regulations that do not make sense but I try to see it as "learning to fly while in the sky already". it is certainly not an an easy position for Cyril Co Ltd to be in. 


Hopefully  things will pick up again or you and your business sooner than later... 




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Ok I'm going to say it. The SARS COV-2 Virus didn't do anything to us that other viruses don't do on a regular basis. Yes here's something new and yes its affected some people is ways we are only beginning to understand. But the virus didn't destroy livelihoods.

PISS Poor political posturing killed livelihoods.

Political opportunism killed livelihoods 

Economic disparity killed people.


I'd really like to stop the narrative that blames the virus for everything. Its not alive. We the people need to take a long hard look at what WE did well during this period.


We came together to help those in need even when the government tried to stop us.

We kept friends, family and even strangers businesses afloat as est we could and I don;t how successful we've been but WE need to continue to do this without the **** governance we have in this country. Take the power out of THEIR hands. We don't need BBBEE to tell us to uplift people outside of our immediate friends and family. If we can do it during a "pandemic" we can find ways to do it as regular business and leave the money grabbing ****s out of it.

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Science and Religion were never good bedmates 


Personally I was not too badly effected... no barrels or bottom turns and my cycling CTL went down by 40% (cannot stand the IDT) .. but at least I have not lost any income as i can work from home.


There are many Gov regulations that do not make sense but I try to see it as "learning to fly while in the sky already". it is certainly not an an easy position for Cyril Co Ltd to be in. 


Hopefully  things will pick up again or you and your business sooner than later... 




Thanks. Yeah, on the business side we will pull through via serious reinvention.


My gripe is just what on earth is driving the decisions. I understand it's difficult. I understand the uncertainty. BUT there is scientific proof that a group of people in an enclosed room has a good chance of spreading the virus. 


That is fact. 12 guys sitting 2m plus apart in the sea surely has less or the same spread potential? So why open one and not the other and tout science as your guiding hand?


It's lies and it's misguided.


I'm excited to be able to ride/run whenever I like in the 12 hour window. That is rad. But the regulations around what we can and can't do just puts a strain on those policing and on those being policed, and for what?


I suppose I would be ten thousand percent less angry if the same rules were being applied to everyone, but they aren't. Churches. Organised groups. 


Anyway... I'm going to hopefully get a decent ride in tomorrow. Maybe climb a few hills and take a poop in Cele's hat

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So many people including CSA questioning the unmentioned 5k rule that it'll probably end up being added again. You have to just shake your head..


Yip.... perhaps we deserve a Government that treats us like babies as many of us including CSA are clearly unable to read a basic Gov Gazette Notice. 

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