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The Beer Debate

Tree Hubber

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Everybody, (Well Almost) likes a nice cold beer on a summers day especially after a good ride. My question is "what are you guys drinking!" Has riding affected your choice of beer. If your planning to ride the next day but still having a Jol with your mates will you go for the Lite beers low in alcohol and carbohydrates or will you HTFU and go for the craft beers built for power and strength.


I am linked to two bar restaurants in the Overberg area (please don't ask me which as I'm not looking to self promote, but to get a snap shot of what you guys like,) one restaurant being in Greyton where obviously they have the Classic and the Epic where Castle lite seems to be a winner with the riders and going against convention pasta has been pushed aside for steak. Saying that has the trend has moved more towards Craft Beers where less is more.


Obviously allot of you guys and girls out there don't drink allot at all, as part of your training or just general healthiness but for those of you that do lets here what you like.


Please note drinking and riding can affect your performance.


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Whatever the beer question - the answer is Guinness. Kilkenny if there is no Guinness. Caffreys or Boddingtons if you're in danger of dehydrating to a crisp.


The problem with craft beer is that its gona all hipster/red wine - people drink the name not the product. Its a pity cos there is some fine craft beer out there!

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I drink non-alcoholic beer,prefurabily Bavaria.If not available will go for a ligh beer.Only alcohol I will wilingly consume is n Brandy+Coke.

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Personally I tend to drink Heineken or castle light. Kilkenny if I'm craving it. Craft beers are nice but what everyone said, gone hipster. Imported german beers rock.....I so miss Armourers in Boksburg. :(

Edited by Vangar
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I used to think that the price you pay for craft beer is just ridiculous... But with an avid craft beer brewer next door I have found myself now starting with a couple of craft ales and then moving onto the standard pilsner. The taste of craft is definitely worth the cost... I tend to favour the fruity ales... but I an definitely no hipster snob... It's taste and taste alone.. Just like buying a good bottle of wine

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So when you choose a beer it's not based on I'm a healthy cyclist therefore.. I'm going to drink healthy.... It's like damn I've earned some well deserved beer credits and i'm going to drink the good stuff. A recent study in the states has shown a 30% decline in sales of LITE beers with a 20% year on year growth in Craft.


For me a good beer after a great ride is what life is all about. Everything in moderation of course unless it's climbing in which case I'm downhill all the way to the pub.

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There is a lot of rubbish craft beer around, I have tasted every single one that I could lay my hands on, the nice ones are great, much better than the commercial beers, but the majority are too hopsy.

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