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Coronavirus lockdown and exercising outdoors

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Can everybody just calm the down to a mild simmer.


There is a difference between ACTUALLY going outside and having an online CONVERSATION about the real world impacts of going outside.


Having this conversation does not normalise it, it does not encourage it, but it does add some sense and logic to the situation. We should be able to discuss the merits of the rules imposed, in both directions.


This BS of simply shouting down anybody that doesn't fit in with YOUR version of what is considered acceptable by YOU is nonsense.


You cant tell people to act like grown ups by acting like children wanting to get their way. 

Edited by Patchelicious
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standign in the queue at the bank, this guy remarks: so I hear Prince Charles has covid. Just imagine the queen rubbing Vicks on his chest...


:D  :D  :D

Not a chance bru. She phoned him up and said You'll never be king motherf*%er

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We won't know what is over reaction until it's too late to react.


I wonder how long until the first hubber is infected.


It's a polarised intellectual exercise until .... it isn't.


Like everything, this has become too binary.


You are either a


"Go out within the mandate old person murdering entitled sociopath."




"Refuse to go outside within the mandate over reacting MSM gobbling panic perpetuating libtard."


Fun times.

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Ok I'm off to ride in Greece, the UK and Switzerland now.


In Hout Bay...


Edit. Sorry I'm doing a challenge on rouvy and for every challenge completed 1 Euro gets donated to the Veneto region in Italy. 

Edited by Duane_Bosch
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Flame suit on.


If I want to go ride by myself with no one else within 2m of me it really should be my own choice. And no I wont be doing anything stupid like going and riding the most technical trails around so the risk of me falling are 0.000001%. It would be on sand roads/single tracks so there is an extremely small chance I will get hit by a car. So chances of me needing a hospital bed are probably the same as me losing my mind and slitting my wrists after 3 weeks.... (joke ppl).... just in case


This is all blown out of proportion. The numbers are completely skewed because not every one with a snotty nose is being tested. We cannot realistically know that the death rate is as high as stipulated without checking everybody getting a test done.


Yes there is a risk but it is to the elderly. Lock down the ppl who are 60+ and let the rest of us get on with it. The majority of people getting critically sick and dying are people over 60. We can all take the old folks their shopping and whatever they need and leave it on their doorsteps, ring the bell and walk away. This should also not overwhelm the health services because the majority of younger people getting sick will either be asymptomatic or have a mild infection.


That way we still have a workforce in place to keep the economy ticking over as well as allowing the virus to spread which would help in building up herd immunity.


This thing isnt going to go away because we all locked down for 21 days. Whats the plan after 21 days? We going to lock out the rest of the world that still has COVID-19? If there is no vaccine and no immunity this is just going to keep coming back.


Fire away people.... :ph34r:



This just in from a mate in the UK:




So in response you may be right - you may also win the lottery or get run over by a bus in 3 weeks time. Odds are against this happening . Everything with this disease is managing the odds. Thing is we are all in this together and tracking people who have been there before us to see what they are doing.


There are some encouraging reports around antibodies from people who have had it (from my colleagues in the UK who definitely had it but weren't tested. Although both were seriously sick they refused to test them at all. Worst was similar to pneumonia. Told if they didn't think they were dying to go home).


There are encouraging reports about Wuhan being at 100% economic activity and that they are letting people out again.


The thing is its all really unknown so we need to understand that. There is no accurate science around what you are asking. We dont know. We can't say. There are no answers. So we need to do what we think is best and see what happens. You are the experiment. We could be wrong . Trump could be right to re-open the economy and accept the death rate as a cost of a virus. There was a Washington Post article saying the death rate is greatly overstated and given the amount of cases that are documented we would easily assume the amount of undocumented cases is much higher - 5 x or 10x IMO. I am not an expert.


There are concerning reports about potential second waves and things like that. TBH it really looks accurate to say we dont really know what the future holds so we need to adapt as best possible to a new normal which is disruptive. Like all change is, this is disruptive. the genie is not getting back in the bottle.


I am looking at the pictures of the army mobilizing which i think is great. However this is also different to the SA Army which i was in, Vastly different. THe chances are there will be some looting and some rioting. We do it well as SOuth Africans on any given day. THis will just make us up our game a bit more as its real.


So there you are in the middle of this on your fancy expensive bike . Chances are that some people may be resentful about you. Ad i think that given the situation there will be some live fire incidents which result in people dying just to prove the state is serious. There will need to be an example set.


So do you really want to enforce your constitutional rights to ride your bike in this heady mix of people.


And finally you will be out there on your bike whilst others (doctors and nurses and emergency people) who are busy fighting for other people lives are commuting to their places of work where people are dying daily (its going to happen). How do you think they will feel with your stance of solidarity whilst they are on the front lines of this war exposing themselves daily?


WRT your line about overwhelming the health system you just need to look at the videos of New York on Sky right now or of italy . Your choice.

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Did I just hear on the radio you can't go jogging now?

Indeed you can't. Confirmed in the briefing now. 


That was a bit of "fake news" as a result of the Health minister speaking out of turn earlier today. 



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Where did you receive confirmation from? We and everyone else is still waiting for the DTI's confirmation. Most are going by official company letters, but that doesn't seem too legit.

Okay, so I just returned from my local SAPS.


What you will need is an official company document in full colour, letterhead, the works.

Stating in full what you do and why you are considered an essential service provider.



Full name and ID of employee

Office address

Employee home address

Employee vehicle registration number

Hours expected to be at the office eg 8-5

Official company stamp


Our company just sent us a basic document with only our names and ID, stating what we provide.

Then we have some official SA Gov docs stating we supply critical medical equipment, etc, etc.


So, long story short, SAPS did not want to sign anything, for reasons I don't comprehend.

But at least stamped the docs.

I was told that if pulled over, these docs *SHOULD* be sufficient...

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My bigger concern is to the economy which was why I made point about people below 60 being able to continue keeping the lights on.


So yes I am more concerned about those who wont be earning an income during this period, who wont be able to afford food and end up starving, people who wont have jobs to go back to because the companies they working for have either had to seriously down scale or even gone bankrupt.

Have you thought about this. 


Jobs that dont have people to fill them ?


52 mil people in SA.= Rights?

If we apply the numbers of Italy a minimum of 6000 people will die, almost 4000 will be serious at any one time in ICU. 


Then if we factor in TB and HIV, that number could be what ? You tell me. 8000 people in ICU ? 

How does the hospitals cope with that, for the next 3-4 months while the "heard immunity" builds?

Do you even understand how heard immunity works? That the whole heard will have to get it and be sick first?


What does it help if you have a business but all your trained staff (some jobs takes months to train) is in hospital or at home recovering for 3-4 weeks?

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