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Assaulted by fellow cyclist- Cradle 6 November


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14 hours ago, Fred van Vlaanderen said:

Controlled anger can be a very powerful tool. There lies great power in harnessing it as a means to get things done and do what people think cannot be done. Uncontrolled anger is an enemy that is to be avoided at all cost.


Although we have in some instances veered off OP’s track, I feel that there has been powerful stories and discussion. 

Thanks hubbers for sharing!! 

It wouldn't be the first time something on the hub has veered in to therapy. It certainly gave me a vent to many of my inner discussions over the years I have been here and it is probably a loose community of people still even from the wild west days of yore with Sheriffs and sub plots etc. i know you guys are trying to commercialise this pace a lot more but i think this string is like the Xmas wish on radio stations. Its done a lot more good than you think.

OP: I think there is method in our madness and maybe a sub text that isn't evident. this is like an AA meeting for short fused people who are universally aghast at what happened to you but are identifying that this can happen and HOW it happens and that it could have, in a different setting and in the past, been them. If for some strange reason the perpetrator is here watching and reading these posts (not so crazy as its a crime that wants notoriety and bragging rights) or his mates are - also not so crazy, then theres a chance that you can flush him out by showing there is a way forward. He isn't a happy person and is a ticking time bomb. It either goes bang and he goes out in a blaze of glory or he redeems himself and addresses his demons through whatever channel he chooses.

WRT the other posts i think there is a lot of merit in what is being said:

- there is a base level of stress by just living in JHB that makes you hyper aware and your cortisol levels higher

- you then embark on a dangerous activity like cycling in a dangerous place, which raises awareness

- you get passed close by dangerous cars and threats to you are constant so you are hyper vigilant - pedestrians etc could all hijack you

- you then do an activity which requires high levels of exertion and is competitive which involves more adrenaline and exertion.

Given this its like adding igniter to propellant and add in the tribalism of cycling with bunches and groups etc.

Whilst i am aware that what is being said implies clear intent i.e. the attacker pursued the person and also assaulted him away from other people, this IMO is more pathological behaviour and a deeper psychoses. You aren't looking for approval from your mates and you had clear intent. thats seriously different. This is like a stalker identifying prey at a night club and raping on the wya home. very different. 

IMO as much as we would like to flush out the perpetrator they have done this before, its a modus operandi, their tracks are very well covered an di will also predict that when and if ever caught this will be the last person you expected to react like this. there is a level of malicious intent here that is deeper than all the trigger events we have been describing.

My 2 cents worth



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On 11/27/2022 at 9:00 AM, Adzmataz said:

When I was in School I had a massive temper and would often be involved in fights with other school kids. My Brother used to antagonise me and then run behind a door and phone our parents to say I was trying to hit him which made me see red, so one day I broke down the locked door and klapped him. It took him jumping out of a 2nd story window to get away from me and grabbing my father's Pistol to keep me at bay. I still remember what the barrel pushed against my forehead feels like, but even that didn't stop my rage I yelled at him to do it, and when he couldn't I told him he was too much of a p___y to do it. He dropped the gun (thank whoever you believe is up there) and broke down sobbing. That pulled me out of my rage and I was also sobbing uncontrollably. From that day on I have never hit another person or any living being (I was 15 at the time, I am 44 now) but I still have to work hard sometimes to stop the rage from rising. As an example 2 years ago a wooden cupboard door had been left open in my kitchen (just above my eyeline) I hadn't seen it and turned around to get something and the corner smacked into my head, before I could think I swung around and with 1 punch shattered it into pieces this freaked out everyone in the house including myself. I do not and will not own a gun, because as the cupboard door showed me I can't trust myself. No matter how much I think I have pushed that side of myself down or how much control I think I have over it. I'm 6ft3 when training and at peak fitness I weigh 100kg at my heaviest and least fit I was 140kg, I'm currently training again cycling, and gymming my fat ass off and am 120kg (I have knocked a Springbok on his ass by mistake. We were both running around a corner in opposite directions and collided, ie both our faults. When I saw who I was helping up and apologising to I was very surprised)

So I am very cognisant of the fact that if I Iose it I could probably kill someone with my bare hands without meaning to and it scares me and makes me try to be as zen and peaceful as possible, but it's something I have to work on for the rest of my life. 

I'm not excusing the behaviour of OP'S assailant at all. A1.5km bicycle chase should be enough time to realise you're out of line and should calm the f down and turn around. Hell even a few seconds should be enough time to wind yourself down, especially as an adult. 

Sorry for the wall of text and questionable punctuation and going off topic, but after reading Ouzo and other's tell of their personal battle's with the inner rage beast. I felt the need to add my own. I have only told a tiny handful of people in my life about it, because I'm deeply ashamed of that part of myself, so it's cathartic to let it out.

OP I hope you're attacker, feels enough shame for his actions and has the integrity/backbone to come forward and take responsibility and face the consequences. For you and for him because if he can't self regulate, he needs help desperately before he kills someone. 

wow. heavy stuff on a monday morning,(but when is the right time?). My counter here is that if you've only told a handful of people it's because you've been able to control your angry tendencies for them not to become an issue in public/social circles. This is commendable on its own.


Theorising abut what this attacker is doing now is probably all we can do until there's some further real world updates. I think he could well fit the mould you've described her and is too embarrassed to be publicly known as the person who cause this, and that's before the actual cirminal case on his actions. The chances of him coming forward now on his own volition seem to be reducing as each week rolls by, BUT the people who know him and are reading this must surely know that by hiding him they are not helping.

Not helping the OP who has been attacked.

Not helping the next possible victim.

Not helping the attacker himself who probably needs the most help of all.

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13 minutes ago, Shebeen said:

Not helping the OP who has been attacked.

Not helping the next possible victim.

Not helping the attacker himself who probably needs the most help of all.

I couldn't agree more with this. 

Not helping him is like hoping a drug addict is going to come right of their own volition, i.e. a pipe dream. More than the fact he needs to take responsibility for what he did, he needs help. A man of this calibre doing the kind of harm to others that he did to @FondTF2 is a ticking timebomb. 

He will one day just detonate and go further than he intended. 

There are never any winners when that happens. Lives get wrecked for no good reason. 

If anyone reading this thread knows who this guy is, please do the right thing. This guy has the innate ability to cause great tragedy and he needs help. He could just as well do this while driving with his family in the car, and find out too late that there are more people like him in the world. I pray this never happens to him, but with a temperament like his, the odds are not in his favour.

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2 hours ago, Prince Albert Cycles said:

Having followed this thread from the beginning I am just grateful that after 35 years on my bicycles I have never been bliksemed by a fellow cyclist 🤪

I cant see many road rage incidents in the main drag of Prince Albert unless there is a major Olive Oil spill or someone gets in front of you in the queue for koeksisters at the bakery #justsaying. Jhb is next level stressed IMO.

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14 minutes ago, Paul Ruinaard said:

I cant see many road rage incidents in the main drag of Prince Albert unless there is a major Olive Oil spill or someone gets in front of you in the queue for koeksisters at the bakery #justsaying. Jhb is next level stressed IMO.


Heyyyy ... Apple Pie at Lazy Lizzard is serious stuff !! :P

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This is such a mess.

Nobody leaves home thinking that it would be the day they get so violently assaulted.

It’s assault GBH.

I sincerely hope that any of his friends, who might see this thread or anywhere on the multiple socials, do right by him and the victim by releasing his information to he SAPS.

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1 hour ago, Wyatt Earp said:

This is such a mess.

Nobody leaves home thinking that it would be the day they get so violently assaulted.

It’s assault GBH.

I sincerely hope that any of his friends, who might see this thread or anywhere on the multiple socials, do right by him and the victim by releasing his information to he SAPS.

Holy smoke he's back. Haven't seen that name on the hub for many a year. Unless you are an imposter.


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20 minutes ago, Paul Ruinaard said:

Holy smoke he's back. Haven't seen that name on the hub for many a year. Unless you are an imposter.


Awhile back someone mentioned getting Mike Bolhuis, the sheriff might be the next best 😁 

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1 hour ago, Wyatt Earp said:

This is such a mess.

Nobody leaves home thinking that it would be the day they get so violently assaulted.

It’s assault GBH.

I sincerely hope that any of his friends, who might see this thread or anywhere on the multiple socials, do right by him and the victim by releasing his information to he SAPS.

One can only hope.


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@FondTF2 Im really sorry to hear about you and your family's ordeal, iv'e been following this forum from day 1! and check in each day hoping that that **** has been caught. Sadly, it seems he is still lurking out there somewhere.

This rage issue in SA is a serious problem! As a motorcycle and MTB rider, I have seen the attitude of some roadies out there, I don't mean to offend anyone because I know it's probably 1% or less riders being dicks on the road, but it's that 1% people remember. Just last week in 3 rides heading up Kloof Nek to get to the trails, I greeted (And counted) 6 dudes over the span of that week and wait for it.. not one person greeted me back. I drive a Subaru and Subaru owners say howzit in traffic just on the basis that we drive the same car, doesn't take much to be courteous. 

I have been cussed out for riding my motorcycle at the speed limit along Victoria Drive in CPT I would say around 12 times in the last few years, and whilst guiding a tour with some foreigners along Chapmans Peak, a friend of mines wife pulled over after the toll gate as we regrouped whilst the okes paid their toll, and a middle aged guy riding solo figured it was too much work to ride around her and instead told her to "Get the **** out his way"... she said something back to him, and then he stopped and squared up with her... then quickly realized it wasn't a HE and then quickly got back on his bike like a coward and cycled away before he caught a beating from her husband. (And I promise he would have re-arranged that man if he laid a finger on her)

Moral of the story is, we all out there trying to enjoy this beautiful country on whatever craft we choose but there a small handful of individuals who like to make everyone miserable.

The culprit will hopefully receive what he deserves, hopefully he faces the full brunt of the law! and if not, I hope someone teaches him that there is always someone bigger and stronger out there. 

 rule of thumb: Don't be a Dick!

@FondTF2hope you heal up soon bru!

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All these excerpts makes me wonder if the road environment doesn't do something to one's mental state. On the trails I'm usually happy as a clam and very relaxed, as are fellow riders.

On the road on my morning commute, everyone is in such a foul mood and quick to anger. Myself included. It's contagious!

Would really be worth a psychology paper or two. "intermittent explosive asphalt syndrome".  

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