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Coronavirus lockdown and exercising outdoors

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Another cool option for the new IDT owners




The current global health crisis is impacting all of our lives in profound, unimaginable ways. While all of us at The Sufferfest and Wahoo Fitness know that there are far more important things than the next workout, we also know that there is comfort, solace, and meaning to be found in exercise. 

In these times of social distancing and isolation it's challenging to know how to improve fitness while protecting your physical and mental health. Over the past week, our world-class Sports Science Team brought decades of experience to bear on this problem so we could offer the Sufferlandrian community something truly useful.

The result? Our new ALL IN training plans.
These 4-week plans are designed specifically for athletes who aren't able to train outdoors or use gym/pool facilities. They place less stress on your immune system while leveraging significant cross-training to improve full-body strength and help you develop new skills. You'll come out of these stronger, more well-rounded athletes. The plans are:

  1. Cycling: Choose from 2-6 days of riding per week
  2. Multisport: Featuring new out-of-the water strength exercises
  3. Yoga & Strength Only: Time to get strong
  4. Yoga Badge Collector: Get your badge bling!

If you know non-Sufferlandrians who would benefit from these plans, please give them the code ALLINSUFPLAN. This gives new users 30 days of The Sufferfest free in addition to the standard 14-day free trial.

Go all in now so you can go all out later.

We're all in this together. #SufferfestALLIN

David McQuillen, Founder of The Sufferfest

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Bro. I could write a book about what you've just said there.


The reason Africa doesn't work is because there is no generally accepted set of rules that we all stick to. So every interaction (even something as simple as walking on the pavement) becomes a negotiation. This does 2 things.


1. It slows everything down. Traffic, business.

2. It creates an environment ripe for corruption because everything is open to negotiation.




The government issues a lockdown instruction and we all immediately start thinking of ways around the rule.

I have been saying this for years. Africa does not like rules, everyone thinks they are the exception and that the rules dont apply to them.


Rules are a common set of guidelines that allow us to understand what another person is going to do without needing to ask them.

Imagine if cars didnt have indicators(BMW drivers *cough*) then how would you communicate with other drivers that you intend to turn in a manner that doesnt slow down traffic?

The same applies for most other things, following the rules allows you to get on with life in the least disruptive way.

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I have been saying this for years. Africa does not like rules, everyone thinks they are the exception and that the rules dont apply to them.


Rules are a common set of guidelines that allow us to understand what another person is going to do without needing to ask them.

Imagine if cars didnt have indicators(BMW drivers *cough*) then how would you communicate with other drivers that you intend to turn in a manner that doesnt slow down traffic?

The same applies for most other things, following the rules allows you to get on with life in the least disruptive way.


Was that a dry cough????

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Agreed orthodoxy of all kinds must be scrutinised but I'd still advocate not going to gym and staying home over putting my faith in my high fat keto diet and it's immune boosting possibilities. And if I knew that it does strengthen the immune system which it does seem to do then I would definitely practice both.


It's not his diet I have an issue with - it's the magical thinking that he is immune to a threat because [fill in the blank here]. It's like having a talisman - the big issue seller at the robot wearing the same pair of rubber gloves for three days running. Religiously put on each morning to keep her safe. 


I followed Noake's lore of running marathon training programme when I was an overweight 22 year old and ran marathons for a decade and a half using the knowledge his book gave me so I'm disappointed that his thinking seems less scientific and woolier than it was.



But he's not saying anything untrue. What he is saying is just swimming along a different path to the national rhetoric. We're all going to follow our diets anyway and exercise at home.

We should never allow herd mentality to stop your intellect from questioning everything

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I have been saying this for years. Africa does not like rules, everyone thinks they are the exception and that the rules dont apply to them.


Rules are a common set of guidelines that allow us to understand what another person is going to do without needing to ask them.

Imagine if cars didnt have indicators(BMW drivers *cough*) then how would you communicate with other drivers that you intend to turn in a manner that doesnt slow down traffic?

The same applies for most other things, following the rules allows you to get on with life in the least disruptive way.



Problem is that not one person is in prison after the whole state capture saga. Many people (incorrectly) believe that politicians don't have to follow rules / laws they don't have to either. I think a lot of people will break the law as they think they are entitled too. Hopefully people start looking at the bigger pictures but looking at the Makro ques I have lost some faith

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· You will not be allowed to go jogging in public.

· You will not be allowed to walk your dog in public.

Well that sorts out that debate

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· You will not be allowed to go jogging in public.

· You will not be allowed to walk your dog in public.

Well that sorts out that debate



Any indication whether we can jog to the shops to get necessary groceries or will it have to be done at a walking pace?


Not looking for excuses to do exercise. I'm all for following the rules. Just don't want to waste it in a car, if I don't have to.

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Any indication whether we can jog to the shops to get necessary groceries or will it have to be done at a walking pace?


Not looking for loopholes to do exercise. Just don't want to waste it in a car, if I don't have to.


I reckon you'd be looking for trouble.


If this is to work properly, guidelines on what you can do:

1. Is it necessary for survival? Yes, then you can do it.

2. Does it serve a specific purpose of the lockdown? (these jobs have been stipulated). If yes, then you can do it.

3. Treat yourself as though you're infected, and treat the virus as though it is more contagious than it is. Everywhere that you go and everything you touch becomes an infection site for others. IMO Grocery stores should have the rule that if you touch it you buy it. But if you walk 2km to the shop, then you should treat that path you walked on as contaminated for 24h (I know its not, but I don't know where you sneezed / coughed etc).


My money is on this being extended to a minimum of 6 weeks because South Africans are generally oblivious to how their actions affect others.

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I reckon you'd be looking for trouble.


If this is to work properly, guidelines on what you can do:

1. Is it necessary for survival? Yes, then you can do it.

2. Does it serve a specific purpose of the lockdown? (these jobs have been stipulated). If yes, then you can do it.

3. Treat yourself as though you're infected, and treat the virus as though it is more contagious than it is. Everywhere that you go and everything you touch becomes an infection site for others. IMO Grocery stores should have the rule that if you touch it you buy it. But if you walk 2km to the shop, then you should treat that path you walked on as contaminated for 24h (I know its not, but I don't know where you sneezed / coughed etc).


My money is on this being extended to a minimum of 6 weeks because South Africans are generally oblivious to how their actions affect others.


Sensible approach.


Somewhat related. I might have missed it but the press coverage and regulations have been a bit vague on non-motorised transport. Not everyone has a car or can afford to run it right now. I'm assuming that is alright if you don't have any other means of moving around.

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Any indication whether we can jog to the shops to get necessary groceries or will it have to be done at a walking pace?


Not looking for excuses to do exercise. I'm all for following the rules. Just don't want to waste it in a car, if I don't have to.

The idea I imagine is to make as few trips as possible when absolutely necessary.  So one car trip rather than 3 or 4 jogs to the store


Unless you own a trolley and jog with this......

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A valid question and one that I've been trying to track down the answer to, particularly as our residents association is planning to prohibit access to the area by pedestrians. They might have forgotten that not all residents have cars and as far as I can see, have a right to movement for food, pharmacy and grants etc.


Sensible approach.

Somewhat related. I might have missed it but the press coverage and regulations have been a bit vague on non-motorised transport. Not everyone has a car or can afford to run it right now. I'm assuming that is alright if you don't have any other means of moving around.

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The idea I imagine is to make as few trips as possible when absolutely necessary.  So one car trip rather than 3 or 4 jogs to the store


Unless you own a trolley and jog with this......

panic stealing of shopping carts in:













Edited by morneS555
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Sensible approach.


Somewhat related. I might have missed it but the press coverage and regulations have been a bit vague on non-motorised transport. Not everyone has a car or can afford to run it right now. I'm assuming that is alright if you don't have any other means of moving around.


Again, it's OUR social responsibility to do EVERYTHING we can to make this successful. It's not about what's convenient and what's not. If its vague and you have the means to contribute to a more successful lockdown, as far as I'm concerned it's your duty to do it.


Affording to run a car..... if you have a car and were planning on walking to the shops it's likely within 5km. 3 weeks of lockdown means at most 4 trips to the shops. 40km of car running costs in 3 weeks??? I don't buy that as a valid reason to walk to the shops.


Again, I think this is very simple. It's not about what you can/can't do/get away with, it's about what you should/shouldn't do.

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